Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"If you don't know anymore, you will die in your hands!"

Ning Tianlin laughed, as long as he didn't do it. What he wants to do now is to have a good talk with this little girl. After all, the opponent is the master with a combat effectiveness of more than 4,000. So far, he has encountered the highest combat effectiveness.

In addition, he has become his own Holy Spirit. No accidents, it is estimated that this life can not be separated. In the future, we must grow up together, support each other, and share common troubles.

Make good use of it, she will definitely be a great help for herself.

"How is it? The taste of the Holy Spirit space is uncomfortable?" Ning Tianlin asked with a smile.

In his mind, of course he knew what was going on. There is no time, no energy, no food, no air, no water. Except for the speed of recovery, it is a complete cage.

No different from a dog cage.

"who are you!"

"How do you know the secrets of our puppet family!"

It's just a little girl, how can I answer this kind of question, so that you can stay in the room all day and see nothing to try! And, although it was uncomfortable, her mind was not in this living space at all!

Staring at Ning Tianlin's huge bull's eye, he wanted to know what was in front of him! How would you know the secrets of their family!

Although it is a new born and is no longer a real puppet, but in his blood, there is still a part of puppet inheritance. Although there is no puppet's full memory, but the instinct is still there, and I know the glory of the puppet family!

Even from the moment she was born, she already had thoughts and memories, especially the purple sturgeon that swallowed so many humans, and those people's memories of the earth also came to her mind!

Knowing that this is Earth, a low-level planet that even the Universe has not advanced into! Even the existence of alien stars is still in an ambiguous state! How did the original residents here know about the Yi people?

You know, after all, a rare race is a rare race that many universe people don't know! To understand them, only those who have extremely high status and power in the universe!

Therefore, she is also very good to the bull devil in front of her.

Also, spit your own blood into the eggshell, and all eggshells should be full, unless you know in advance, you will never do this! This step ca n’t be almost the slightest. One millimeter is not stained with blood, and you ca n’t serve this person in front of you!

"Why can't I know."

Ning Tianlin laughed, of course he would not answer directly, let alone tell her, this is what the most powerful combat system in the universe told him, after all, he is really good so far. What is this combat system? Lu, why cultivate yourself.

And, in the future, he will let himself do something for him.

However, his face still has a very calm confidence, "Whether you believe it or not, the entire universe is not something I don't want to know, but it ’s estimated 50 billion years forward. As long as I want to know, no matter what the secret, Everyone knows! "

With the existence of a combat system, Ning Tianlin is not afraid to blow the cowhide, although in the larger, only the brilliance set off by himself can make this little girl look down!

Ning Tianlin also knew that although the little girl had lost part of her family's memory, she was still born and noble. The blood in her bones made her always like a white swan.

It is presumed that the other person's eye is a toad that does not deserve her.

At the end, Ning Tianlin asked actively, "I know what you're thinking, and I know that you don't agree with me, and feel that I am wronged by you, right?"


The little girl didn't speak, but she already expressed her thoughts with the breath in the nasal cavity.

Indeed, she is certainly not convinced. They are a tribe, and there is a precedent for being subdued, but those people, which is not a cosmic power, have caused a sensation in the world.

Although she is no longer a pure puppet, her future success may not be a pure puppet! Moreover, she also has a part of the memory of her blood, if not, she would not know what the Lord said.

But because of this, how can she let anyone with low combat effectiveness be the Lord! She is really unconvinced! If she had no choice but to swallow the eggshell, she would kill the monster in front of her!

"Miss is not short-tempered!"

Ning Tianlin smiled and didn't care about the other person's attitude. If he changed to him, he would certainly not be depressed. If he is now recognized as a boss with less than one hundred slags, he would never May agree.

But it was only an instant. Ning Tianlin opened his eyes wide and said, "But I tell you, no matter how noble your bloodlines are, you are now my Holy Spirit. This is an unchangeable fact!"

"You have only one way out now, obey! Absolutely obey!"

"If not, I don't mind locking you in the Holy Spirit space forever and being a display! I would rather be an obedient helper than Ning Tianlin!"

Ning Tianlin's mouth didn't open. His cold voice was directly in the other's mind. "And, you have to see the facts, you are noble, but you have to be clear, you are not a Hey, but he has lowered countless stiffs! "

"The combat effectiveness is only four thousand stiff!"

"Pure cricket, far too far!"

Ning Tianlin knows from the combat system that the purely born puppet can reach tens of thousands! And the little girl in front of her is only four thousand. There are many reasons, such as bloodline, and premature birth!

Without the digging of the grave and opening the coffin today, it would take many years for this little girl to be born, and by then, her fighting power would not be ready now!


When the little girl heard this, her face changed. Indeed, she is now not qualified for pride. Her blood is impure, her fighting power is only four thousand, and the pure difference is too far away.

But he continued to sneer, "What's the matter! My fighting power is low, but you Lord is too strong! If I am garbage, you are more garbage"!

The little girl herself didn't realize that what she said was terrestrial, which was also affected by some memories of the earth left by those who were swallowed by Zi Zong.

"Good." Ning Tianlin nodded, "I'm not as good as you now, but you know how long it took me to have these three thousand points of combat power?"

Ning Tianlin will have to conquer this little girl this time. In this way, there will be a lot of helpers in the future. The answer is also patient. In the past, he never explained to anyone like this.

Note: This plot is almost over. .

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