Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 773: Look at funny monkeys!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Bronze man?"

"What bronze man?"

Ning Tianlin did not respond for a moment. What copper man is so powerful can increase 10,000 combat power in a short time, but also heard from the sentence of combat power, this thing was obtained from the tomb of Qin Shihuang!

This time, I definitely got something in the tomb of Qin Shihuang during this time!

"Just don't know, have you seen Qin Shihuang?"

Ning Tianlin had doubts, but did not ask about the combat system. Some things, whether he knew it or not, did not make any difference.

"Twelve Bronze Men!"

"At that time, Qin Shihuang collected the soldiers from the world and forged the twelve bronze men!"

"Six feet tall and one foot wide!"

Although the combat system's answer was simple, it surprised Ning Tianlin's heart, twelve bronze men! The Twelve Bronze Man that Qin Shihuang collected the soldiers of the world that year was really true!

It was also placed in the Tomb of the First Emperor!

"It's no wonder that when the Qin Dynasty perished, none of this thing appeared. It turned out to be in the tomb of the First Emperor!"

After years of exploration in the historical circles, it was only speculated that the tomb of the Emperor was covered with a large amount of mercury, but did not know that even this 18-meter-high thing was buried underground.

"It seems that this bronze man is never easy!"

"It's far from what historians guess to guard the National Games! Guard the National Games of the Great Qin!"

Ning Tianlin didn't know what kind of secret method Bai Qi used to integrate the bronze person into his body, but by this point, we can see that this bronze person is very unusual.

"You mean, this Bronze Man has 10,000 combat power."

"The reason why Bai Qi now adds 10,000 combat power is a bronze man?"

Ning Tianlin guessed tentatively.


The combat system nodded, "A bronze man is 10,000 combat capabilities."

"These days, he plays in vain and only integrates this one!"

"The remaining eleven are still in the tomb of the Emperor."

The combat system even reported the remaining eleven bronze men's positions directly, the meaning is obvious, but of course it reminds him that the host, if there is time, hurry to merge the bronze men!

Eleven bronze men, each with 10,000 fighting power!

Taken together, it is 110,000!


Hearing here, Ning Tianlin breathed a little fast, and there was a gleam of light in her eyes.

Eleven thousand points of combat power!

This bronze man on Bai Qi was deprived, maybe twelve!

120,000 points of combat power, more than his comprehensive combat power today!

How could this not keep him moving!

As for the secret method used by Bai Qi, he is not worried at all. What kind of information may be difficult for others, but not for the combat system! And he Ning Tianlin, what he has to pay is some energy.

"That's it!"

Ning Tianlin decided to finish the work of the Chiyan black dragon, and went to the tomb of Shihuang Emperor.

Walking in the universe, it is still more effective to stand up!

Moreover, there should be more than this in the tomb of the Emperor! This mausoleum is the essence of the power of the country!

All things in the world can live in it. He would rather have nothing uncomfortable to plunder.


Just as Ning Tianlin's mind was turning, he was smashed into the Chiyan black dragon on the ground, and roared, soaring directly into the sky, towards white.

The severe pain in the head completely stirred its ferociousness!

But in my heart, I made some judgements of strength.

Although the combat effectiveness in vain goes a step further, it is not necessarily its opponent! The head was severely hit, but it was just dangling and left some blood, but it was far from fainting!

The increase in combat effectiveness is not terrible!


Flick the tail directly, just like the huge long whip, and fling it towards white!

Huge force, humming the entire air, dozens of times the sound boom!


His eyes narrowed and he did not hide! Staring at the huge tail!

He fought throughout his life and never avoided it when he had an advantage! His whole body is **** in battle!

A cold hum and a loud drink, "Kill!"

Body shot, clenched fist, rushed towards this tail!


The two collided with each other, and a trembling sound shook the world!

I saw Bai Qi's body of eighteen meters being pumped, golden blood in his hands, and the huge body of the black dragon more than six hundred meters. Exposing the **** flesh.

"Come again!"

After gliding for a few hundred meters, Bai Qi stopped his figure, his eyes flashed, instead of retreating, he shot violently and rushed towards the Black Dragon again!

But the black dragon also snorted coldly, his eyes glowed with bloodthirsty red light, rolled his figure, and took off towards white!


The mouth is spitting golden light like lightning! Clicking and clicking in the air!


In an instant, he hit Bai Qi.


Bai Qi's entire body started to emit black smoke instantly. The huge golden body directly turned into a black color, but this only made Bai Qi's figure paused and did not stop its footsteps. !!


Again, holding his fist, he slammed into the black dragon.


The black dragon yelled and yelled, but his body didn't move backwards. He resisted the scales falling apart. The flesh and blood sore spots opened his mouth and bite directly on Bai Qi's arm.


A torn sound, although he didn't bite off Bai's arm, but directly smashed out a large piece of flesh!

It just didn't bleed, it was all golden liquid!

Bai Qi didn't seem to feel the pain. He fisted again and banged fiercely on the body of Chiyan Heilong, letting the other party split the flesh again! It's just that Bai Qi learned well this time, and he didn't explode in another place, but still that part of the head of the Chiyan Heilong!

He has long been in the battlefield, of course, knowing that hitting ten places will make the other side pain in ten positions, it is better to break one finger!

I saw that under the tremendous force attack, the head of the black dragon had a tendency to sink.




The two are similar to each other. One is more dead than the other, and it seems that they are fighting each other, who can finally persist. Although this is not what they want to see, there is no other way.

Today, either you die or it dies!

Who has made them see that they are quite capable!

It was just that the two men who were fighting did not notice at all. When they were fighting, a figure had appeared quietly not far away from them, and they looked at them so quietly.

A slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Like watching a funny monkey.

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