Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 785: Earth people, too weak. . . . . .

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


"Young dragon!"

"The 500-meter-long Chiyan black dragon is actually just a young dragon less than two years old!"

Too many people were shocked by this news. Such a behemoth is less than two years old!

Oh my God!

Fortunately, I met him at this time. If he grows up, who can be his opponent!

"The dragon's life is long and long. Two years is just a blink of an eye for it. It can be as long as a thousand years, as many as tens of thousands of years, and hundreds of thousands of years before it can truly grow up!"

Ning Tianlin continued, "If you let this Chiyan black dragon grow up, let alone hundreds of thousands of fighting powers, that is more than one million fighting powers, it is all possible!"

"Just give it another two or three years, I'm not necessarily its opponent!"

Ning Tianlin didn't tell a lie, because if he gave the other one or two years, he really wasn't necessarily his opponent! During the growth period of the opponent, the combat effectiveness will increase very quickly!


When I heard this, everyone was breathing quickly, hundreds of thousands, millions of points of combat power!

This. . . . . . This is too scary!

If this creature goes down, it is estimated that the earth can be destroyed!

The heroes in the League of Legends have only a few hundred points of combat power! The two are too different!


But at this time, Ning Tianlin's voice turned around and said loudly, "And what I want to tell you is that there are many types of dragons, and there are pugs, Jingba dogs, Teddy dogs, wolf dogs and the like!"

"The classification of the Cosmic Dragons is as high as tens of thousands!"

"The Chiyan black dragon is only at the low end of the dragon family, and it is not up to grade!"

"The real top dragons in the universe, ten million points of combat power, 100 million points of combat power, are all possible!"

"They salivated, maybe they could flood the earth!"

Ning Tianlin didn't know whether he was right or wrong, part of the facts and part of the speculation. The reason he said this was just to expand things and let all Chinese people know what kind of race this is!

What kind of universe are they on earth!


Almost all Huaxia people, including too many leaders, heard it here and swallowed their throats involuntarily!

This. . . . . . This is too scary.

This Chiyan black dragon is so powerful, it is just the end of the dragon family!

If you come to a top dragon family, then don't you die!

Earth who is his opponent!

I'm afraid it will be destroyed!


Later, in the shock of the people, Ning Tianlin waved another hand and the light curtain moved, and the picture presented this time was not something else. It was precisely when Ning Tianlin was just resurrected and lying in the coffin, the combat system gave The picture he played!

A warrior, struggling back and forth in the void, destroying countless space battleships with a sword!

In the end, many robots flew out of his space ring, completely destroying the planet below!

Remnants are broken, blood is flowing!

The humans on this planet are far less fortunate than the Chinese, and almost none of them have escaped the slaughter of this sword-bearer!

Countless resources on the planet were finally looted by this warrior!


Subsequently, the picture was suspended, and the figure of the warrior appeared very clearly on the light curtain, and his side also showed the value of the combat power of the warrior, 28925!

It's 28,925!

"No, this kind of cruel man has a combat effectiveness of just over 28,000?"

"Not as high as this Chiyan black dragon?"

Too many people were shaken by the picture just now, because it was a one-sided slaughter, and all life died under the sword of this warrior and the machine life he released.

But how can this man's combat power be more than 20,000, and less than 30,000?

Is this kind of person so powerful?

"This picture is the one I just received. It is happening somewhere in our galaxy."

Ning Tianlin told a lie because he didn't know when and where it happened, but it wasn't important at all, and talking about it happening in the galaxy could even make everyone feel!

Because the earth is in the Milky Way!

This situation can happen elsewhere in the Milky Way, and it is likely to happen on Earth!

"I want to say that this situation, maybe sometime, will come to our earth!"

"If I weren't there, it wouldn't take 20,000, let alone 10,000, or even 2,000, he could destroy our earth!"

Ning Tianlin did not alarmist, because now the earth really can't afford any masters, with more than 2,000 combat power, is the deputy leader of the League of Legends, his friend Shi Xiaojun does not have.

If he is absent, a man with a combat power of about 2,000 will be like no one!

However, he knew faintly that this situation would not happen, because on earth, there is also a Yincaodi government, where there is a terrible existence! Ning Tianlin estimated that if it was time for life and death, everyone would have to lie down!

The strong in Yincaodifu are not vegetarian!

Even today, he may come to a judge, and with only one move, he has to lie down!

It's basically a class!

It ’s just that he is not sure what kind of attitude that Yincaodifu treats Yangyang. If it really cares, all people have died except China, and five-sixths of the entire human population on the planet has died. Shoot!

Also, hasn't the Yin Cao Di government been crowded?

With so many humans going in, they didn't react at all.

"It just seems to be in Yincaodi Mansion. I don't seem to have seen foreigners, all Chinese people."

When Ning Tianlin thought of this, he was even more confused, and he felt that this might have something to do with Yin Cao Difu's inaction.

"Can two thousand combat power be destroyed?"

"Let's ... Earthmen, too weak!"

Too many people were shocked by this data. It turns out that without Ning Tianlin, as long as two thousand, the earth can be turned upside down!

"What I want to say is that the two pictures just now are just two miniatures of the universe. Such things happen all the time!"

"It's like we are talking now, maybe somewhere, there is a fierce battle of extermination!"

Speaking of this, Ning Tian Linton paused, and said loudly, "This is what I want to tell you today, the universe is completely a universe of weak meat and strong food! Every time, it is fighting! It is not you who die I am dead! "

"And if you want to survive in this cruel universe, there is only one way, combat effectiveness! Constantly improve combat effectiveness!"

"Only with a powerful combat force can we have the right to speak and the right to decide!"

"Only when the other party comes, can't they be slaughtered by the other party! Can they be killed!"

(End of this chapter)

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