Invincible God of War

Chapter 1009: Intimacy, the hunt begins!

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"This can't tell you."

"Don't threaten me, because I promised him that no one can say, including my father."

"Don't force him to ask him, otherwise he will let me know and say I'm talkative."

Hao Gongzi said.

Wang You'er really wanted to threaten him, but he gave up when he heard this.

She still understands Hao Gongzi's character, and promises to do something for others, but if she doesn't understand it, she will feel uncomfortable like an ant is biting.


Her eyes lit up.

Since the threat is not enough, then come soft!

"Brother, you also know my personality. I have a very strong curiosity. If I figure it out, it will definitely go up and down all the time and it will be difficult to land."

"Just tell me, I promise you, never tell anyone."

"I don't believe it, I can swear."

Wang You'er stared pitifully, looking at Master Hao.

Hao Gongzi was very determined and shook his head: "No, no, I can't lose faith in others."

Wang You'er was immediately annoyed and angrily said, "Does it have to force me to use Meiji?"


"Aren't you embarrassing me?"

"I shouldn't tell you if I knew it."

Hao Gongzi annoyed.

"Yes, I'm not embarrassing you, but I still care about you like that before, the white-eyed wolf, and the light-hearted friend."

Wang Youer sneered, his face unhappy.

"Heavy friends over color?"

Hao Gongzi twitched and said angrily: "What do you want? My brother Mu and I are pure revolutionary friendship."

"What else do you explain about purity? Want to cover it."

Wang Youer sneered.

Hao Gongzi rubbed his forehead, unable to say: "Well, I admit defeat, you can say what you like."


At this time.

Another sound broke.

Hao Gongzi looked up and saw two figures breaking through the sky like lightning.

Hao Gongzi's face suddenly burst into joy.

Because it is Qin Feiyang.

But when he saw Wang Zicheng next to Qin Feiyang, the joy on his face dissipated instantly, and he was full of surprise.

"How could this **** be with him?"

When Wang You'er looked up, he was angry on the spot.


At the bottom of the pond, Da Han and others also opened their eyes again and looked at Qin Feiyang and the two of them.

"It's him!"


The murderous man in the eyes of the scarred man came out.

In addition, the nine burly giants also showed their fierce glances.

At the same moment!

Qin Feiyang also saw the islands outside the sea, but the two of Hao Gongzi and Dahan Dahan did not notice.

Wang Zicheng glanced at the island and said with a smile: "The end of the island is the Inland Sea, the guy should have already entered."

The guy in his mouth meant the young man.

Qin Feiyang looked up at the Inner Sea, suddenly a trace of suspense rose in his eyes, but he saw the sky of the Inner Sea, with thick clouds and lightning and thunder.

Although the distance was still far away, he could already hear the thunderous thunder.

The surface of the sea is also a violent storm!

With the open sea, it is simply two worlds.

Wang Zicheng said: "It's shocking!"

Qin Feiyang nodded and frowned, "What's going on?"

"I do not know either."

"But between the inner and outer seas, there is an invisible barrier."

"This barrier goes deep into the sea."

"Whether it is the storms in the Inland Sea, or we humans or sea beasts, we can't cross this barrier."

"The only entrance and exit is this island."

Wang Zicheng explained.


Qin Feiyang was surprised.

It was completely unexpected that there was such a thing between the inner sea and the outer sea.

Wang Zicheng was silent for a while, and said: "But there are rumors that this barrier was laid by a god."


Qin Feiyang stared.


"It is said that a long time ago, a monster was born in Inner Sea."

"Listen clearly, it is not a mythical beast with the blood power of the mythical beast, it is a real god-level beast."

"But no one knows the specific beast."

"It is said that this animal is very ambitious. If it wants to rule this continent, it will lead countless sea beasts and invade our human world."

"It's conceivable how terrible the scene of these sea beasts invaded."

"It is said that in those few years, the earth lay dead in millions and blood flowed into rivers. Humans are not their opponents at all."

"Seeing that mankind is about to perish, a mysterious strong man suddenly comes."

"This man's strength is sky-high, and he fought against the mythical beast for three days and three nights, and finally finally surrendered that mythical beast, and drove all the sea beasts back to Qinghai."

"Later, the mysterious strongman laid an enchantment here to prevent those sea beasts from making a comeback."

Wang Zicheng said.

Qin Feiyang was stunned and said, "How do I feel so mysterious?"

Wang Zicheng said with a smile: "This is a legend. No one can prove that it sounds very mysterious."

Qin Feiyang nodded, but then shook his head again, saying: "Legends are not necessarily fake, but we just saw it with our own eyes."


"However, whether this legend is true or not, this barrier does indeed protect our humanity."

"Because the sea beasts of the Inland Sea, the lowest are holy beasts."

"If they start a beast tide, the consequences will be unpredictable."

Wang Zicheng said solemnly.

Qin Feiyang did not deny this.


He glanced over the island and frowned: "No, although the barrier can stop the sea beasts, can they come out of the island?"


"It is said that this island contains the will of the mysterious strongman, and only we humans can freely enter and exit, and the sea beasts of the inner sea, once passing here, will be instantly bombed."

"As for the sea beasts of the outer sea, you can also enter the inner sea through this place, but as long as you go in, you will never be able to get out again."

"It means that for the sea beasts here, this entrance can only be in and out."

"Because of this, our descendants call this island God Island."

"And God Island has a more magical phenomenon, no matter how you destroy it, you can't destroy it."

"The damaged place will be restored to its original condition the next day."

Wang Zicheng said.

"Is it so magical?"

These words of Wang Zicheng immediately aroused Qin Feiyang's curiosity.

He has heard a lot of anecdotes and strange talks in the world, but it is really the first time that such anecdote is heard.

After a moment.

The two finally entered the island.


Qin Feiyang stopped at the moment, and a look of consternation appeared between the eyebrows.


Wang Zicheng looked at him suspiciously.


By the pond.

The Scarred Han also shrank his pupils and murmured: "Did he find it?"

Above the mountain.

Wang You'er looked at Qin Feiyang and Wang Zicheng and sneered: "It turns out that things are gathered together and people are divided into groups."

Hao Gongzi narrowed his mouth and said: "Sister, I don't agree with this."

"Did I say you? You interrupted."

Wang You'er said angrily.

Hao Gongzi was dissatisfied and said: "I have been with him often during this time. If you say him like this, it means you are talking about me!"

"Less nonsense."

Wang You'er stared at him fiercely, looked at Qin Feiyang again, and grumbled: "Actually contaminated with that inferior embryo, see me not packing him today!"

Just pick up your clothes and prepare for a big fight.

But at the same time.

Hao Gongzi seems to have discovered something. He looked down at Dahan and others, and suddenly his face changed. He grabbed Wang You'er and secretly said: "Wait!"


Wang You'er was a little angry.

Pointing at Daohan and others, Hao Gongzi crossed the road and said: "Look at them, there seems to be a murderous spirit."


Wang You'er was shocked and immediately looked down, and he could feel a murderous sense in those people.

"Is their goal is Mu Zuzong?"

She withdrew her gaze and looked at Master Hao in surprise.

"Brother Mu is standing with the inferior embryo in your mouth, but their eyes have been locked on Brother Mu, obviously it is!"

Hao Gongzi said in a deep voice.

Wang You'er wondered: "This shouldn't be. He is now your father's disciple. Who dares to move him?"

"Don't worry about this, please inform Brother Mu."

Hao Gongzi said.


Over the island.

Seeing that Qin Feiyang lowered his head, he did not nibble, and Wang Zicheng also lost patience. He urged: "Brother, what's the matter? Just say something!"

"it's wired."

Qin Feiyang shook his head and mumbled.

"What's strange?"

Wang Zicheng was stunned.

Qin Feiyang looked up at Wang Zicheng and said, "As soon as I entered the island, I felt a special kind of taste."


With a black complexion, Wang Zicheng directly sent Qin Feiyang a big eye, and said silently: "You are dreaming, this is your first time, how could you feel kind?"


Qin Feiyang frowned.

He can be sure that this is not a dream, because that kind of intimacy is always there.

But Wang Zicheng is right, this is indeed the first time he came to Shendao, how could it feel like this?

"Don't delay time, let's go!"

Wang Zicheng dragged Qin Feiyang and flew towards the front.


The two went deep into the island five or six miles, only half a mile away from Wang You'er and Dahan Han.

With the deepening, the intimacy of Shendao to Qin Feiyang became stronger.

He kept his head down, thinking about it.

"Mr. Mu, be careful, someone will attack you!"


A raucous voice exploded in Qin Feiyang's mind.


He was suddenly excited, stopped instinctively, and scanned the mountains and rivers below.

"What's the matter with you?"

Wang Zicheng is going crazy.

Qin Feiyang didn't say a word, frowning slightly. If he heard it correctly, it should have been the voice of Master Hao just now?

"The people who want to attack you are at a pond half a mile away from you. There are ten people in total, nine nine-star war sages and one one-star war emperor."

That voice sounded again in Qin Feiyang's mind.

"Sure enough, it is Master Hao!"

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

I thought Son Hao and Wang Youer had entered the Inland Sea, but I didn't expect to wait for him here.

However, his appearance did not change at all.

He looked up at Wang Zicheng and preached: "We may be in trouble again."

"What do you mean?"

Wang Zicheng was suspicious.

Qin Feiyang secretly said: "In the front half a mile, there were ambushes, nine nine-star war saints, and one star one emperor."


"Why did I not see it?"

Wang Zicheng glanced at the letter suspiciously, and then turned to look forward.

Qin Feiyang hurriedly said: "Don't look, let them think that we haven't found them yet."

Wang Zicheng stiffened his body and pretended to glance around casually, then withdrew his eyes and looked at Qin Feiyang secretly: "Are you sure?"


"Because of my sixth sense, I have never made mistakes."

Qin Feiyang responded secretly.

"Sixth sense?"

Wang Zicheng's mouth twitched fiercely, didn't she have a sixth sense? But looking at Qin Feiyang's serious look, he didn't seem to be kidding, so he secretly asked: "Then did they come to you or me?"

"Where do I know, it is possible anyway."

Qin Feiyang said vaguely.

"I don't know what to do!"

Wang Zicheng's eyes suddenly burst into cold light, and the voice asked: "Your stealth technique can be opened?"

"What do you say?"

Qin Feiyang asked with a smile.

"Then hunt, let's start!"

Wang Zicheng smiled, the fighting was surging, Qin Feiyang rolled up and swooped, disappearing into the jungle below in an instant.

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