Invincible God of War

Chapter 1082: Find Xiaobailong

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Time flies.

The Tianxuan tribe was chased, leaving only the last day.

This morning.

Chu Xuan came to Jingxin Lake, stood by the lake, looked at the small island in the middle of the lake, and finally gritted his teeth, rising into the air and preparing to fly towards the small island.


However, just after flying, a huge beast roared out of the lake.

Chu Xuan was suddenly scared and pale.

Because it is a holy beast.

The fierce beast stood above the lake, as if the beast **** was born, looked at Chu Xuan indifferently, and shouted: "The main tower is forbidden, no intrusion, please leave immediately!"

Chu Xuan quickly said: "I am Mu Zuzong's friend. I want to see him if I have something to ask you.

The fierce beast said: "Since Mu Zuzong's friend, why don't you send him a message directly?"

Chu Xuan said: "I haven't had time to build a contract bridge with him."

"Can you be friends without building a contract bridge? Are you the emperor's unwise beasts when you are the emperor? Go away now!"

The fierce beast shouted, and his huge pupil was gleaming fiercely.

Chu Xuan said anxiously: "I and he are really friends. You can ask him if you don't believe me."

The fierce beast looked at her suspiciously and asked, "What's your name?"

"Chu Xuan."

Chu Xuan said.

"Well, you are waiting here, the emperor asked him."

The fierce beast said, and flew towards the island.

"Thank you."

Chu Xuan quickly bowed and thanked, then glanced at Jingxin Lake, his face full of envy.

"It's great here."

"Not only there is an independent courtyard, but also the guardian of the holy beast, if I can live here, where do I need to please the dead fat pig?"

"Why is God so unfair?"

"I have worked so hard for a long time, and now it is just an ordinary disciple, and this Mu Zuzong came to the main tower for a few years? It has been the disciple of the main tower and is respected by the world."

"I'm not convinced!"


Chu Xuan clenched his fingers together, and the envy on his face became jealous and hatred.



The fierce beast returned and looked at Chu Xuan, said: "Sorry, Mu Zuzong said, now I have no time to see you."


Chu Xuan stiffened and said quickly: "Have you told him my name?"


"He also specifically told the emperor to tell you that the Tianxuan tribe was being chased one by one, and he could do nothing."

Beast Road.

Chu Xuan's eyes flickered, his face filled with despair.

The fierce beast said: "Please leave immediately, otherwise don't blame the emperor for being rude!"

"Do not."

"I must see him!"

"Please calm down!"

Chu Xuan begged hard, but the fierce beast was unmoved.

"It's no use seeing him."

But at this moment.

An indifferent voice sounded, and both Master Hao and Wang Youer broke into the air.

"Having seen Hao Gongzi."

"Have seen Miss Youer."

Chu Xuan quickly bowed to salute.

Wang Youer looked at her coldly and said, "Come up with your hypocritical face!"

Chu Xuan puzzled: "Why did Miss You're saying this?"

Hao Gongzi said: "We all know what kind of person you are, there is no need to pretend!"

Chu Xuan looked stiff.

Hao Gongzi said lightly: "Do you know why this son will deal with your Tianxuan tribe?"

Chu Xuan shook his head.

"Because you get fat, you get Mu Zuzong when you get fat, you get your son when you get Mu Zuzong."

Hao Gongzi said.

"How did I get fat? Just because I didn't agree to his pursuit?"

Chu Xuan said angrily.

"If this is the case, this son will naturally not target your Tianxuan tribe, but you use the fat man to approach Mu Zuzong, which is what I cannot tolerate!"

Hao Gongzi shouted.


"I really know."

Chu Xuan looked pale, how could these people know?

"Are you thinking, you are so disguised, why do we know?"

"Give you a hint, we have been to Baiyun City, and we met your arrogant brother, Chu Aotian."

"Speak all that, you can do it yourself!"

Hao Gongzi said nothing and turned away with Wang You'er.

"Has been to Baiyun City ..."

"Don't ..."

Chu Xuan's eyes flickered, suddenly looked up, staring at the backs of Wang You'er and shouting, "Why should I treat me this way, I just want to get what I want, is this wrong? Why do you treat me like this?"


"Only by working hard can you get what you want, not use others."

"Originally, this son is only going to expel people from your tribe, and you can stay in the main tower, but now it seems unnecessary."

"Tomorrow, you will go to the first area with the people of your tribe!"

Hao Gongzi said without looking back.


Hearing this, Chu Xuan was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, trembling in both body and mind, and rumbling in his mind.

"I was wrong, let me stay!"

"I beg you."

She quickly knelt in the void and begged pitifully.

But the two sons did not pay any attention to her, and disappeared in her sight.


"I'm not reconciled!"

Chu Xuan Yang Tian roared like crazy like a demon.

"Leave now!"

The fierce beast shouted, fierce majesty like a waterfall, pounced on Chu Xuan.

"I will go without you rushing!"

Chu Xuan retracted his gaze, glanced at the fierce beast fiercely, then looked at the small island in the middle of the lake, his eyes full of resentment.

"Sooner or later, I will enter the Central Kingdom of God with fairness, and I will make you regret it for life, and you just wait!"

She smiled fiercely, opened the portal, and walked in without looking back.



"Just expel them from the Central Kingdom of God?"

at the same time.

The fat man and Qin Feiyang are in a subpoena conversation.

The fat man was upset.

"I also just heard Master Hao say."

"He should have misunderstood what we meant. We said that letting the Tianxuan tribe disappear, that the Tianxuan tribe was annihilating."

"He thought, we let him expel the Tianxuan tribe from the central kingdom of God."

Qin Feiyang said.

That day.

Hao Gongzi offered to help resolve this matter, so he never went to ask and kept meditating.

Before that, when the fierce beast went to find him, Hao Gongzi heard the news, and he asked Hao Gongzi casually before he knew it.

"Isn't this the return of the tiger to the mountain?"

The fat man raised his eyebrows.

"Returning the tiger to the mountain should not exist."

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

Although the leader of the Tianxuan tribe is the nine-star war sage, it is necessary to know that these people have opened the door to potential. It is only a matter of time before the leader of the Tianxuan tribe.

As for Chu Xuan, what kind of waves can there be even if she gives her time?

"I still think they are too cheap. Should we go to the Tianxuan tribe at night?"

The fat man's eyes flashed.


"People Hao must have agreed with the main tower master to do this. If we now destroy the Tianxuan tribe, I am afraid it will cause dissatisfaction with the main tower master."

"After all, this main tower owner has already got rid of my heart."

Qin Feiyang said in a deep voice.

The fat man nodded and said: "This is also true, in case the main tower master takes the lead to play, saying that we killed the innocent indiscriminately and took the opportunity to kill us.


"Now we just can't let him seize the opportunity."

"As for the Tianxuan tribe, if you really want to get rid of it, then we will go to the first area."

Qin Feiyang said.


"Anyway, these two days, Chu Xuan has suffered enough."

The fat man sneered.


"And, for the people of the Central Kingdom of God, being exiled to the first area is more painful than killing them directly."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"It finally made her pay the price. I dare not to see her in the future."

The fat man was disgusted.

Qin Feiyang smiled and asked, "How is Li Yan?"

"As you might expect, she really ran to death, but now she has been comforted by the fat man."

"Oh, one more thing!"

The fat man's eyes shine.

"what's up?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

The fat man said: "There is a little white dragon hidden in the main tower!"


Qin Feiyang Huo Ran got up, his eyes full of incredible.

"The fat man saw it with his own eyes, and the little white dragon didn't seem to be fully open until his birth soon.

Fatty said.


Qin Feiyang asked.

The fat man said: "In a waterhole not far from Jianfeng, will the fat man take you to see at night?"

"it is good."

Qin Feiyang nodded.

"Then I will continue to stare at Li Yan, and I will give you a message at night."

After the fat man finished, the ghost disappeared.

Qin Feiyang returned to the seat, unable to calm down with half a ring.

The main tower actually has a little white dragon, which is too surprising!

He can't wait to see it now.

But reason tells him that he cannot do this.

Because there are so many people in the daytime, it would be bad if they were hit by someone.


At midnight!

The two shadows flew over Jianfeng, it was Qin Feiyang and Fatty.

The fat man laughed and said: "Boss, today you should have no practice?"

Qin Feiyang smiled bitterly.

When the dragon is born, how can he still cultivate?

It can be said that on this day, he is living like a year.


Qin Feiyang seemed to think of something and asked, "Li Yan also knows Xiao Bailong?"

The fat man said: "It was she who summoned the little white dragon, and it seems to have a very good relationship."

"I don't see it. This woman is very big, even Shenlong likes her so much."

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

The fat man smiled and said: "This shows that she is kind-hearted."

"That's right."

"Generally, mythical beasts like the little white dragon who just came out are more like contacting people with pure hearts."

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Talk room.

The two came over the waterhole.

"Go down."

The fat man waved his hand, and the two fell to the waterside like lightning.

This place, as it was last night, was silent and there was no fluctuation in the water.

"Little White Dragon, I'm here."

The fat man looked at the water pool and used the method of Li Yan summoning the little white dragon last night to yell gently.

Time is passing.

Nothing moved until the water passed.

"Little White Dragon, my brother has candy here ..."

"Xiao Bailong, there is a beautiful young lady here ..."

"Xiao Bailong, your sister Li Yan is looking for you ..."

The fat man tried a lot of ways, but it did n’t work at all, so he frowned, why?

Qin Feiyang thought for a while, glanced at the water, and said, "Wouldn't it be Li Yan alone to call it out?"


The fat man couldn't tell for a while.

Qin Feiyang said: "Go, let's go down to find it."

If you stand here and think of it, you can't think of the result, you might as well take action.

Afraid to scare away the little white dragon, when the two entered the water pool, they were very careful not to make any noise.

The water hole is not big, but deep.

The two men looked down carefully.

The water quality is very clear, and everything in the water can be seen clearly.

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