Invincible God of War

Chapter 1097: The big picture is set?

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"This woman, won't you really like me?"

Qin Feiyang Yu Guang glanced at Wang You'er's expression, and he felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

Being liked is a very happy thing.

Especially Wang You'er is beautiful, talented, and has a strong family background.

But Qin Feiyang didn't feel happy at all.

Only worry!

"what happened?"

"Why hasn't the leader of the Shen Python Tribe come yet?"


The leader of the Vajra tribe suspiciously said.


"I have never seen him."

Everyone also reacted, his face full of doubts.

The leader of the Vajra tribe looked at Fu Anshan and asked, "Brother Fu, didn't you invite him?"


Fu Anshan nodded, thought for a while, and said with a smile: "It may have been delayed by something, and so on."

"The old man is late, I hope everyone will forgive me."

But the voice did not fall, and an old voice sounded above.

Everyone looked up and saw a red-haired old man standing in the sky, wearing a bright red robe, revealing an unpredictable momentum!

But a closer look will reveal that there is an indelible sadness between his eyebrows.

"you are……"

"Aren't you the elder clan of the Shen Python tribe? Why are you here?"

"What about your leader?"

The leader of the King Kong tribe looked at him in surprise.

"Our leader was delayed due to important matters, and he could not come in person, so it was embarrassing to let the old man come to the ceremony."

The red-haired old man laughed.

Fu Anshan waved his hand and said: "It's okay, it's a great honor for the elders to come in person, please sit down."

The red-haired old man smiled and fell straight beside Qin Feiyang, sitting on the seat next to it, and said: "Little friend, can you tell me where my chief and high priest are now?"

"Where are your chief and high priest, how do I know?"

Qin Feiyang flashed his eyes and turned to look at the red-haired old man in doubt.

"Little friend, the bright people don't tell secret words."

"Last night your elder brother came to my tribe, and then left with the chief and the high priest. I haven't returned yet."

"It's also sinking into the sea to tell them."

"Little friend, I don't know, you have any grudges with the leader, but please don't hurt the leader."

The red-haired old man pleaded.

Qin Feiyang laughed: "With my ability, how can I hurt him, old man, I really don't know, or wait for the ceremony to end, I ask my brother?"

"Thank you so much."

The red-haired old man grateful.

"The Lord Lord, Lord Deputy Lord Lord arrives."

At this time.

Yan Wei's voice rang again.

The square suddenly became quiet, and looked towards the sky one by one, and saw two old men standing above.

One person is wearing a white long coat, full of spirit, bright eyes and outstanding temperament.

The other person was dressed in a long black dress, with white hair and rickets, his body was weak, his breath was faint, and his eyes were dull and dull.

"Meet the cabinet master, deputy cabinet master!"

Fu Anshan, Mo Yizhen, Liu Yuan and other three executives, as well as the staff and guards of the Trading Pavilion, greeted each other on their knees.

"Have seen the second elder."

Qin Feiyang, three people, eight chiefs, red-haired old man, and Miss Long Fenglou also got up to salute.

"You don't need to be too gifted."

The master of the Trading Pavilion, dressed in white and spotless, looked at the people below, with a smile on his face, and looked at the old man in black and said: "Let's go!"

The old man in black nodded.

The two fell in the middle of the square, then walked straight to Qin Feiyang in the sight of everyone.

The old man in black arched his hand and said: "Su Wen's little friend Da Ming, seeing today, is really the dragon among people!"

"He is the deputy cabinet chief of the trading cabinet."

Wang Youer preached.

Qin Feiyang nodded and said with a smile: "Seniors are polite, the dragon among the people really dare not be."

"Hey, the young man has a **** temper, he doesn't need to be so humble, or he will wait for the old, like the old man, there is no chance to think high-profile."

The old man in black laughed hoarsely.

Qin Feiyang looked at the old man's turbid eyes, and it was indeed the end of the day, but there was no trace of fear of death on the old man's face, calm and indifferent, said: "This kind of character of the senior, the younger still needs to learn more.

The old man in black shook his head and said with a smile: "There is a person who is about to enter the soil. What is worth learning?"

Mo Yizheng looked at Qin Feiyang and said respectfully: "Two adults, please take a seat!"


The two nodded.

The Pavilion of the Trading Pavilion looked at Qin Feiyang and said, "Xiaoyou, wait for the succession ceremony to end, let's talk about it again!"

"This is an honor for the younger generation."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

The Lord of the Trading Pavilion smiled, and then walked with the old man in black to the most central seat and turned to sit side by side.

The old man in black glanced at everyone, looked at Mo Yizhen, and said, "Go!"


Mo Yizhen responded respectfully, walked up to the platform ahead, glanced at the audience, and said with a smile: "Thank you for taking the time in your busy schedule to participate in the succession ceremony of my deputy cabinet master of the trading cabinet ..."

Next, nothing more than a series of polite words.

Qin Feiyang turned to look at Master Hao, and the voice asked: "Did your father come?"

"It's not the successor of the patriarch, what is he doing here?"

Hao Gongzi disdain.

But the voice did not fall, and two people appeared in the sky.

Yan Wei noticed for the first time that his pupils shrank violently and shouted: "Master Master, Master of the Emperor's Hall, arrive!"


Everyone was startled and looked up, and everyone stood up and bowed to meet.


"What's the old man running for?"

Hao Gongzi was surprised.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the pavilion master and deputy pavilion leader, both of them were surprised, obviously they didn't know that the main tower master would come.

Gongsun Bei laughed: "We don't invite you, you won't blame it!"

Fu Anshan was excited and quickly said, "Where and where is our honor. The two adults are seated quickly."

The Trading Pavilion Lord and the Deputy Pavilion Lord also immediately gave up their positions.

Gongsun North laughed and said: "Today you are the masters, we can't take the lead, just find a place and just sit."

The two fell on the square and walked towards Qin Feiyang.

See you.

Everyone understands.

This is to sit with the three of Hao Gongzi.

The red-haired old man sitting next to Qin Feiyang and a super tribal leader immediately retreated to the side to make room.

After the two were seated, Master Hao turned to look at them and secretly said, "What are you doing here?"

Gongsun Bei laughed secretly: "Little brother, you don't know this, the grown-ups came to see you performing."

"Watch me perform?"

Hao Gongzi raised his eyebrows.

Gongsun North Road: "Don't you tell me last time, will you debunk the true face of Fu Anshan today?"

"That's it!"

Hao Gongzi suddenly realized, hehe smiled and said: "Relax, I will let you see a good show."

"Then I look forward to it first."

Gongsun North laughed.

Although the main tower master did not speak, he also had a touch of expectation in his eyes.

The Trading Pavilion Lord looked at Mo Yizhen and said, "Don't talk politely, just start!"


Mo Yizhen nodded, glanced at all the audience, and smiled: "Now I have Fu Anshan in charge."

Fu Anshan listened, took a deep breath, and strode to the high platform.

"First of all, I want to thank everyone for the succession ceremony that I can come to, especially the master of the main tower, which makes me flattered."

"Secondly, I want to thank the two patriarchs and adults. If it were not your cultivation, I would not have today."

"I swear here that in the future I will do my best to manage the Trading Pavilion wholeheartedly and strive to bring the Trading Pavilion to a higher level!"

Fu Anshan's passionate speech.

Applause continued.

Qin Feiyang and Master Hao were also applauding, but there was a hint of playfulness on their faces.

After Fu Anshan's speech, Mo Yizhen stepped forward and said: "Now, we invite the Deputy Lord Lord to take the stage."

Applause is thunderous!

The old man in black got up, trembled tremblingly, and laughed: "We are also well aware of Fu Anshan's ability. With his help for the old man to manage the trading cabinet, the old man can rest assured of the years.


He took a square seal from his arms.

Fang Yin can have a baby with a big fist, and the whole body is as white as jade. There is a fire emerald pattern on it, exuding a dim light.

This is the jade seal of the deputy patriarch!

As soon as Yu Yin got into Fu Anshan's hands, he would officially become the deputy patriarch of the trading pavilion.

So at this moment he looked at the jade seal and was unprecedentedly excited. He couldn't suppress it if he wanted to suppress it.

The old man in black turned around, looked at Fu Anshan, and said with a smile: "Now the old man will give it to you, I hope you can cherish all that you have now."

"I will."

Fu Anshan nodded and bent over to stretch out his hands.

"It's my turn!"

Hao Gongzi smiled coldly.

Qin Feiyang held him and said, "Wait."


Hao Gongzi raised his eyebrows, but he also listened to Qin Feiyang's words.

Because he knew that Qin Feiyang did this for a reason.

What's more, if Qin Feiyang didn't help him this time, he couldn't catch Fu Anshan's handles.

The old man in black lowered his head and looked at the jade seal, with a trace of perseverance in his eyes, but finally handed it to Fu Anshan.

"I finally……"

"Finally ... sitting on the position of deputy patriarch of the trading pavilion ..."

Fu Anshan looked at the jade seal in his hand, and his old eyes were full of excitement. It felt like he was dreaming.


"This is a little congratulatory gift under preparation, please let the deputy cabinet master smile."

Qilin tribe waved a hand, a delicate gift box, flew towards Fu Anshan.

Fu Anshan recovered and took the gift box without looking at it, and then quickly thanked: "Thank Brother Wu."

Other leaders and elders of the Shen Python tribe also sent gifts.

Miss Longfenglou also gave away a bottle of Longfeng wine.

Seeing Qin Feiyang indifferent, the leader of the Vajra tribe said with a smile: "Brother Mu, I believe you have prepared a gift. Take it out and let our old guy look at it!"


"In your identity, it must be something extraordinary."

The leader of the Qilin tribe laughed.

Although the main tower owner was present, their words didn't have any obvious meaning, they were just a joke, so they didn't worry that they would make the chief cabinet leader angry.

Although Fu Anshan knew, but did not stand up to play round.

Because now, he is already the deputy cabinet leader, and the overall situation is fixed, and it doesn't matter how the two make trouble.

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