Invincible God of War

Chapter 4117: I'm going to steal some too


"The Emperor has lived up to the painstaking efforts, and finally ushered in the second will of heaven."

The kid couldn't help laughing.

The lunatic, the white-eyed wolf, the fire lotus and others all have unconcealable smiles on their faces.

The nervous mood finally relaxed.

Long Chen smiled and said: "It seems that this time of Heavenly Tribulation is because of this second heavenly will."

"Good luck."

Long Qin grumbled, with some envy in his eyes.

"good luck?"

The little kid narrowed his mouth and sneered: "He is not lucky, but lucky. Fortunately to have your partners, otherwise he can successfully overcome the catastrophe?"

"That's true."

"Find a time and let him thank us very much."

Long Qin laughed.



Qin Feiyang closed his eyes, and the will of the heavens descended from the sky and merged into his body.



The two heavenly wills collided in his body, and there was a tearing pain.

He gritted his teeth and endured it.

In a short while.

The two colliding heavenly wills began to interweave and merge with each other.


About dozens of breaths passed.

A terrifying breath roared from his body.

This is a brand-new will of heaven, and the power contained in it is many times stronger than the original will of heaven.


At this moment, he is like the incarnation of heaven.


"I really want to fight the major giants of the Kingdom of God."

Qin Fei raised his eyes and looked in the direction where the sea king and others were.

Although far apart, he could sense the breath of these people.

"Don't mess around."

"Hurry up and send us to the Xuanwu Realm for healing."

The Flame Demon Sword said angrily.

Qin Feiyang returned to his senses, turned his head to look at the three great masters, and joked: "Although you didn't help much, I still want to say thank you."

"What the hell?"

"So reluctant?"

"Well, let's do our best for you too!"

The three masters are extremely unhappy.


Qin Feiyang laughed loudly, opened a space-time channel, and left without looking back.

Before entering the Xuanwu world, of course you must leave this place first.

As for the Sea King and the Dragon God, when the matter of the Xuanwu Realm is dealt with, he will naturally go to Dongzhou and find two people to settle accounts.

in fact.

Now he wants to meet these two people.

Look at today's will of heaven, how strong is it?


The king of gods, the lord of the kingdom, and the supreme of the human race are also present at this moment.

If you go to fight with Dragon God and Sea King, the three people of the country will definitely not be able to stand by.

So, for the time being, bear with it.


Not long after Qin Feiyang left, when the fluctuations dissipated a lot, people from the five major races came one after another, and the murderous air filled all directions.

Seeing this place was already empty, the Dragon God's eyes suddenly rose up with anger.

"Welcome to the second heavenly will, don't you dare to fight us head-on?"

"Come out now if you have the ability, don't be a turtle!"

The sound is like a bell, resounding in all directions.

The three of the country masters looked at Dragon God calmly, don't be so arrogant, because the more arrogant, the more miserable the final outcome will be.

"Continue to hunt."

"The potential of this child is really terrible."

"Two heavenly wills, unheard of."

"If you don't get rid of it, I don't know how far it will grow."

Aquaman was worried.

"It makes sense."

The three people nodded perfunctorily.


at this time.


In a certain large mountain, Qin Feiyang stood on the top of the mountain, scanned the surrounding area, and entered the basalt world with the three masters.

"how do you feel?"

Everyone immediately rushed forward.


Qin Feiyang nodded and smiled.

"Is it okay to just call it?"

The madman frowned.

"I haven't tried it yet!"

"I will go to Dongzhou and try with the Orcs after I have handled the affairs of the Xuanwu Realm."

Qin Feiyang smiled.


"When the time comes, you have to be careful, but don't be inattentive and kill them."

"After all, you can't waste the ultimate meaning that they have worked so hard to comprehend."

The madman bared his teeth.

"I think so too."

Qin Feiyang nodded and looked at the little boy: "How is the situation in the Xuanwu world now?"

"You don't know how to watch it yourself?"

The kid had a dark face.

Qin Feiyang smiled and immediately closed his eyes, letting out his perception.

Seeing the Xuanwu world at this moment, a wry smile suddenly appeared on his face.

This trauma is more serious than imagined.

"The Xuanwu world is fragile. Now that you are so troubled, it will take at least several million years to repair it."

The kid is distressed.

"I don't want to either!"

"Who would have expected that the catastrophe will come down!"

Qin Feiyang gave a wry smile, and said, "However, the Xuanwu Realm has a time circle. Millions of years are not too long."

"I don't like to listen to you."

"You are outside, it really doesn't feel like a big deal, and the dazzling effort will pass."

"But for the creatures living in the Xuanwu world, they all need to live through these millions of years. Have you considered their feelings?"

The kid said angrily.


Qin Feiyang was taken aback.

Think about it, it's true.

The Xuanwu world has been around for millions of years, and the outside is just two or three years of effort.

He was roaming outside for two or three years. It was indeed a blink of an eye, but the creatures living in the Xuanwu world needed to live through these millions of years.

For millions of years, in the current environment of the Xuanwu world, thinking about it is a kind of torment.


Qin Feiyang seemed to think of something, and looked at the little kid and asked: "Then if there are one or two thousand soul veins and crystal veins now entering the basalt realm, can you speed up the repair of the basalt realm?"

"One hundred or two thousand?"

The little kid was taken aback for a moment, and exclaimed: "You didn't kid me!"

"Don't worry about whether it's a joke, just say can you speed up the repair?"

Qin Feiyang said.

"Of course."

"Not only can the repair speed be accelerated, but the growth rate of the basalt world can be greatly increased."

"If there are so many crystal veins and soul veins, I can't think of ten thousand years, the castle can evolve into an intermediate dominating magic weapon!"

"Remember, this ten thousand years is the time of the Xuanwu world, not the time outside."

The kid said.

"So fast?"

Qin Feiyang looked dazed.

Even if it is calculated according to the time of the Xuanwu Realm, it is only two days outside of the Xuanwu Realm for 10,000 years.

In other words.

After the Lord of the Kingdom, the King of Gods, and the Supreme Human Race gave him his soul and crystal veins, it only took two days for the castle to be transformed.

This is great news.

"Come on, boy."

"Anyway, the more soul veins and crystal veins, the faster the basalt world will grow."

The little kid patted Qin Feiyang on the shoulder with an old manner, and said.


"I'm going to grab all Dongzhou's soul veins and crystal veins for you."

Qin Feiyang smiled.

"Then dare to love it."

"In this way, you quickly plan and leave the aftermath work to me and Huo Lian."

The little kid immediately behaved generous and open-minded.

Qin Feiyang's mouth twitched.

The speed of turning faces is more than faster than turning books.

"Okay, the matter is over, what should I do?"

The madman waved his hand, turned and walked towards the castle.

Mozu, Mu Tianyang, and Mu Qing also went to continue their retreat.

"Sister, let's go too!"

Zhuo Xiaoxian and Huo Wu also took the mermaid father to leave.

"Be careful."

The mermaid princess looked at Qin Feiyang worriedly and exhorted.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

The three women also left hand in hand.

Long Chen was also preparing to continue to merge and inherit, but Qin Feiyang stopped him at this time and smiled: "Brother Long, let's go chat?"


Long Chen was stunned and nodded: "Okay!"

The two immediately walked side by side towards the tea garden.

Long Qin and the white-eyed wolf also planned to follow.

The kid stopped the two of them and said, "You two stop and help with the aftermath."


Long Qin was taken aback, suddenly dissatisfied.

"Ying Xiaoye is the boss here!"

The kid said proudly.


The corner of Long Qin's mouth twitched, and he looked at the kid, jokingly: "Let my sister see, is the hair all grown?"

Hearing this, the kid blushed.

Long Qin giggled, and threw it at the back of the kid's head, then turned around and walked away without looking back.


tea garden!

Once Long Chen entered the tea garden, he felt something was wrong.

How could there be such a good smell of tea?

When he came closer, his eyes suddenly glowed.

what happened?

In this blink of an eye, there are so many **** teas?

He has been in retreat, so he still doesn't know the situation of the tea garden.

Looking at the dozens of tea trees, his eyes seemed to be locked on them, unable to move away.

"Don't mess around."

Qin Feiyang looked at him warily.

Sure enough, as he imagined, seeing these tea trees, Long Chen couldn't move his eyes.

"Where did you come from?"

Long Chen was curious.

And finally realized the taste of being defended by people.

He used to guard Qin Feiyang.

It was Qin Feiyang who was guarding him now.

"He stole it."

Long Qin walked over and said with a narrow mouth.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's awkward to steal or not."

Qin Feiyang's face turned dark.

"It was a fact."

Long Qin snorted coldly.

Long Chen glanced at Long Qin, then at Qin Feiyang, and asked, "Where did you steal it from? I'll steal some too."

When these words came out, not only Qin Feiyang, Long Qin's sister, was dumbfounded on the spot.

Is this still the big brother she knows?

Would actually say such a thing.


Long Chen gave a dry cough and smirked: "Just kidding, don't take it seriously."

However, his gaze has been staring at the forty tea trees, especially the two Bodhi tea trees.

"In this place, when you master the will of heaven, I will take you to see and see, and I promise to be shocked."

Qin Feiyang smiled, then sat at the stone table, looking at Long Chen and said, "Sit down and talk!"

Long Chen reluctantly looked away, sat opposite Qin Feiyang, and said suspiciously: "What do you want to say?"

"This one……"

Qin Feiyang glanced at Long Qin who was sitting next to Long Chen.

Before Qin Feiyang could speak, Long Qin said: "Don't speak, I won't leave anyway."

Qin Feiyang smiled bitterly and looked at Long Chen and said, "Actually, I just want to discuss one thing with you. For me, your soul control is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I want to use your soul control. Let everyone around you master the will of heaven."

"Sure enough, it was because of this."

Long Qin grumbled.

She already guessed it.

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