"I'm going! The shell of the second unit can't bear the bullet!" Although it was too late, Nakanishi picked up the pistol and prepared to go out.

At this moment, new gunfire came from the speaker on the other side.

The third man shot randomly with a pistol and ran into the passage.

The body of the enemy soldier shook violently from side to side, blood flowed from his mouth, and his body fell backward without any movement.

Then, the rescuer also knelt down slowly in the passage.

The body fell sideways. Rinko tremblingly manipulated the mouse, zooming in on the picture taken by the camera.

The bangs on the forehead. Black-rimmed glasses that have been skewed. A faint smile can be seen on the lips.

"Chrysanthemum...Mr. Kikuoka?!"

"Er Zuo?!"

Rinko and Nakanishi shouted together.

Zhongxi rushed out for the first time.

A technician replaced him and ran to the console, tapped the keyboard at a rapid speed, and exhaled a window that appeared to show the status of the second unit on the monitor.

"The left arm, the output is zero... the right arm, sixty-five percent, both feet are seventy percent, and the remaining battery capacity is 30 percent. Yes, it can still move!!"

As if he heard the shout of a technician, Niemon began to move forward again.

With the staggering pace, sparks emanated from the interrupted wire.

The shattered body passed through the crack of the door, closed the door from the inside, and the camera screen switched to the inside of the power room.

The second hottest is physically locked with a large lever.

The right arm of the second unit grabbed the control lever and pressed it down. The clutch at the elbow was idling, and a lot of sparks flew out.

"Please... Akihiko... Must..."

Together with Rinko Jindai's self-talk, everyone in the deputy control room also supported:

"Come on! Five ten zero"

"That's it, it's almost!"

The lever was moved by Niemon and lowered.

The heavy door opened as if pushed open by internal pressure.

You can clearly see the large amount of hot air ejected from the display.

Niemon staggered forward, and the thick wire on the right side of his back suddenly burst into fierce sparks.

"Not good!" a technician called out suddenly.

"What's wrong!?"

"The power cord is damaged! If there is a disconnection, the overall power supply will be cut off and you will be completely unable to move!"

Jindai Rinko and the others were speechless.

In the screen, Kayaba himself, who is attached to Niemon, also realized the problem, as if he was holding a swaying wire with his right elbow, and the robot continued to advance slowly.

Finally reached the inside of the power chamber, the temperature inside is no longer human can bear.

If the plastic bomb set there explodes and destroys the control rod drive device...

In the mind of Jindai Rinko, a picture of white smoke piercing through the turtle flashed for an instant.

She closed her eyes for an instant, and kept meditating in her heart.

The video screen switched to the last camera.

Then, a loud noise came from the speakers. The picture on the monitor was dyed red by the emergency light.

Putting aside the heat, the second unit, which is like dragging a foot forward, is only five or six meters away from the plastic bomb attached to the container.The robot raised its right hand to the fuze, sparks continued to fly around the body, and fragments of the split shell fell on the metal ground.

"come on, come on, come on!!"

Only these words echoed in the assistant control room.

Jindai Rinko who clenched his fists also shouted hoarsely.

Everything is close at hand.

However, on the back of the second unit, sparks burst out like an explosion.

The black wire that was torn and swayed was like a wounded internal organ.

All the sensors on his face went out, and his right arm slowly sank.

Niemon stopped moving forward.

The shaking rows of output bars in the status window on the display turned to black.

The technician said in a whisper: "All output signals are gone..."

"How come... so..." Jindai Rinko slumped on the ground.

"I never believe in miracles."

Two years ago, Sao was attacked earlier than the scheduled time. On the day when all players were liberated, Kayaba Akihiko, who woke up on the bed in the villa, said this to Rinko Jindai.

His eyes were full of calm brilliance, and his mouth with messy stubble showed a faint smile, "But...I saw a miracle for the first time today, I can’t tell...I’m just looking forward to that moment. Bar."


Rinko didn't notice that blood was dripping from the right hand holding the rocket model on her chest. She shed tears and just shouted: "You are... the sacred sword Heathcliff, right! Then, you should also try to create a miracle. A miracle that belongs to you!!!"

As if he heard Rinko Jindai's call, the ranging sensors in Niemon's eyes flashed red.

The gears in the knee joints turned again, and the purple light flickered faintly under the status window.

The output status image of the limbs and torso is displayed, and it grows upward in one breath.

Sparks were emitted from various driving devices that suddenly emitted driving sounds.

"Two... Niemon... started again..." The technician swallowed and was shocked by the scene.


Everyone is calling.

The robot raises its right foot, takes a step forward, straightens its body, and raises its right arm.

There was a small explosion near the battery, and the body shook a bit, then one step forward.

The fingers of the right hand stretched to the limit and finally hit the plastic bomb sticking under the container.

With thumb and index finger, I found the fuse.

All the joints were already emitting sparks as if they were dying, Niemon pulled down the detonator that had reached the time limit, and raised his right hand high.

The white light instantly flooded the monitor's picture.


Niemon, whose right hand was shattered with the burst detonator, slowly fell down.

The sensor was shining with the last light, and finally plunged into darkness.

The audience was silent, and a few seconds later, fierce cheers erupted.

Hearing cheers from the control room, Higa let out a sigh of relief.

Wiping off the sweat from his forehead, he turned his head and stared at the laptop monitor.

Eighty percent of the shutdown process of the two STLs has been completed.

Seventeen minutes have passed since the extreme acceleration stage, which is equivalent to more than one hundred and sixty years in Under.World.

This is a long time that far exceeds the life limit of Fluct.Light predicted by Higa.

Considering only theoretically, there is a high possibility that the souls of Han Yu and Asuna have collapsed.

Higa knew that he didn't understand UnderWorld and Fluct.Light at all.

He designed and constructed and made the world work.

However, the different world cultivated by the artificial soul has reached a height that the technicians of Shichen never imagined.

And now, the person who knows the real world of this world best is undoubtedly Han Yu.

It was Under.World and everyone who lived in that world who chose him as the guardian.

Perhaps.. Under the miracle, the possibility that they can withstand the flow of time for two hundred years also exists.

"Please, go back to this world... Two people..."

Higa, who was talking to himself, stared closely at the shutdown process on the monitor until only the last few percentage points were left.

the other side.

The others all rushed out to help in order to rescue Jisa Kikuoka and restore control of the main control room. Only Rinko Jindai was in the sub-control room.

She wanted to run to the room where the nuclear reactor was located and protect the second unit that should have fallen to the ground and the copy of Kayaba Akihiko that was still in its memory.

However, after Higa completes the STL shutdown process, he must confirm the status of Han Yu and Yūki Asuna who are still sleeping next door.

Jindai Rinko held the Duralumin case encapsulated with Alice's Light-Cube in his bloody palm. When he closed his eyes, Higa's faint voice came from the earphones near her ears:

"Sister Rinko, there are still 60 seconds left to complete the logout process for the two of them!!"


"Please, I still can't climb up the ladder alone, and Mr. Ju seems to go down to see the situation. How is he? It seems that he is also injured."

Rinko Shindai didn't answer immediately.

Three or four minutes have passed since Lieutenant Nakanishi went to rescue the enemy soldiers in the tunnel leading to the nuclear-powered furnace.

After that, Rinko Jindai leaned against the wall and smiled helplessly: "Well, he is quite powerful.. The marksmanship is really superb.."

"Haha... Thirty seconds left."

"Then I'll go to the STL room and contact me if I have any problems."

Jindai Rinko hung up the call, gently holding the Duralumin box in both hands, and left the console to the next room.

Before she touched the door of the room, the voice of the staff downstairs came from the speakers in the room.

Just in case, the voice of the guard who rushed to the nuclear reactor housing room where the temperature began to drop to dismantle the plastic bomb body: "This is the power room! Doctor... can you hear me, Dr. Shindai!"

Rinzi suppressed the thumping heartbeat, switched the line of the walkie-talkie and shouted, "Well, I can hear it! What's wrong?"

"The bomb was taken down safely, but that... not here..."

"Isn't there? What's not...?"

"The second unit is not there, no matter where in the power room, you can't find Niemon's body!"

"What?!" Jindai Rinko was a little surprised.

Soon, she understood.

"It's really your style... Akihiko... when will we meet again..." Rinko Kamidai looked at the rocket model in her hand and muttered.

"It's okay, you can continue your homework."

Afterwards, she turned and walked towards the STL room.

Located in a small submarine five nautical miles from sea turtles.

Kneeling in the cockpit of the small submarine, Crete, listening to external sounds, looked at the number on the timer that had returned to 0, but after confirming that there was no explosion sound for several seconds, he exhaled a trembling breath .

He didn't know whether this was peace of mind or disappointment. The only thing that can be confirmed is that the C4 bomb placed on the turtle's nuclear-powered furnace did not explode for some reason, so the control rod drive device was not destroyed, and the nuclear reactor core did not melt. .If Hans staying on the side of the nuclear power furnace is fine, even if the detonator has a problem, he will blow it up manually, but it seems that the man has also been solved.

The mercenary who used money as the goal did not escape under the condition of absolute death, which is really surprising.

Hans has been a little crazy since he knew his partner Brigg had died.

"It's really easy to become a burden if you have too many things in your mind..." Crete said to himself, looking away from the timer.

Captain Miller and Vasak, who died before Hans and the others, were not only for money but also for many other things, and finally killed them because of these shackles.

But Crete also understands that maybe when they return to China, everyone will be killed now. After all, the employer of this business is not something they can run if they want to.

As insurance to protect himself, Crete secretly took a memory card from the turtle.

Although he doesn't expect to be of any use, at least he will probably get a headshot when he is killed.

Compared to the terrifying death of Vasak and Captain Miller, it was much better.

"Sigh..." Crete sighed and looked at the two body bags stacked at one end of the conveyor area.

Captain Miller's terrible death method appeared in his mind, and his body trembled again.

But soon he found something strange, "Huh? Two?"

He frowned and stared at the dim stern, but there were only two bags of dead bodies there.

However, this number is not right. Regardless of the Hans he left behind, there should be three dead in the attack team, Captain Miller, Vasak and Brig.

"Hey..." He elbows the player who is gnawing on the energy bar next to him.

"What's wrong?"

"It's your team that collects the corpses? Why is there one missing?"

"Huh? Only Bullig in the passage and Captain Miller in the STL room. Who else is dead?"

"No... there should be someone in the STL room..."

"The only one who died there is the captain, okay, really... that expression makes people feel like they are dreaming."

"Wtf??" Crete blankly withdrew his right hand, looking around the entire conveying area.

There were nine players sitting in a narrow space with exhausted expressions.

There is no shadow of Vice Captain Vasak Cazars.

Indeed, Crete only confirmed the death of Captain Miller in the first STL room, and only visually inspected Vasak.

However, his appearance...

And even if he was still alive, why didn't he board the submarine?

Crete didn't think about the problems afterwards, but hugged his knees in silence. He felt that what he had encountered today was too terrifying.


From the beginning of the extreme acceleration phase, nineteen minutes and forty seconds passed.

In the second STL room, the shutdown processing of Unit 4 and Unit 5 is completed.

After another three minutes, the acceleration of time was lifted, the cooling system decelerated, and silence in the ship returned.

It has been three minutes since Jindai Rinko and the nurse lured Mikan to liberate the two from STL, but they still show no sign of waking up.

The activity of Fluct.Light has been reduced to the limit, and the spiritual activity based on the soul is obviously close to disappearing.

Jindai Rinko held the hands of the two and called their names desperately with tears.

Even so, five minutes have passed, and nothing has changed.

Just when Jindai Rinko's heart was ashamed, she suddenly heard the sound of gentle breathing.

"The heartbeat has returned to normal, and the activity of Fluct.Light is gradually recovering!" Yu Xiao Meigan said in surprise.

"Han Yu-kun...Miss Asuna...Welcome back...".

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