Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 197: I kill Sanxian like a pig and a dog

At this time, Gong Xingfa was so frightened that he screamed, "Are you Sanxian?"

A calm voice came.

"Sanxian? I kill Sanxian like a pig and a dog!"

Then a slender and delicate fist slammed through the layers of black energy and directly imprinted on Gong Xingfa’s chest. An awe-inspiring force struck Gong Xingfa. Gong Xingfa was knocked down and flew out several hundred meters. Without saying a word, he turned and turned into a black light, trying to escape.

A playful smile appeared at the corner of Xue An's mouth.

"Do you know why I am waiting for you here? Because the demon body after your death is the most suitable for the eyes of this Yin vein! So...Go to death!"

Xue An said, raising his fist.

At this time, Gong Xingfa had already ran away ten miles away, and he was still terrified.

This man is simply terrible.

Especially the awe-inspiring aura in him, Gong Xingfa has only seen him in some ancient law inheritors.

Fortunately, I ran fast enough!

Gong Xingfa wiped his cold sweat.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a figure appeared above his head, and then coldly said: "Move the world!"


Gong Xingfa didn't even struggle, and was directly blasted by this punch.

But the devil bones stand tall.

At the same time, the skeleton's mouth was still moving, "I can keep the devil bone, but please forgive me!"

Xue An was too lazy to talk to him and waved.

The devil gradually shrank, and then flew into the palm of his hand.

As for the soul of Gong Xingfa attached to it, Xue An erased it casually.

At this point, Gong Xingfa, the demon sect man who had fled for many years and could not be killed by the Kunlun immortals, completely disappeared.

Xue An returned to the pharmaceutical factory, stood on the top of the building, closed his eyes and meditated for a while, then dropped the devil bone in his hand.

"Heaven and earth listen to orders, reverse yin and yang!"


This demon bone instantly disappeared above the ground.

What Xue An borrows is the Tao of the yin and the yang.

So after a while, a faint aura floated out.

Xue An nodded in satisfaction, and set up another spirit-inducing circle to facilitate the use of medicine later.

After finishing everything, Xue An looked into the distance.

"Chi Changge? It's a capital crime to be a teacher. If you dare to be unruly towards An Yan, then I will send you on the road!"

After all, Xue An jumped into the darkness and disappeared.

Chi Changge is drunk and dreaming in a bar right now.

The joy of the rival's death made him extremely comfortable, so he called the waiter with his hand, and after a few words, the waiter respectfully retreated.

After a while, I listened to the DJ at the front desk picking up the microphone and shouting: "Master Chi will pay the bill for the consumption tonight, everyone!"

The whole bar was boiling.

Many people took their wine glasses to pay tribute to Chi Changge on the deck.

Chi Changge laughed and drank the wine in one cup.

As soon as the wine glass was put down, someone sat on the sofa beside him.

Chi Changge frowned. What he hates most is that someone gets too close to him, so he is ready to get angry!

But when he looked up, he couldn't help being stunned when he saw Xue An with an indifferent face.

"Are you surprised?" Xue An said lightly.

Chi Changge was stiff and pale, ""

"Why am I still alive?" Xue Ansen smiled.

"Unfortunately, your so-called magician is still too weak!"

Chi Changge trembled all over, and then was extremely frightened: "What do you...want to do? I am the Chi family, and I don't know what you just said!"

Xue An looked at Chi Changge and shook his head gently, "I'm curious, why do you guys react the same before you die?"

Chi Changge opened her mouth to call for help.

He is almost frightened now.


He felt a cold in his chest, then lowered his head and looked at the wound on his chest blankly.

The blood was flowing, and soon the sofa under him was stained red.

Xue An stood up and said lightly: "Remember to check the opponent's details in advance when choosing an opponent in the next life!"

After speaking, Xue An turned and disappeared into the bar.

Chi Changge's body was not discovered until more than an hour later.

The whole bar was a sensation.

The bar owner was almost frightened.

That's the Chi family!

Now that something has happened on my own territory, I have to follow it to death!

Soon, the people from Chi's family sealed off the scene.

"What's the matter?" Chi Chongshan asked with a gloomy expression.

"The homecomer was injured by Jian Qi! A deadly move, very clean!" The Chi family worshipped.

Chi Chongshan's teeth creaked and creaked, "Sword Qi hurt? Who would dare to kill my Chi family's children in the middle?"

But these angers didn't help at all, they had to take Chi Changge's body back first.

As soon as he arrived home, Chi Weiyang hurried back after hearing the news.

When she saw the tragic death of her brother, she cried into tears.

Then she wiped her tears and said bitterly: "Father, I think someone is suspicious!"

Then Chi Weiyang said all about Xue An.

Chi Chongshan's eyes flickered after listening.

He knew what happened at the Anjia birthday banquet.

Now the old lady An has become a joke of the upper-class elites in the capital.

But I didn't expect that my son would still have this kind of hatred with that Xue An.

"Okay, I see, this Xue An, I will definitely not let it go!" Chi Chongshan gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

The second day.

When Shu Liu arrived at the factory early, he realized that there was something wrong with the factory today.

In the past, there was always a layer of mist over this factory. Although it was not harmful, it was still weird.

Today, the entire factory is unprecedentedly transparent.

People feel relaxed and happy when they come in.

Not only did she have this discovery alone, but everyone else felt the same.

But everyone did not dare to ask.

Xue An made arrangements for the following things and separately trained the three brothers.

In the next few days, Shu Liu and others began to get busy with medicine.

Because of the addition of Gao Yan, all this went smoothly.

Soon, the entire production process was finalized.

And Xue An told the Zhao Xuehui brothers how to transform their spirits.

After waiting for this day, the potion is refined and aura is added.

Everyone looked at with excitement~How can I try this? "Shu Liu asked.

Gao Gaoyan said solemnly: "Let me come!"

After that, he picked up the small bottle of potion and drank it.

ten minutes.

One hour!

In the end, Gao Gaoyan felt a fire in his lower abdomen, and he frowned when he was burning.

Then I felt that the usual obscure body suddenly became the same.

So far.

This longevity medicine was successfully trial-produced.

Zhao Xuehui and the others were so excited, they were about to report good news to Xue An.

The news that the new ghost and **** is about to cross the sea east has also spread throughout China!

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