Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2742: Fighting poems (middle)

"Early planets are still there, and the sky is still unknown for a few miles. I can't distinguish the colors of clouds and forests, but I can hear the sound of geomantic omen." Tan Ziheng muttered.

As soon as these four lines of poem came out, everyone at the scene couldn't help but nod their heads.

"Fresh and timeless, it really is a masterpiece!" An old scholastic hand stroked his beard and exclaimed.

"As expected, he is a well-known talent in the whole world, he is extraordinary when he makes a shot!"

"Yeah yeah!"

Even Yun Lingxuan on the stage couldn't help nodding her head secretly.

Although these four poems are not a masterpiece, they are fresh and lovely. They are really rare.

Hearing everyone's praise, Tan Ziheng couldn't help becoming more and more complacent. Although he didn't say it clearly, his expression was already brought out.

At this time, Tang Zheng on the stage slowly said: "No, your poem is not over yet, there should be more later!"

Speaking of this inference in the identity of Tang Zheng naturally moved the audience, and everyone turned their attention to Tan Ziheng.

"I said, how do I feel that this poem has an unfinished meaning? It turns out that it is not over yet!"

"Tan Gongzi, hurry up and say all the following verses together!"

"That's right, don't sell it at this time!"

Amid the noise, Tan Ziheng's complexion changed drastically. Looking at Tang Zheng on the stage, big beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Tang Zheng said indifferently at this time: "Why? Don't you remember? Okay, then I'll talk for you!"

"The moon falls from the mountain, and the river flows into the bucket. Gradually outside the heavy gate, you can vaguely see the city of Los Angeles."

When the following four lines of poem came out, Tan Ziheng immediately slumped in the chair, his face pale and his eyes were dull.

Because he knew that he was finished.

Sure enough, I heard Tang Zheng say indifferently: "This poem is from an ancient scroll. You can read it and write it down to show that you have a good memory and a good memory. It is a pity that you should not plagiarize and cheat in front of the Wensheng tablet!"

At this point, everyone realized that this poem was originally copied by Tan Ziheng, and they couldn't help casting a contemptuous look at it.

The people from Jieguang City stepped forward with a sullen face and raised Tan Ziheng, who was already unable to walk, and hurriedly left.

Everyone knew that even though Tan Ziheng was still alive after this incident, he was no longer different from death.

Under the ruin of his reputation, his context has been broken, and there is no more possibility of diligence.

And this serious consequence also made all the people present look very sad, and the small calculations of those invisible people in their hearts disappeared.

Yun Lingxuan on the stage was even more startled, and then whispered to Tang Zheng.

"Why haven't I heard this poem?"

There is a sense of shame in the words.

After all, when Tan Ziheng just read the poem, she was also bluffed.

Tang Zheng couldn't help but smiled, "Miss Yun doesn't need to be ashamed. This poem comes from an ancient scroll, and it's a very uncommon poem. I also saw a scroll of ancient scrolls by chance, but I was touched by it by chance. arrive!"

Yun Lingxuan nodded, and said no more.

After this episode, the court was quiet for a while, and then a middle-aged scribe Shi Shiran stood up.

"Since no one is responding now, let me do it!"

Shi Chang did not ask for his name this time, because many people at the scene recognized him.

"Fu Yuanfeng is a Fu graduate of Haofeng City!" someone exclaimed in a low voice.

Even Shi Chang couldn't help but smile, "University Fu asked for a masterpiece!"

"I don't dare to master it, it's just an occasional feeling!"

"Frost trees and birds inhabit the night, and the sky-street sparrows report.

When this poem came out, many people nodded one after another.

"A simple four-line poem shows the quiet scene before dawn to the fullest, which shows the skill of the Fushige Academy!"

"It can't help being so, these four poems are still tightly bound to the main body, and the empty street bird reports it, which can be called the finishing touch!"

In the praise, there were many cautious people who turned their eyes to Tang Zheng on the stage.

Tang Zheng closed his eyes and meditated for a while, then opened his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Good poetry!"

This is equivalent to a conclusive conclusion, proving that Fu Yuanfeng has not plagiarized.

Fu Yuanfeng smiled and bowed his hand.

"Thank you Master Tang!"

Then he sat back on the chair.

It seemed that he ignited the atmosphere of the audience. As soon as he sat down here, someone stood up on the other side.

"Yushu has a cold smoke, concentrating on a leaf. Farewell to hurt Xiaojing, shake down thinking about Qiuxian.

Han Lei Guan Shanyue, Hu Jiasai Beitian. I don't know how to break my dreams, and I go around a few mountains and rivers in emptiness. "

Her voice is graceful and beautiful, she is actually a woman.

Everyone looked around and saw a woman with a delicate face in indigo shirt standing in place.

"It's the Zhuang Manningzhuang girl from Qinghuai City!"

"I have long heard that this girl Zhuang was born with a great talent. I didn't expect it to be this way. This is clearly a frontier poem!" Someone sighed.

Even Tang Zheng on the stage couldn't help showing a touch of emotion at this moment.

"Big girl!"

Zhuang Manning chuckled, but his gaze stayed on Yun Lingxuan, especially when he saw her slender fingers, he condensed slightly, and his eyes were obsessed.

As soon as she came out of this poem, both the imagery and the words overwhelmed Fu Yuanfeng.

Even Fu Yuanfeng had to nod his head to admit this.

Although it is said that the literature is not the first, if the gap is too big, the gap can still be clearly seen.

At this moment, Han Bochao sitting in the corner couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"Brother Zhuo, are your verses ready? There will be no chance if you don't make a move at this time!"

"Preparation is naturally But if I show up, wouldn't I expose you all?" Zhuo Benzheng hesitated.

He naturally understood that this incident in Wanhualou must not be so easy to pass.

Especially now he is still on the territory of Xu Gaotian, so he has some worries.

Hearing these words, whether it was Wu Zizhang or Han Bochao, even Yao Yachao, who had always been so mature and prudent, couldn't help shaking his head at this time.

"Brother Zhuo's words are wrong. I think you and I have been studying hard for many years because of such an opportunity? Wouldn't it be a pity to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because of my safety?"

"Yes, Brother Zhuo, even if you do it boldly, if you can win the first place, it will be considered a famous name for our Four Friends of Ren'an!"

Hearing this encouragement, Zhuo Benzheng just gritted his teeth.

"If that's the case, then go ahead!"

After all, he stood up resolutely.

"Ren'an City Zhuo is honest and incompetent, and I would like to confess to everyone with a clumsy attitude!"

As soon as these words came out, the others didn't do anything. Xu Gaotian, who was sitting on the stage, suddenly raised his eyes and looked at him with extremely cold eyes.

Zhuo Benzheng naturally felt it too, but as the matter was over, he could only bite the bullet and continue.

"I don't see Lay Ming, the mountain is empty but lonely.

Bai Lian Yin is missing, Qing Ai sits down.

The spring is cold, and there are six dynasties.

When the stone goes to the moon, the theory of relativity is at ease. "

After the poem, the audience was a sensation.

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