Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2771: Spiritual Suppression

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As soon as the voice fell, the faces of Sister Schumann and Schumann Ching showed horror.

Because at this moment, they were shocked to find that there was a strong and powerful spirit that enveloped them.

This spirit is so powerful that it has completely exceeded their understanding.

In front of it, even they are only shivering.

And it was at this moment that there was a huge **** rising up in their sea of ​​knowledge.

It was Xue An's divine mentality projected into the sea of ​​knowledge.

As soon as this phenomenon came out, they immediately saw everything in the sea, and their souls began to tremble.

"Who are you? Why do you have such a powerful spiritual mind?" Shu Manna yelled, resisting the panic in her heart.

Before, she thought this was just an ordinary six-rank Xiaoqiang Lieutenant, so she dared to make fun of it, but she didn't expect to kick on the iron plate.

This can't help making her surprised and regretful.

Xue An smiled faintly, "You have asked the question who am I once before. Do you know why I didn't tell you? Because you are not worthy!"

At the end, a touch of sarcasm appeared on Xue An's face.

Shu Manna and Shu Manqing were furious.

No one has ever dared to talk to their sisters like this.

But now the situation is better than others, no matter how angry they are, they can only endure it.

"I know you are not convinced, but the strength is like this. Now I want to kill you no more than squeeze a bug, are you right?"

Shu Manqing's face was blue and white.

Because what Xue An is saying now is clearly what he said before.

But now it sounds sarcastic.

"What the **** do you want to do?" Shu Manna finally calmed her mind at this time and said in a deep voice.

But as soon as her voice fell, a majestic coercion came on, directly pressing her soul to the ground.

Shumana struggled, but she couldn't shake the pressure, and the humiliation of kneeling on the ground made her mad.

At the same time, Xue An said indifferently: "I hope you can recognize where you are now. Even your life and death are between my thoughts, so if you talk to me in this tone, If you do, your soul will collapse!"

Shumana was almost mad.

But helplessly, her strength in divine consciousness was far inferior to Xue An, and under the all-round suppression, she could only bow her head.

On the contrary, Schu Manqing on the side saw the opportunity quickly and immediately changed his attitude and asked in a respectful tone.

"My lord, it was our sisters who had eyes and no beads before, so they offended you so much. Please forgive me!"

Xue An was noncommittal.

Schu Manqing took a step forward and gave a deep salute, "But I don't know what the lord is trying to do when he suppresses me in the sea of ​​knowledge?"

Xue An just said, "Whose order did you come here?"

"Which order was given? We just came out to stroll, just passing by Longhu Mountain, and found that there was a tremendous change here, so alive, so we came to take a look!" Shu Manqing blinked innocent eyes and said.

This is a trick she has tried repeatedly. With this innocent look, she doesn't know how many men she has deceived.

But this time when she finished speaking, she didn't see the slightest clue on Xue An's face, and only the endless peace.

This made her flustered inexplicably, but on the surface she still pretended to be calm.

At this moment, Xue An raised his eyes slightly.

"Did you finish?"

"My lord, I..."

"When you are finished, then you can kneel down too!"

After giving an order, Schu Manqing snorted, and then she was also pressured to kneel on the ground by a huge force.

"Do you think I'm a good liar? This time you came here obviously under the instigation of others, so I really want to know who is instructing you behind the scenes, and what is his purpose!"

Xue An's eyes flowed, and his eyes swept across the faces of Shu Manna and Shu Manqing who were kneeling on the ground.

"Now, who can you tell me?"

"My lord, we really weren't instigated by others. We really passed by here by accident..." Shu Manqing also wanted to explain.

Xue An waved his hand, "Well, since I don't want to say it, don't say it, let me show him myself!"

This sentence made Schumann's and Schumannqing's hearts tight.

What's the meaning?

What is he going to do?

In the next second, the questions in their hearts were answered.

Because at this moment, Xue An's eyes flashed with killing intent.

In an instant, the already violent spirit became extremely cold.

Sister Sumana could even hear the sound of their souls being frozen.

This caused both of them to risk their souls.

Because they knew well that if their souls were a little lost, they would be truly overwhelmed.

Therefore, both of them invariably cast aside their arrogance before shouting.

"My lord, forgive me!"

"My lord, spare your life!"

But Xue An was not moved at all, but stood coldly above the sea of ​​consciousness, seeming to be waiting for something.

Sen Leng's pressure continued to spread, and even the souls of the two sisters Shumana began to stagnate.

That was a sign before it was completely frozen.

And just at this moment, only a soft sigh came from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Do you have to force me to shoot?"

With this sigh, the coercion of Senleng melted like ice and snow.

Su Manna and Schu Man Qing received an amnesty, and quickly got up and retreated.

A gray figure appeared in front of the two of them, and then faced Xue An directly.

"Forcing me to come out with the lives of both of them, you are really brave enough!"

Xue An stared coldly at this gray The brilliance of her eyes flickered.

he knows.

This figure was the first real evil powerhouse he saw after he came into this world.

The so-called evil things I have seen before are nothing more than having some thin blood, which is completely incomparable with the gray figure in front of him.

After a while, he reduced the brilliance in his eyes and said lightly: "You are finally willing to show up! It seems that these two people are very important to you!"

"They are important or not important first, put aside, Chinese teenager, it is amazing that you can have such a powerful spiritual mind at a young age, but if you want to go your own way, are you not afraid of being buried in this world?" Questioned.

Xue An laughed up to the sky, "Since you can call out the Chinese word, you must be aware of it. I will tell you now that I am here on this trip to bury you all the evil things!"

"Hmph, I'm really not ashamed. Don't think that you can look down on everything if you have a little strength. You must know that you are no more than the strength of Captain Xiao. Except for the merits of God's Sense, the rest is inferior to that ant in my eyes. "The gray figure coldly snorted.

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