Bian Qingmu slowly opened his eyes, and a strong momentum came from her.

Surprisingly, it is the cultivation base of Sanxian Peak!

Bian Hua took a step forward and asked with concern: "Sister Aoki, how is it?"

Bian Qingmu nodded, "Sure enough, this spirit pill is extraordinary. My injury is no longer unharmed, and my cultivation has returned to the previous level!"

Bian Hua took a breath, and said excitedly: "I said Master Immortal's spirit pill will have magical effects!"

A complex expression flashed in Bian Qingmu's eyes.

What is the origin of that mysterious man?

Why is there such a wonderful panacea?

You must know that in Kunlun Wonderland, apart from those large numbers of sects, few people can refine spirit pills!

This also makes the spirit pill very valuable.

Even the elixir that Bian Hua picked up this time, if Xue An doesn't emerge, Bian Qingmu is planning to swallow it directly!

In that way, the efficacy of the medicine is naturally weakened a lot.

"He...where does he live now?" Bian Qingmu asked.

"I let Master Xianshi live with me first!"

Bian Qingmu nodded, and suddenly said, "Get a piece of Thousand Young Mu Xin!"

Bian Hua was taken aback, "Sister Aoki, you..."

Bian Qingmu said: "This spirit pill is too precious, I don't like to owe favors to others, giving him a piece of a thousand young wooden heart, it is even!"

"it is good!"

Bianhua is about to leave.

"Wait!" Bian Qingmu groaned slightly, "I'll send it by myself!"

When Bian Qingmu came to Bianhua's residence, he saw Xue An busy in the courtyard.

Bian Tian drooled and squatted aside watching.

A bonfire was burning on the ground, and several grouses dressed in branches stood on it. Xue An turned the grouse while sprinkling the spices evenly.

A refreshing fragrance spreads, and people can't help but move their index fingers when they smell it.

"This is..." Bian Qingmu was a little dumbfounded.

Xue An raised his head and glanced at Bian Qingmu, then smiled faintly, "It's just right, it's ready to be cooked right away!"

Bian Qingmu suddenly noticed that light blue branches were burning on the ground.

Bian Qingmu was silent for a moment, and then said angrily: "You actually use the branches of the sacred tree to make a fire?"

Xue An said lightly: "What? Are there any questions? And I have to say, your branches are really good, they burn with a strange fragrance!"

Bian Qingmu is going to run away!

The reason why Qingmu Town got its name is entirely due to the sacred tree in the town that has not known how long it has grown!

Yuanzhou City is coveting Qingmu Town, because this sacred tree produces a precious thing every year!

That is to say, Qian Young Mu Xin that Bian Qingmu brought and prepared to give to Xue An!

Unexpectedly, Xue An actually dared to cut the branches and leaves of Shenmu to make barbecue!

For the people in Qingmu Town, this is a blasphemous thing!

Xue An didn't care about those. Seeing that the grouse was almost roasted, he picked up one and handed it to Bian Tian.

"Try it!"

Bian Tian couldn't wait to tear off a piece of chicken, and he swallowed it directly without scalding it.


She bared her teeth when she was hot, but she just couldn't bear to vomit it!

Xue An smiled, probably because of having a daughter, so Xue An is very patient and loving to these little girls!

"Eat or not?" Xue An asked Bian Qingmu with a gloomy look.

Bian Qingmu grunted angrily, put a piece of wood emitting a blue halo on the table, turned around and left.

When she reached the gate of the courtyard, she said solemnly: "Tomorrow, go to Yuanzhou City first! The first round of promotion will be held there!"

"No problem!" Xue An said while eating grouse.

Bian Qingmu paused, and then said: "This time to Yuanzhou City, I am sure it will not go so smoothly. I hope you will not be too arrogant then. After all, Xuan Yuanzong is among the best in this area of ​​thousands of miles. Lots of doors!"

Xue An smiled faintly, "As long as they don't come to me, I won't bother to care about them!"

When Aoki left, Xue An handed Bianhua a chicken, "Try it, it tastes good!"

Bian Hua greedily swallowed, but he was afraid that Bian Aoki would get angry when he knew it, and was embarrassed.

Xue An blinked, "This sacred wood burnt things, you can improve your cultivation a little bit by eating it!"

Upon hearing this, Bian Hua immediately grabbed a grouse and ate it gorgingly.

He took a bite of chicken and said in surprise: "Really!"

Xue An smiled. The reason for this feeling is that when he just grilled, he used his cultivation base to adjust the heat!

No measures, disperse immortals, it's so capricious!

Xue An thought of this, and picked up the green wooden heart.

To put it bluntly, this thing is the essence of the wood condensed from the Ten Thousand Years Shenmu. It is of no use to Xue An, but it can be taken back to make a toy for the two little girls!

If Bian Qingmu knew that he regarded him as a treasure, and attracted countless eyes of Qingmu Xin, Xue An was actually just a child's toy in the eyes of Xue An, I don't know how he would feel.


Yuanzhou City!

A town under the main city of Jizhou in the east of Kunlun, where Xuan Yuanzong is located.

Due to the proximity of the Trial Conference, Yuanzhou City also became enthusiastic.

When Xue An and Bian Qingmu arrived here, the entire town was already overcrowded.

Not only were there people who participated in the trial, but there were also many people who came to see the enthusiastic.

Kunlun Wonderland is full of aura, even ordinary people are very powerful, and the real world has become more commonplace.

This can be seen from the time when the trial sign was received, the people who took care of the venue were all real-human cultivation bases.

The two brothers and sisters, Bian Tian and Bian Hua, also followed. This was the first time they participated in the trial meeting, so they were all full of excitement.

At this moment, a very annoying voice came from behind.

"Hehe, the people from Qingmu Town dare to come?"

Hearing this voice, everyone in Bian Qingmu turned their heads and saw a arrogant man approaching.

When he saw this man, Bian Qingmu's expression became extremely embarrassing.

"Chu Xingze!"

The person who came was the inner disciple of Xuan Yuanzong and one of Sha's most respected subordinates, Chu Xingze!

Chu Xingze smiled gloomily, staring at Bian Qingmu a little greedily, and then said: "I heard that your Qingmu town actually dared to kill my Xuanyuan Sect's messenger, why? I feel that I have a good cultivation level and want to be with us Xuanyuan. Zongbi compared?"

Bian Qingmu gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Because this Chu Xingze's strength is even stronger than her!

He is the pinnacle of Sanxian, but this Chu Xingze is half-step immortal!

"Chu Xingze, the trial meeting hasn't started yet, do you want to do it in the street now?" Bian Qingmu said coldly.

"Hey, I didn't want to do it, but when I get to the trial meeting, I will let you know that I have offended Xuan Yuanzong's fate!" Chu Xingze said coldly.

At this time, a calm voice came, "Will you help me? I think he is also very upset, he can kill you for free!" The novel is invincible, starting with the new chapter 295 of the newest chapter from Dad Xianzun Chapter Millennium Aoki Heart (first update) URL: https://

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