Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 378: In front of me, everything must surrender

Some of them came to Xue An.

For Xue An, Stokely also hated it.

If it weren't for him, there wouldn't be so many things.

After killing them all, grabbing the tree's heart, and gaining the godhead of this tree god, he will become the true druid god!

Do not!

It should be said to be the **** of nature.

Thinking of this, a smug smile appeared on the corner of Stukri's mouth.

But the next second, his smile freezes.

Suddenly all the vines that had gone turbulently stopped in mid-air.

Then it was as if they had encountered an absolute monarch, all crawling on the ground, turning into dead branches.

"Wh... what's going on?" Stukri couldn't believe his eyes, and exclaimed.

Xue An walked slowly on the dead branches and said lightly: "You control nature and think you are invincible, but you don't know that in front of me, everything must be surrendered!"

After all, Xue An popped a finger.


Stukri felt that a mighty force was coming, and in shock, he immediately wrapped himself in layers of vines.

But this is useless at all.

The force of this finger directly smashed all the vines wrapped outside.

"No!" Stukeli yelled, turning his body into streamer, trying to escape.

Countless vines suddenly turned against the guest, and directly trapped him in the air.

Xue An said indifferently: "Now it's over to you. It's up to you to decide whether to swallow or let it go!"

"Yes!" A faint sigh sounded in everyone's heart.

Stokeli yelled in horror, "Master Mother, I know I was wrong, please let me go!"

"Druid, your heart of nature has been dusted, you know, nature is not only the weak and the strong, but full of beauty and vitality! You and I all originate from nature, so belong to me!"

With that, countless vines directly submerged Stukri.

After a scream, the vines dispersed, and there were no more traces of Stukri in the air. The only thing left was the gilded robe.

Luna, including all the elves present, stared blankly.

Lord Mother God has always been an extremely kind existence.

Unexpectedly, this time he would actually kill.

Xue An smiled slightly, "Very well, at least you already know how to resist! Then I will help you again!"

Then he looked at Luna, "Thank you for asking my wife to come back!"

Luna nodded blankly, and Ivero immediately said, "I'll go please!"

Soon, An Yan returned.

Yuna and others also rushed to hear the news.

Xue An took out several chalcedony spirit stones from An Yan's mustard seed ring.

Upon seeing this thing, the mother god's surprised voice sounded.

" actually have this thing?"

Xue An smiled, did not speak, then placed a few spirit stones and gently drew a magic circle.

Then waved.

A dazzling white light rose into the sky.

The abundant aura directly entered the trees.

The whole tree shook a few times like a giant stretching after waking up from a deep sleep, and then made a creaking sound.

After that, all the elves felt that their strength began to gradually recover.

The whole secret realm gradually returned to its original state, and the abundant aura slowly returned.

This phenomenon naturally drew surprises from countless people.

Then I saw a vine stretched out from the wall of the conference hall, with a bud at the end of the vine.

The bud swayed a few times, and suddenly it bloomed.

Among the buds, there is a beautiful woman in a green robe floating.

The woman's face looked a little fuzzy, but her body was permeated with powerful natural forces.

All the elves knelt down with excitement, "My Lord Mother God!"

The woman who appeared was the tree spirit of this giant tree.

The woman fell into the dust, and then gave a small salute to Xue An.

"Thank you, my lord, for your help."

All the elves also bowed to Xue An, "Thank you, sir!"

This scene also surprised the belated miss and Isabella.

"Dad, what's the matter?" the two little girls asked curiously.

Xue An smiled, before he could speak.

The woman chanted a fairy spell in a low voice, and a very soft supernatural power enveloped Xue Xiang and Xue Nian.

Xue An was startled slightly, and then chuckled softly: "It's true!"

"Should!" Shu Ling said respectfully.

Luna trembled: "Guardian of the Goddess of Nature?"

It turned out that the divine power that just enveloped Xue Xiang and Xue Nian was a strong guardian used by the mother god.

As long as the mother goddess still exists, then he can unconditionally resist the attack for Xue Xiang and Xue Nian.

To put it bluntly, it is also to repay Xue An's kindness.

At this time, Xue An said lightly: "This spirit stone magic circle can only solve your temporary problems. The root cause is that there is a problem with your spiritual root."

The tree spirit smiled bitterly, "My lord is right. Before, my spiritual root had been rooted in a secret realm, but then I didn't know what was going on. I was suddenly cut off from the spiritual root and almost died.

"Secret realm? What secret realm?" Xue An asked.

"I don't know too well, but the secret realm is very broad and full of aura. Most of the people living in it are monsters!"

Xue An showed some interest, "Demon Race Secret Realm?"

"Yes, my lord!"

"This is interesting, can I still find that secret realm?"

The tree spirit shook his head, "After my spiritual root was destroyed, I tried to find it again, but I couldn't find it. There is only a trace of if there is still no connection, which shows that this secret realm is above the earth , Unfortunately I can't find it anymore."

Xue An nodded non-committal.

That night, Xue An's family lived in the secret realm of elves.

The return of the mother **** made these elves ecstatic.

Therefore, an extremely grand bonfire party was held.

As the most distinguished guest, Xue An was placed in the main seat.

When they were eating, Xue An suddenly understood why Isabella and Yuna were willing to take such a big to go to the outside world to eat.

Because the food in this fairyland is really unpalatable.

Although there are all kinds of small animals everywhere in this secret realm, elves whose fertility likes nature certainly refuse to kill these animals.

So I can only eat the fruits that grow on the tree.

And this fruit felt okay at first, but after a few bites, it felt bland and tasteless.

This is really hard to swallow for Xue An and others who are used to food outside.

But the wine here is not bad.

They are all brewed with pure natural wild fruits and sap. It tastes sweet and sour and refreshing. Children can drink a few sips.

An Yan loves this taste to death, drinking endlessly.

And seeing her drinking like this, many elves not only cover their mouths and laugh.

An Yan is still a little puzzled, what are these elves pointing at?

When he was in doubt, these fruit wines that had entered his stomach suddenly turned into turbulent drinks.

An Yan blinked his eyes, then plopped and fell to the ground, becoming drunk.

Xue An looked at An Yan who was asleep, and couldn't help crying or laughing. Then he picked her up and put her on the couch beside her.

This silly girl really thought it was a drink?

Actually drank a whole pot.

The voice of the tree spirit sounded, "My lord, this fruit wine contains the power of nature. After being drunk, you can recover as long as you sleep, and it is good for the girl's skin and body! So please don't worry about the drunken lady.

Hearing this sentence, Xue An was unconvinced.

But sitting on the sidelines, Quintina, who doesn't drink, slapped the table immediately, "Give me a pot too!"

"Aren't you not drinking?" Yuna asked curiously.

"An exception today!" Quintina said gritted her teeth.

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