Blood mountain.

This is a huge mountain range towering like clouds.

It can even be said that the entire blood clan secret realm is occupied by this mountain.

Along the mountain, many castles have been built.

The owners of these castles are basically the blood princes.

And on the top of the mountain, is where the Blood Race Council is.

When Xue An stepped into the Blood Mountain, he saw countless blood lights gathering towards the top of the mountain.

A strong breath swept across the sky, making Xue An's eyes bright and colorful.

These are all blood beads!

And when it came to the sanctuary of the blood race on the top of the mountain, a large number of blood races had gathered here.

These blood races are all well-dressed, gathered in groups of three to five, talking in various elegant words.

When Xue An and others appeared here, many people cast curious eyes.

Especially Serena and Quintina, who took the lead in the forefront, made many people look weird.

"Isn't that Serena who was crippled by Prince Wilson?" someone whispered.

"Hehe, it's the little witch, I didn't expect that she would also participate in this parliament!"

"The marquise at the back is very face-to-face!"

"It's probably a newcomer! Hey, he looks so beautiful, now those big people have new toys again!"

In these discussions, Serena was chewing gum with a cold expression on her face.

As usual, there is a short banquet before the meeting.

So soon a variety of treasured dishes were served up like water.

But the most eye-catching thing is the bottles with shining blood.

After Xue An saw these wine bottles, his eyes gradually grew cold.

Where are these wines, they are clearly made of human blood!

Each bottle may represent the lives of hundreds of people.

But here, it has become the red wine used by these blood races to show their elegance.

"My lord!" Feeling the murderous aura emanating from Xue An, Serena whispered.


"It's not the time yet, none of the real big shots have appeared!"

Xue An nodded, "Understood!"

While they were talking, there was a voice full of infinite malice.

"Dear Serena, I didn't expect you to come too!"

Hearing this voice, Serena's eyes were full of blood, and she said without looking back: "My dearest brother, of course I will come to such a grand council!"

It was Serena's half-brother and the descendant that Prince Wilson most valued, Dennis.

Dennis chuckled lightly, his eyes full of condescending arrogance.

"As a family plaything, I wonder why you dare to talk to me in this tone."

Serena snorted and did not respond.

Dennis' gaze was attracted by Quintina on the side, and he walked over with a glass of wine, then leaned gracefully.

"Beautiful lady, nice to meet you, I am Dennis, a descendant of the Wilson family, a thousand-year-old nobleman! Your beauty is so unforgettable for me!"

Quintina did not respond, but took a half step back, and said flatly: "But I am not happy to meet you!"

These words made Dennis's expression change, and a light of irritability and anger appeared in his eyes.

"I hope you can understand, who are you talking to!" With the voice, three and a half pairs of blood wings appeared behind Dennis.

People around were shocked, "It's actually about to break through to the existence of the Grand Duke!"

"The descendants of Lord Wilson are really extraordinary!"

Dennis was full of pride and arrogance in these comments.

"Marquise, as long as you apologize for your attitude just now and be attached to me, I can forgive you!"

Quintina sneered and shook her head, "Daydreaming!"


The people around were shocked by Quintina's attitude.

Actually challenged Dennis with the strength of the Marquis.

Dennis looked gloomy and could drip water, "Very well, Marquise, I remember you. After the council is over, I will be happy to talk to you again!"

After that, he turned and walked away.

Quintina secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she had just been crushed by the aura of Dennis.

But for the sake of the owner, she cannot bow her head.

Xue An smiled faintly at this time, "It's a pity!"

Only Quintina and others knew what Xue An meant by pity.

The Duke of Half Step is not a Duke, and the blood beads he condenses are not usable.

This is why Xue An said it was a pity.

At this moment, I saw a commotion ahead.

I saw figures gradually appeared on the twelve chairs in the hall of the blood family.

The Twelve Speakers of the Council of the Kindred Group actually attended.

The many blood races all bent over together and shouted respectfully, "I have seen the speaker!"

In the middle is Prince Wilson, who scans the entire hall with majestic eyes.

As a veteran nobleman who has experienced thousands of years, his strength and prestige are awe-inspiring.

No blood clan dared to look directly at him, and all the sights lowered their heads docilely.

Only when I scanned the corner, I saw Serena chewing gum, standing carelessly and even smiled coldly at Wilson, then stretched out a middle finger, and muttered softly in her mouth. What is the sentence?

Although it is not clear, but it can be seen from the shape of the mouth, it is definitely not a good thing.

Wilson was slightly startled.

Serena's current appearance was completely beyond his expectation, as if she had been out of his control.

But immediately, a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Serena used to be his best toy, and it took her a hundred years of abuse before she succumbed to it.

But once the toy succumbed, it was meaningless.

So Wilson has long lost interest in it.

Now seeing Serena like this, he was interested in it again.

Parliament officially began.

Andrew was the first to speak.

He used the old-fashioned and medieval words to emphasize: "Dear Speakers, my descendant Andrew died yesterday, and after my investigation, there are still many kinsmen who have been wiped out together. I have every reason to believe that this is a kinship. Attack."

His words caused a slight commotion.

"Did the people of the Bright Church do it?" a blood clan asked loudly.

"It's still unclear, but I think we need to be more vigilant. Some time ago, the Grand Duke of Aldington fell, and he did not even leave a trace of flesh and blood. Now my descendants are being attacked again. Obviously someone is here. Secretly targeting our blood!"

"So I propose that our blood council should be more vigilant about this matter." Andrew's proposal attracted a lot of echoes.

Wilson nodded insignificantly, "Your Excellency Andrew, your proposal is correct! I once sent Serena to investigate the cause of death of the Grand Duke of Aldington, and now she should have some eyebrows!"

Following the voice, many eyes focused on Serena.

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