Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 397: Hallows·Light Old Testament

"Sister, this big villain is not dead!" Xue Nian shouted.

"No need to shout, I saw it! Since it's not dead, let's do it again!" Xue Xiang's small face was cold and frosty, pointing to the pan.

"Ultraman, kill this villain!"

The pan rose again and went straight to Alonso in mid-air.

Alonso is now on the verge of rampaging.

He was actually beaten by two little girls.

If this spreads out, what kind of face do you have in the Knights of Light?

The only way to save the reputation now is to kill all these little girls.

So Alonso took a step and chanted: "God says, redeem by returning!"

A holy white light enveloped him, turning into a whole set of light armor.

At this time the pan had also rushed, Alonso snorted coldly, and stepped forward, actually resisting the blow.


The armor on Alonso's body flickered slightly, and the menacing pan was shot out.

At the same time, a long sword of light appeared in Alonso's hand, and said with a grinning smile: "Success!"

As he said, the long sword crashed down.

The three little girls closed their eyes in fright.

At this moment, thick vines suddenly appeared, firmly guarding the three little girls.

The long sword of the holy light slashed on it. Although it had cut off countless vines, the vines were like flowing water, endless, dying and resurrecting, and soon blocked this menacing sword.

Then the figure of the elven goddess Cloris gradually emerged, "As a knight of light, but you have such a cruel hand on a few children, has your church of light fallen to this point?"

Cloris' voice was full of anger and a trace of fear.

The reason why she arrived now was because Gary and Alonso used the church secret method to cover their breath when they came in, thus perfectly deceiving Cloris.

It wasn't until Xue Xiang and Xue Nian were in a dangerous situation just now that they aroused the guardianship of the goddess of nature, and Cloris realized that something was wrong and rushed over.

In her opinion, if she comes a little later, the three little girls might have trouble.

But what Cloris didn't know was that thinking and Nian Nian had various guardian spells cast by Xue An on her body. If Alonso's sword cut a few centimeters down, these guardianships would be triggered.

At that time, let alone Alonso, even the chief referee of the Church of Illumination will be there, and he will have to eat and walk.

At this time, Gary and everyone from the church had also come to Alonso.

The group looked at Cloris with greedy eyes.

"A false god, and there is also the breath of a Nordic godhead, hahaha, this time I made a lot of money!" Alonso couldn't help but be overjoyed.

For people in the Church of Light, they can capture or destroy a false **** is the greatest credit.

It can even reinstate Alonso's direct official who has committed many mistakes and re-emerge as the deputy commander of the Knights of Light.

Cloris frowned, "People of the Church of Illumination, my people have always kept self-sacrifice and are neutral. You have been oppressed for so many years. Do you really think my elves are easy to bully?"

Following Cloris's voice, countless vines undulated behind him, and even the trees in the entire forest stretched out sharp branches, aimed at Alonso and others.

At this time, the elves who felt the goddess's anger also rushed to the scene.

Seeing so many beautiful night elves appeared, Gary and Alonso smiled at each other.

Then Gary said indifferently: "A false god, you pretend to be a god, this is your greatest original sin. As for your people, if they are willing to surrender, they may be atonement!"

"Bah, we don't even recognize the so-called gods in your mouth, light pests, get out quickly, otherwise we will make you look good!" Ephro shouted furiously.

At this time, his cultivation base had been restored, which was when his confidence was bursting.

Gary smiled and respectfully took out a parchment book from his arms.

As soon as the book appeared, Cloris screamed, "Guangming Old Testament Reprint! How can you have such a thing?"

Gary chuckled and did not speak, but was about to turn the book.

At this time, Ephro couldn't hold back anymore, and a javelin made of natural power appeared in his hand, and then threw it suddenly.

Cloris also knew the situation was not good.

If only a red archbishop and a knight of light, then she is not afraid.

But now this cardinal bishop actually has a copy of the Bright Old Testament in his hand. Although it is a copy, it is also a sacred instrument!

Cloris gritted his teeth, "Natural barrier!"

The endless green power enveloped a radius of more than ten miles.

As the **** of this secret realm, she has absolute control over everything here, and her relentless shot this time is naturally amazing.

All the elves felt a shock, and their entire body's cultivation base had been increased several times.

The natural javelin thrown by Ivero has grown dozens of times bigger, and the momentum is extremely shocking.

But as soon as he rushed closer, he saw Alonso swing a sword.


The long sword of the holy light and the natural javelin broke together.

Evro shouted, "Let's do it together!"

All the elves have used their only ultimate move.

Alonso snorted coldly, and the light armor on his body was actually blocked these attacks with his own power, and firmly protected Gary behind him.

At this time, Gary had already opened the first page, his face was full of holy radiance, and he said lightly: "God said, there must be light!"


As he chanted, endless rays of light fell from the sky, and the entire elven secret realm began to vibrate.

The forest that had just returned to life quickly withered under the baptism of this light.

Many elves felt that they were all tied up, very uncomfortable.

Cloris looked extremely ugly.

The other party broke her natural barrier with just one sentence.

This strength has exceeded her imagination, but the matter has reached this point, and she can't wait to die, so she coldly hummed: "All things return to nature!"

Under the white light, the green, which was retreating steadily, suddenly shook, and then began to fight back.

The light of Cloris's body became stronger and stronger.

This is that she is fighting the divine power of light at the cost of burning divine power.

But at this moment, Gary turned to the second page and said lightly: "The mighty power is like prison!"


The endless white light suddenly enveloped everyone, and then turned into a cage, trapping everyone in it.

Cloris is no exception. The cage that trapped her is the purest light power, and it directly cuts off her contact with the outside world.

No matter how powerful the gods are, if they leave the outside world they depend on for survival, they will also become weak.

The light of Cloris began to recede rapidly, and in the end only a young woman with a panic expression remained.

Many elves were also trapped in their own cages, unable to resist.

Alonso laughed triumphantly, "Okay! Lord Gary is really amazing!"

Gary smiled slightly, "Everything is the glory of God!"

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