Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 624: Not satisfied? Then I will hit you!

The audience was silent.

Only the smoke is slowly sinking.

do you died?

Many people have doubts.

At this moment, a hand was suddenly stretched out among the ruins, and then Broshan climbed out of it with difficulty.

It's just that he now looks too miserable.

Half of his head has been shattered by life, and blood is dripping down from his brain.

With such a serious injury, it is estimated that the other repairers would have died long ago.

It is only because Shiva Demon Gate is very good at physical arts, has tempered the fleshly body extremely solid, and the vitality is naturally very tenacious, so that he can survive this kind of serious injury.

The practitioners who witnessed this scene all felt extremely absurd in their hearts.

From the appearance of this Chinese man with no fluctuations in his cultivation level to the present, only half a cup of tea has turned the arrogant and impossibly broken mountain into this look.

This is a bit weird.

At this time, he saw the black light on Poshan's head flickering vigorously, and the wound was squirming wildly, trying to repair the injury.

For the first time, Po Shan's face also showed a solemn color.

"I admit, you are great! But don't forget, I am a golden immortal cultivator!" Poshan said coldly.

Huayou, who has been paying close attention to the situation in the field, can't help but sink.

Whether in Zhongzhou or elsewhere, Jinxian means the top combat power.

And being able to become a golden immortal naturally means that this cultivator has great opportunities and great fortunes. Such people are often extremely difficult to kill.

"Hey, I'm going to tell you next, what it means to provoke a cultivator of the Golden Immortal Peak!"

Poshan's face gradually became hideous, and his body shape began to soar as if he was blowing, and soon he became seven or eight meters tall.

If it weren't for the huge hall, I guess my head would hit the ceiling.

The aura on Poshan's body became more and more terrifying, and his face gradually became less human-like.

"Demonization! It's demonization!" Wan Chengyi exclaimed.

Many people who know Shiva’s Demon’s Gate are awe-inspiring.

Shiva Gate was originally an ancient religion inherited from the ancient times, and Shiva is the supreme **** in this religion.

But in the thousands of years of spread, this Shiva gate gradually began to mutate, and added a lot of demon means.

It was finally called Shiva Demon Gate.

Among these methods, demonization is the most terrifying and ultimate kind.

Once it is displayed, it means that the person has completely entered a frenzied state, and it will never stop without killing the opponent.

Many timid repairmen have slipped out of the main hall quietly.

Hua Youan was bandaging the wound on Song A's right arm, while looking at Xue An's back uneasy.

She doesn't know Xue An.

But this same black-haired and black-eyed man gave her a strong sense of security.

Moreover, he repelled Poshan as soon as he appeared, which shows that he is an extremely powerful character.

It has been too long since the Chinese people have appeared strong, so the appearance of Xue An made Hua Youan and Jia Ning all happy for him.

Correspondingly, he became more worried about Xue An's current situation.

Cang Yayun and Liu Ke could see, and they were about to step forward to help Xue An.

Xue An raised his head and looked at the broken mountain like a demon god, and said lightly: "Since the beginning of cultivation, he has planted the devil fetus, and when needed, he will attract the devil fetus into the soul to stimulate combat power, is that true?"

Different from other people's demonization, because Poshan is a golden immortal cultivation base, so you can stay awake while demonizing.

Therefore, after hearing these words from Xue An, his expression changed drastically.

"You... how could you know the devil fetus?"

This is the unspoken secret of Shiva Demon Gate, and only the highest level people are qualified to contact it.

Now that Xue An said it through, he was naturally horrified.

Xue An smiled faintly, "The idea is good! It's a pity... Even if the real demon is here, he must die today!"

Xue An instantly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived in front of the broken mountain.

I saw that the light in Xue An's eyes was great, and the powerful spirit was like the essence, and it condensed into a huge silver needle, which pierced the mountain's forehead.

Po Shan was horrified and wanted to dodge.

But the speed of this divine mind silver needle was like a shining silver light, which instantly penetrated Poshan's forehead, and then shot out from the back of his head, bringing out a long black magic energy.

Poshan's expression instantly became dull, and then countless devilish energy began to escape from his eyebrows, and his huge body shrank sharply.

With just one blow, Xue An smashed the broken mountain's fetus.

The resulting violent backlash almost defeated Poshan's mentality.

It wasn't until his body shrank back to his normal state that Poshan regained his consciousness, and then shouted in horror, "Who are you?"

Xue An lightly said: "I am Xue An from the Chinese nationality! Now, I want to play a game! Next, you must count every punch I strike. If you count wrong or refuse to count, then The torture for you will never end! Understand?"

"Do I count you......" Although Po Shan was frightened by Xue An's methods, his dignity as a golden immortal cultivator still made him yell out.

Xue An shook his head, "This answer...I don't like it!"

With that said, Xue An's figure suddenly appeared behind Poshan, and then blasted out with a punch.

Poshan roared and tried to resist.

But how could he be able to withstand Xue An's punch after repeated serious injuries, coupled with the destruction of the devil's tire.


He was blown out by Xue An again, and then hit the ground heavily.

Xue Ansen smiled, "Next, the game officially begins!"

When the voice fell to the ground, Xue An's figure appeared again in front of the broken mountain that was just struggling to get up, and again punched out.

Next is Xue An's personal performance moment.

I saw Poshan perfectly playing the role of a human sandbag, and was bombarded by Xue An from the ground to the air, and then from the air to the ground.

The muffled sound of fists, the crackling sound of fractures, and the screams of breaking the mountain constitute a symphony exuding **** beauty.

At the beginning, Poshan wanted to fight back.

But Xue An's fist is so strong. Let any resistance he turned into a needless struggle.

In the back, Poshan has been beaten and can only rely on strong vitality to endure By this time, the strong vitality has become the shackles of Poshan.

Because of this powerful vitality, he couldn't even get into a coma, so he could only be beaten with his eyes open.

It wasn't until this time that Poshan deeply realized that being beaten was such a painful thing.

That kind of heart-wrenching pain quickly brought him to the brink of collapse.

at last.

After Xue An threw another punch and slammed him deep into the floor from mid-air, and successfully broke all his newly grown ribs.

He shouted tremblingly, "One... one punch!"

Hearing this shout, all the onlookers took a breath.

Surrendered to such a strong man.

This Chinese man... terrible!

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