Invincible Undead Legion

Chapter 2431 Hell Three-Headed Dog (Part 1)

Since they can be called trump cards, then the two major legions must have superior strength.

After gathering, the Hell Three-Headed Dog and Thunderbird army quickly joined the front line, and the mighty army appeared opposite Jiang Mo again. This time, the number is not the same as last time. There are only two legions of 200,000. .

Jiang Mo is now also a soldier to cover the water and earth, he has no way to make a move first, he can only make a countermeasure when he sees Zeus's legion.

"Thunderbird, hell three-headed dog?" After Jiang Mo heard the news, he didn't know who to use to deal with him, but after thinking about it, he still felt that Zhao Yun was the most suitable.

His legion is a thunder-attribute legion, which has an inherent advantage in fighting against thunderbirds. On the ground, Zhao Yun's legion is fast and can completely deal with the three-headed dog of hell. Immediately send an order to let Zhao Yun, Yue Fei, and Ma Chao come to see him .

It has been half a year, and the news has spread that Guan Yu advanced again, which surprised everyone for a while. What was even more surprising was that a new building appeared in the summoning space, but no beast was born, only a towering mountain peak, Jiang Mo knew that it was Suzaku Ding!

What kind of ability does this mountain have? After Guan Yu went back, he didn't find the answer. Jiang Mo can only see Suzaku Peak as a landmark building for the time being.

After Zhao Yun got the news, he was also very excited. Fighting may mean advancement for him. His weapons have been awakened, and his strength has reached the peak. The only evolution can bring him a different soldier. I have seen Guan Yu's After the soldiers, not only Zhao Yun, there is no guy who doesn't look forward to his own legion.

Soon, Zhao Yun came to report with the army. His speed was indeed fast. He was farther away than Guan Yu, but he came even faster than Guan Yu.

Before the army on the opposite side assembled, Zhao Yun had already stood inside the city gate.

The three generals are lined up in a row. This time, Jiang Mo recruited three people. That is because there are many enemies, more than two million. Jiang Mo does not fight uncertain battles. His own underworld guards, plus three million Zhao Yun's soldiers , plus holy angels, the total is more than 10 million. Jiang Mo wants to defend the city, and he is very sure.

Standing inside the city gate, Zhao Yun was still a little impatient: "Lord, shall I call for a fight? Why do I have to wait for the enemy to come? It's always a fight, where is it, not a fight?"

However, Jiang Mo suppressed Zhao Yun's temper: "Zhao Yun, don't be in a hurry. You have learned from the past. Do you think Guan Yu can defeat the enemy? If he hadn't had the opportunity, the two million troops were wiped out by the enemy's one hundred thousand troops. In fact, you kid, hold on to your temper and don't be in a hurry."

What Jiang Mo said was also true. Last time, if Guan Yu hadn't come to be reborn by refining fire temporarily, he would have really lost miserably. A mere 100,000 hell corpse-swallowing beasts defeated his soldiers and almost smashed through the city wall. Jiang Mo is not afraid, but he must not let his brothers die casually.

Zhao Yun also knew about this matter, so when Jiang Mo said this, Zhao Yun also nodded. Since the enemy is strong, it's okay to be impatient. Anyway, it's just a matter of these two days, so what can we do.

After waiting for three days, the hell three-headed dog finally came.

Jiang Mo's original cognition, the hell three-headed dog should be like a wolf dog, but after seeing it, Jiang Mo took a closer look, is this a dog?

Is that a ground dragon?

A huge body with equipment? This is really a bit exaggerated.

However, Jiang Mo also quickly figured it out, since his own spiders can wear equipment, why can't the enemy's Cerberus? right?

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