Tomorrow morning, as usual, Caesar woke up the earliest. He washed his face as usual and after brushing his teeth, he organized the kitchen to cook the remaining ingredients. "I'm sorry I left everything to you about the food... Thank you for always cooking delicious food." Dante told him while Caesar was cooking. "Are you such a water smelling man, Dante? I love cooking, so don't thank me, Dante. Are you ready?" Caesar said. "Of course, we're ready, we can leave whenever we want." Dante said.

As usual, my sleeping companions woke up one after the other while Caesar prepared the food. This could be a tough day, but everyone isn't worried about anything extra. "Guys, we're ready for breakfast! Let's eat together." Caesar told his people. "Mm-hmm. The dishes made by Caesar are so delicious! It's so delicious that I never get tired of eating it every day! We love the dishes made by Caesar!" Rania said Caesar. "That's the compliment, thank you, Lania. I will continue to cook you delicious dishes every day." Caesar said.

Same as always, everyone has fun eating together. When I saw my people eating happily, I said, "Hopefully I don't want to put everyone in danger, but unfortunately I'm powerless right now!" Dante thought. "When do we leave, Mr. Dante?" Sultana asked. "As soon as everyone finishes breakfast, I'm leaving. I've already unpacked and tidied up my house, so I can leave right away." Dante said.

"That's Dante, you're still fast!" Lewis said. "Mr. Lewis is just fine, what doesn't help at all." Alexander said. "Ya, what's useless?! Explain it, you!" Lewis said. "You guys are friends, as usual. Victoria, this is the real deal, but are you confident?" Dante said. Dante was worried about whether or not he put pressure on Victoria. "Phew... Mr. Dante, everyone, I'm confident! Your mind is ready now!" Victoria said out loud.

Seeing her serious face, Dante was moved. "This is the first face I've ever seen... We live together, and you've grown up, Victoria..." Dante thought. Dante went forward to Victoria and stroked her head. "Thank you for your hard work for us, Victoria! Thank you so much for living with me! We're done for breakfast, and we're leaving, guys!" Dante told his people. "" "Ooh!!!

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