Wake up.

That's the captain's bedroom. Be surprised first.

Soon my memory of last night came back to me...

I was on the bed, sinking.

I'm doing something!

Say cum or something, and kiss yourself that kissing your forehead isn't enough. And deep.

Not to mention telling the captain who let go of his body, "Are we done? I can't believe I'm asking."

She's a crazy woman, not to mention a crazy woman.

This is what you call "no room for circumstance."

"My big idiot......"

I cling to a pillow, crushing to resentment.

Yeah, I wish I could've remembered if I could.

But, you know, I know.

He said he was really drunk, but that's not all.

I didn't drink as much as my memory flies.

I'm not so vulnerable to alcohol that I lose all reason in about that.

He just got a little aggressive with the help of alcohol, and he said that it was all his own will.

I wanted to kiss you, or I didn't want you to stop.

What do you generally say about the person you want to kiss?

I can't be a camato enough to pretend I don't know.

- Someone you like.

"I like you, Captain."

To put it into words, that was something that would easily convince me.

Instead, it's so much more mysterious that you've never noticed.

It's more impossible to like someone who looks so good, so kind, and so much for me.

I was supposed to decide not to expect it.

The captain was too kind, and I ended up liking him.

You're weak, me.

Now I don't like sympathy alone anymore.

He wants you to see me, that's what he thinks.

I want you to whisper love, touch me like you did yesterday, and I want to do something more eclectic.

But that's because I know it's still too soon.

I hope they don't hate me. I hope they don't think it's a pain in the ass.

Little by little, I hope you like it.

Such a desire spreads to my chest.

What can I do to do that?

... In the meantime, I have to apologize for yesterday.

And I thought.

The captain didn't come back to his room that morning, although he tried to screw around until too much time in time to get ready for work.

Probably went straight to the office.

Maybe it was the clerk's office that headed out of this room in the first place.

You can't take a break from work, and if this happens, the captain won't be back until his lunch break.

I say it's not a good idea to put time aside to apologize, but I can't help it.

I left the room to do my best to apologize by the end of the day.

When I got back in the morning for the second time, as much as Mr. Elmia and Hanina looked again, I didn't say anything.

I also think it would have been better if they turned a warm gaze on me and told me something.

I also worked as if nothing had happened, without explaining anything in particular, and the day had passed.

... Yes, it's past.

I couldn't apologize, Captain!

I haven't even gone to my room for lunch break. I went to my room at night and there's no response, and it's locked. Plus, for some reason, I'm not at all sure in the hallway.

Three days have passed without being in such a state.

Exactly, when you get here, something goes wrong and you realize it.

Am I being avoided, or something?

I don't know if I hated that much about that time, or something.

I didn't originally feel confident that they liked me, and I thought they hated me because of that.

After all, I was wondering if it was reckless for you to like me.

I wonder if you hate me so much that you don't even want to look at me anymore.

Even if you don't like or dislike food, there will be people's likes and dislikes to the captain.

I know you don't like things that you don't like.

But I know because I remember everything about yesterday.

You kissed from me at first, but even the captain was so nosy on the way!

I don't like guys. Maybe I can sleep with women, too.

At least you don't want to kiss anyone you don't like.

I don't know, this reasoning!

I don't care what you think, maybe it doesn't make sense.

Maybe he just wants to think about the possibility that he doesn't hate me.

The captain's feelings are only known to the captain.

Still, I'm not gonna give up.

Because I don't want to end my relationship with the captain here.

First, I want to start by apologizing.

"Were you upstairs in the west wing next?"

"Yes. West wing, it's huge, so it's hard, isn't it?"

Now on the move for work.

Hanina, I'm walking down the hall with you.

I have a lot of places to clean, so I have to move and clean it.

The west wing is primarily the work of the military.

There are plenty of rooms, plenty of people at work hours.

It is also a difficult place to clean out of the way.

So clean at times away from breaks, where people rarely come out of the room.

Consideration is important, isn't it, for everything?

Maybe it's not enough for me.

When you enter the west wing from the workout's visible crossing hall and look to the corner of the futon hallway.

There was a captain there talking to someone.

Wow, that's the first captain I've had in days!

"Ah, captain..."

I couldn't call him to the end.

'Cause the captain who glanced at me immediately turned his heel back.

Huh? What, now.

Absolutely, you noticed me, didn't you?

Looks like the guy I was talking to is surprised, too. Talk, weren't you on your way?

It was too obvious, it wasn't like you were the captain.

... me, perfectly, you're avoided.

"What's the matter, Mr. Sakura?

I am annoyed by Hanina's voice.

Yes, I'm at work now.

You can't go after the captain.

Either way, we were a long way from where the captain was, so we wouldn't be able to catch him where we chased him.

"Yeah, it's nothing"

That's what I replied, chasing Hanina, who was going a little further.

I'll just look back once and see where the captain was until just now.

The person who was talking to the captain wasn't there now, either, whether he went after the captain or just moved.

... Sounds like you're in great shock, me.

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