Sakura, a guest of the Spirit and my lover, was a little... no, quite different.

That won't be just because you're a different world.

Sakura herself has a different sensibility than normal and acts like she doesn't normally.

I've always been swept away by her ruinousness.

Nevertheless, if Sakura had been a normal woman, I guess she would have never loved me more.

"What color do you think mixing is?

I thought I'd come back to the question without the thump.

It's usual for Sakura to suddenly say weird things. I'm used to good comebacks.

It can also be a sad reality that what we are accustomed to is causing odd behavior itself, and that we are troubled with its content every time.

"There won't be any color in the mix."

I can't properly talk to each other, I just had to be realistic.

Maybe if this were a milt, for example, we could also deal with this incredible topic.

I don't have enough talk and imagination to do that.

"I'm talking about what happened. Yellow or green? It's okay to have some kind of image."

"I can't imagine"

I say clearly to Sakura, who talks to me without hesitation.

It's even more abstract to think about the color of an abstract thing called mixing. I don't know why.

"Then I'll show you an example. I think I'm pale pink! When it comes to pink, it's an image of spring, and spring is full of mixes! It's the meeting season, the flowers are beautiful, warm and easy to spend, and there are birthdays!

Sakura talks hard with a smile and a pleasant grin.

Sakura is already going to make you feel better.

I don't see how you can be such a full smile when you say it's just a season story.

Sacramento, I suppose.

"Your birthday will be personal."

"It's a mixed image for me, so it's okay."

Phew, and Sakura strained her chest.

Where was there a great element?

I spill a bitter smile at Sakura, who still doesn't make sense.

"You don't have to be in the spring. It's always going to make you feel better."

Always smiling, always looking fun.

Just as if there is no such thing as unhappiness in this world, Sakura is always bright and healthy in vain.

No wonder where such vitality comes from.

Sakura is a girl like a hardening of energy.

That energy holds not only one self, but also the compelling power to engage around.

Stormy, she became acquainted with this fortress with its brightness and lack of submission.

Like I'm always swinging and still falling in love with Sakura.

Many favor her. A little, so much so that I don't think it's funny.

"It's a mix! Mixing is something that falls everywhere, so it's easy to mix it up. That's why I'm always there."

Words that are just ear-friendly like dream stories are also persuasive if said with a smile that seems to mix.

I just look at that smile and I feel my heart get warmed up.

I guess this is how Sakura always spreads his mix indiscriminately.

Nearest to me, I feel the power of Sakura's smile the most.

"I'm proud of you."

It gave me a natural grin.

I almost never laughed. I feel like I'm laughing a lot in front of Sakura.

I guess this is Sakura's influence too.

"It's okay. I'll make sure the captain gets back to you!

"I expect"

I'll make a grip and give it back to the motivated Sakura.

Don't tell me you've already received a full recommendation.

You won't even have to be weirdly motivated.

"So, Captain, what color do you think the mix is?

Suddenly the story rolled back. Apparently, he's still going to keep talking about it.

I had no choice but to put my arms together and think deeply.

Mixed. Mixed colors.

What is a mix-up to me in the first place?

My mix. Something that will mix me up. A presence that makes you feel a mix.

I glanced at Sakura.

Sakura clenched her neck wonderfully.

"... black"

As I was worried, I said so lightly.

"Uh!? Why!? Black isn't going to blend at all, is it? It's more like some kind of misfortune. I think I'm cursed."

Sakura seems to have objections and lines up her accusations with great momentum.

Cursed. Yes, that would be just too much.

Why is the black image in you so bad?

"It's my image, that's all right."

"Tell me why! I'm not convinced!

I slip away gently and distract myself from the clogging Sakura.

Look at yourself, I want you to say. No, there's no way I can tell you.

"... somehow."

It was so lame to say the real reason, and I was so deceitful.

Sakura, who has a lack of thought, I'm sure he won't notice if I don't tell him.

That's fine then. I just answered the question.

Nothing, because I didn't say black because I tried to dictate.

The presence that relentlessly soaks me is putting black together.

Black hair, black eyes. Even though the darkest colors of the night are calm, she herself is the opposite of them.

He comes near me with his dark hair moistened.

Say you like me, sparkling black eyes.

The black she holds is not a quiet, sinking dark color.

It's the darkness of a bustling, bright night, where the stars claim themselves as loudly as they can.

It's a warm darkness with peace of mind that envelops everything.

I am always given a mix in the darkness.

"You mean the captain likes black?

Sakura, who understands nothing, asks.

Right. To the point that the word like is not enough, I think.

Sakura in black.

"... that's what I'm going to do"

But I can't be honest with you.

That way again, all I could do was deceive.

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