Island Fishery

Chapter 352: Chapter 352

Chapter 352: Chapter 352

The wind in winter is very cold, and the second child of Youjing carries the fish bucket, and follows Li Shu, the little girl and the big yellow dog and other four pets to go home.

Walking through the winding road, the grandfather greeted him as soon as he entered the house. The grandfather who has taken the chalcedony spirit water for ten days has improved a lot.

"Huh? Why is there a bastard in the red bucket?".

“Caught in the river.”.

"This is really a rarity. Go show it to your grandma. I'll go to the town to buy vegetables first." Grandpa really wanted to take a second look at the bastard, but remembering his "heavy task" of grocery shopping, he pushed the big iron donkey out of the gate. , After riding, went straight to the street.

Li Shu and the others walked into the house. Before they entered the house, the little girl jumped up and down and shouted: "Grandma, grandma, we caught a bastard!".

"What's the matter, little demon..." Grandma rushed out without hearing what the little girl was shouting, and then smiled when she saw the bastard in the red bucket: "Haha, why did you catch a bastard?".

Grandpa came back from buying vegetables soon, and after discussion, he finally decided to keep the mutated bastard. The mutated bastard was the size of a palm, and the shell was green as a whole, but there were several brown spots.



Seven or eight carps caught were divided into two parts by sharp knives—the fish without spines and the fish with spines. Grandma stood aside curiously. Although she has been cooking for decades, she never knew that carp can be removed. Fishbone.

"It turns out that carp can also remove fish bones. I really learned a lot today." Grandma was very surprised: "But the fish with fish bones is a bit too much, probably nearly half of the weight.".

"Indeed, after removing the internal organs, a 1-jin carp can be divided into 6 liang of boneless fish meat and 4 liang of thorny fish meat. Of course, if the workmanship is not very good, you may only get 4 liang of thornless fish meat for a pound of carp Fish, 6 two fish with thorns." Li Shu laughed.

The boneless fish is sliced ​​into slices and fried, while the spineted fish is sliced ​​into pieces and breaded and fried. The delicious food is served quickly.

"This fried fish tastes good!" Dad Li said.

"It's really delicious, and my son is really good." Li's mother also said.

The little girl couldn't chew fish bones, so she ate fried boneless fish with her grandma, who also couldn't chew fish bones. In the southeast corner of the dining room, there was a one-meter-high domed wooden stool with a hollow pattern. There is a glass tank with a big belly in the mouth, and the bastard is swimming around in the tank.

There is also a platform protruding from the water surface in the large glass water tank, and the tortoise can climb up to the small platform to bask in the sun.

Boom~ Everyone had just finished their dinner happily, when there was a muffled thunder in the sky outside.


The big orange cat jumped onto the window sill while licking the corner of its mouth, looked at the outside where the wind started to blow, with a sad expression on its big face: "Meow~" [I don't know how the ants in Neverland are doing, I'm so worried. 】

"Is it going to rain?" The little girl followed Li Shu out of the house to the yard, looked up at the sky, and could see dark clouds coming from the north, magpies, and a large number of sparrows flying around.

They are looking for a place to hide from the rain, otherwise they will suffer from the cold rain.

Under the eaves on the east side, there is a TV cable hanging in the air. The TV cable protrudes from the wall, and then enters the house from a corner of the window under the eaves. The 1.5-meter-long wire is soon full of sparrows.


There are more than 30 sparrows on the 1.5-meter-long wire, which looks quite crowded and very lively.

"Jiujiu~" The thrush wanted to fly over, but was called back by Li Shu: "The thrush is back, you, a different kind of bird, come up, be careful that they form a group to peck you.".


Dark clouds rolled, electric snakes swam away, and the cold winter rain soon poured down. The wind blew the rain to the south. Li Shu saw that the sparrows standing on the wires under the eaves were not drenched by the rain.

"Brother, brother, did the sparrow get caught in the rain?" the little girl asked anxiously behind Li Shu, holding a fluffy white squirrel in her arms.

"No." Li Shu leaned half of his body out from the door of the house, Kacha~ took a picture of a string of sparrows on the wire with his mobile phone, and then shut the door out of the wind and rain, and showed the picture to the little girl.

In the photo, dozens of sparrows crouched pitifully on the wires with their necks curled up. They looked very crowded. Some were sleeping with their eyes closed, and some were begging for the endless rain, as if they wanted the cold rain to stop quickly. .

"Giggle, it's good that I didn't get caught in the rain, but seeing them huddling together, they look so warm." The little girl was overjoyed: "I also want to become a sparrow, huddling together with them to watch the rain.".

"Do you also want to become a sparrow and huddle with them? Hahaha." Li Shu touched the little girl's head and said with a smile: "Okay, let's go play.".

Grandma's house has more rooms, enough for everyone to sleep.

It was dark outside, and Li Shu was playing League of Legends with Xu Hao, Fan Biao, Zhao Shanshan, and Ye Wenbo in his room. The sound of the rain seemed to subside in the middle of the night, so he took the spotlight and left the bedroom.

"Go and see how those silly sparrows are doing." Li Shu walked to the door leading to the yard, opened the door with a crack, and leaned out half of his body to shine a flashlight on the sparrows.


The rain is still falling between the sky and the earth. About 30 sparrows are crowded and standing on the 1.5-meter-long wire. They are not covered by the eaves from the rain, but the temperature outside drops sharply. I was shivering.

"Hiss~ It's nothing serious, go back to sleep." Li Shu looked at the flock of sparrows like quails, and felt a sense of coldness in his heart for no reason.

Early the next morning.

Li Shu was woken up by the big orange cat, as if a big stone had been pressed on his chest, and he couldn't breathe smoothly.

"Ah~" Taking the big orange cat aside, Li Shu yawned and went to wash up, then put on his clothes and planned to go for a walk with the dog. The cold air blows in.

"Damn it! What a beautiful rime!" Li Shu was surprised for a moment.

Leaving the house, Li Shu ran to the river with the big yellow dog. Along the way, he saw the peach trees and persimmon trees in the village covered with rime, and each tree was like carved from white jade.

And the branches with ice crystals are thicker, it looks like it's fatter, and it's a little cute.

da da da ~

One person and one dog ran to the river, and the branches of the two rows of willow trees on the river bank were also covered with rime. When the wind blew, countless willow branches with ice crystals swayed with the wind.

"It's so beautiful." Li Shu clicked click~ to himself, the big yellow dog and the rime willow took a photo.

When they ran home again, they found that the little girl who was held by mother Li was stretching her jade-like fingers towards a peach tree in the yard: "Hey, the branch is covered with a layer of ice crystals.".

"Buzz buzz~" Li Shu's cell phone rang, and he took it out to see that it was Xu Qian calling.

"Senior, there is rime in Cangshi! Do you want to see the rime?" Xu Qian's brisk voice came from the phone.

Ask for a recommendation ticket.

Thanks to the "Cold Night Alone Fisherman" for the reward of 500 starting coins. I wish the boss a prosperous business, a wealth of financial resources, all the best, and all wishes come true.

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