Island Fishery

Chapter 465 Chapter 465

Chapter 465 Chapter 465

At nearly 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the sun is no longer so blazing, the clouds are floating, and there are lumps of fish-scale clouds in the sky.

Xu Qian, black girl Wu Ke, white girl Eva, Liu Jie, Lao Ma, and mother Xu came to Neverland as guests, and Li Shu still welcomed them very much.

He took everyone snorkeling in the south of Neverland, and they were very excited when they saw the gorgeous and colorful underwater scenery.

After a snorkeling session, everyone came up to the surface to take a breath. Their bodies were floating in the sea, and their hair was wet.

Xu Qian wiped the sea water from her white and tender face, and said: "Snorkeling is really fun. I have also snorkeled in other places before, but the underwater scene there is far less beautiful than that of Neverland. The diving time is too short, and you have to come up to take a breath in tens of seconds.".

Snorkeling does not carry oxygen cylinders, just submerge into the water by holding your breath, surface when you can't hold your breath, and dive into the water after breathing well.

Liu Jie smiled and said: "No way, snorkeling is like this, but what is that big fish that is almost 2 meters long in the sea just now? It's ugly and fierce, it feels like a small submarine swimming in the sea , it's scary.".

"That's a giant grouper fish." Li Shu smiled. He found that Liu Jie's skin was really white and looked really tender. There were drops of water sliding down the latter's cheeks, and there was a kind of hibiscus coming out of clear water, which was naturally carved. beauty.

"There are a lot of croquettes raised in the Dream Island fishing ground, and they are almost ready to be sold. Most of the seabed fish, shrimps, and crabs I saw just now are the food of croquettes.

Well, let's go diving in the southwest again, where there are more yellow bearded shrimps. ".

"Okay!" Everyone agreed.

The setting sun shimmered the sea surface, and flocks of seagulls flew back from the south to the woods in the northwest of Neverland, mixed with the chirping of young birds, making the noise like a concert.

After everyone dived into the bottom of the sea to look at the yellow-bearded prawns, Li Shu asked Boss Jing to bring 7 short-handled nets, and led Xu Qian and others to catch crabs in a shallow sea area a little more than 2 meters deep.

"The shallow sea area here is close to the pier in the southwest, and the sea water can reach the bottom of the sea. There are actually some big crabs running around in the sea water." Before catching the crabs, Li Shu told everyone that he didn't want anyone to be injured during the entertainment. :

"These crabs run really fast and have sharp pincers. When you catch them later, you must be careful not to get caught in your hands. Otherwise, your fingers will be pinched blue and purple, and if your fingers are pinched, it will be very painful.".

"Hmm." Xu Qian, Wu Ke, Eva, and Liu Jie looked at each other, and they could all see the vigilance in each other's eyes.

The old horse also said softly to his wife: "Be careful later."

"Yeah." Mother Xu nodded with a mature charm.

"Okay! Then let's start catching crabs!!!" Li Shu cheered enthusiastically while holding up the net with his right hand.

Infected by Li Shu, Xu Qian and others also became excited.

Each of the 7 people took a copy of the net and dived into the bottom of the sea to catch crabs. Li Shu was naturally a master, but he only drove the crabs away and let others catch them, so that everyone could have fun.

The people holding the nets were full of confidence at first, but soon found that a big crab weighing more than half a catty was not easy to catch. There were too many potholes on the seabed, and the crabs ran so fast that they often Almost caught it.


Seven people including Li Shu were catching crabs, while Uncle Hai, Li Sha, Yan Zhang and others were cleaning the cobblestone road. A large number of fallen leaves were swept up and collected, and occasionally a black-headed cricket popped out of the pile of fallen leaves.

The little girl walked to a pile of fallen leaves with short legs and squatted down. The big yellow dog followed her and lay on her right, raising its paws and pounced on a cricket on the fallen leaves.


It's a pity that the panicked cricket jumped too fast, and the big yellow dog missed it. The latter retracted his paw and looked around as if nothing had happened, and saw the white squirrel jumping on an apricot tree.

"Brother Li Sha, why are there so many fallen leaves in summer, don't they only fall in autumn?" The little girl squatted beside the pile of fallen leaves, she could clearly smell the fragrance of fallen leaves when she moved her nose.

She picked up a dry fallen leaf with her tender little hand, closed her left eye, and placed the fallen leaf between her right eye and the sun.

The fallen leaves block the sun, and the edges are slightly shining.

Wearing light gray coarse work clothes and sleeves, Li Sha stood holding a big broom, with a hearty smile on his rough and dark face, and while wiping the fine beads of sweat on his forehead, he said with a smile:

"There is no autumn in Neverland. The seasons are the same all year round. Some tree leaves will turn yellow, dry up, and fall after being gnawed by insects. Some small branches will die, and the leaves on them will also fall off.".

After waving the broom for a long time, Li Sha's arm was slightly sore. He walked to the right side of the 1-meter-wide stone road, stretched a dead branch of a peach tree and said:

"Look, this chopstick is thick, and the small peach branch with many twigs died. You can see that the leaves on it have fallen off." Li Sha simply broke off the dry branch.


He directly handed the branch to the little girl, who took the half-meter-long thin branch and looked at it, and then looked at the remaining branches of the peach tree that were growing well, with peaches several circles bigger than her fist, wondering Said: "Why did the other branches grow well, but this branch died?".

The hale and hearty Uncle Hai came with a big bamboo basket in his arms. His face was full of wrinkles, and he said with a smile: "Maybe that branch was bitten by insects.".

Uncle Hai put the bamboo basket next to the fallen leaves, bent down and picked up a handful of fallen leaves and put them into the bamboo basket, rustling~ The big yellow dog got out of the way in fright, tilted his head, and looked curiously at the pile of falling leaves fallen leaves.

"Where is the little tree?" Uncle Hai asked curiously while loading the fallen leaves. Just now, the bamboo basket was filled with half a box of weeds and fallen leaves.

"My brother went diving with those guests, and I want to go diving too, but he thinks I'm too young." The little girl squatted back, frowned with her chin propped on her right hand, and said old-fashionedly: "Hey~ I When can I go diving.".

The appearance of the little girl instantly made Uncle Hai laugh, Li Sha: "Hahaha~".

After a while, Li Shu and other 7 people came back. Although everyone only caught 10 crabs, they were very excited, especially Xu Qian and Eva, chattering and chattering. Li Shu who was walking behind was surprised to find that Xu Qian's English is much better.

Lao Ma and his wife lived in a guest room, Xu Qian and Eva lived, Wu Ke and Liu Jie lived, and the three rooms were all on the third floor. They went back to the room to take a shower, change clothes, touch up their makeup, and went downstairs to find that the grill.


Li Shu poured the glowing red coals into the grill, and the air was slightly distorted by the burning. Boss Jing brought a large number of raw mutton skewers from the kitchen.

Li Shu put the kebabs on the grill, and said with a smile: "The crabs caught are not enough, let's mainly eat kebabs at night.".

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