Island Fishery

Chapter 480 Catch the sea and the short conch

Chapter 480 Catch the sea and the short conch

Haifeng Square is in the north of the capital. After Li Shu and others drove there, they found that there were many mobile stalls selling breakfast in the square. The owners of the mobile stalls watched all directions and listened to all directions, always on guard against the police coming to arrest them.

Not far to the north of Haifeng Square, there are stretches of palm oil processing factories, rubber processing factories, etc., with large chimneys rising into the sky, emitting thick white smoke.

The middle and low-level management and some workers living in the city are going to work in the factory by electric vehicles or motorcycles. They happen to pass by Haifeng Square, and some of them will buy breakfast here.

"Hey, there are so many people." Li Shu stepped on the hard stone ground, the morning wind blew his hair slightly, and there was the aroma of food in the air.

The big yellow dog jumped out of the car, straightened its front legs and stretched its buttocks back.

After jumping out of the car, the big orange cat stretched the same way, cute and cute.

The big yellow dog stared: "Wow~" [Silly cat, why do you want to learn from me? 】

The big orange cat looked at the big yellow dog vigilantly, and the spikes in the paws were looming, "Meow meow~" [Dasha dog, do you want to fight? Be careful to let you taste the power of my cat boxing! 】

"Woo~" [Silly cat. 】

The big yellow dog walked a few steps and stood next to the plum tree, watching the pedestrians coming and going vigilantly.

Li Shu naturally didn't notice the brief confrontation between the big yellow dog and the big orange cat. His attention was focused on his sight, and he was trying to find Cao Cao.

Su Zhizhe took out his mobile phone to call Cao Cao, beep beep~ the phone was connected quickly.

"I saw you. I'm buying breakfast. It will be ready soon." Cao Cao's loud voice came directly from the mobile phone, and then Li Shu saw Cao Cao waving in the crowd more than ten meters away to the east.

Cao Cao's hands are as thick as a bear's paw, which is very characteristic.


Cao Cao came over with two bags of breakfast. He was still so fat. The breakfast consisted of flatbread + ham + shredded pork + green vegetables, with a little bit of curry as well.

"I bought two bags, I can eat one bag, you can eat this bag." Cao Cao took a bite of the food and handed the other bag to everyone.

Li Shu shook his head.

Su Zhizhe said with a smile: "We are already full from the delicious meat porridge made by Ah Shu in the morning.".

The big yellow dog wagged its tail and wanted to eat. Its fat body rubbed against Li Shu's calf, and the latter rubbed its dog's head.

"Well, since you guys don't want to eat it, I'll eat it all." Cao Cao said happily, his eyes swept over the crowd in the square: "This flatbread is really delicious, it smells like coconut, it's amazing! ".

Li Shu thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's flour mixed with coconut milk.".

Cao Cao: "......".

"That makes sense! Haha." Cao Cao laughed loudly: "I just couldn't figure it out why the flour smelled like coconut milk. It turned out to be such a simple question, and the clown was actually myself."

Su Zhizhe, Yao Li and the others also laughed lightly.

At this time, Qian Rongjie's white car also drove over, and Qian Rongjie got out of the car to greet everyone.

"Come on, let's go and buy buckets for fishing, rubber shoes, shovels, rakes, etc.".

"Okay, okay, let's go.".

After buying the things I needed, the three cars headed north directly. After driving for about ten minutes, I got off the highway and headed towards the dirt road to the west.

"It's so bumpy, it's quite fun." The little girl smiled while sitting in the car.

"Hold on to the armrest, and be careful not to throw out the seat." Li Shu warned.

"Okay, brother." The little girl nodded seriously, and her right hand tightly hugged the big orange cat, so the cat couldn't be thrown out.

After riding the bumpy car for about ten minutes, the weeds on both sides of the road disappeared, and the front suddenly opened up.

This is a small square with a length and width of more than 100 meters. The small square is covered with thick gray-black stone slabs. There are more than a dozen parasols on the east side of the small square, and there is a booth under each parasol.

Snacks, mineral water, rakes for catching the sea, bikini swimsuits, small horses, etc. There are many items. Some customers are bargaining with the stall owners one by one, and some of them paid and left with their things.

"There are also sellers here." Qian Rongjie asked curiously, and he stroked his white eyebrow on the left side.

Su Zhizhe said with a smile: "If you don't poke a needle, this can be considered a business opportunity. Don't look at the simple booths, but you can make a lot of money.".

Cao Cao said with a smile: "This is the business of some associations. This small square should also be built by the association. A bottle of water in the city is 1 yuan, and a bottle of water here is 20 yuan. The profit is very high.".

Li Shu also nodded, there is no other way, this place is far away from the urban area, if you want to buy water, this is the only one.

He looked to the west. On the 1-kilometer-long coast, there were hundreds of tourists playing in the water. The sound of chasing, cheering and fighting came with the wind.

"Let's go, let's go to the north side. The tide will recede after 10 o'clock, and there will be a lot of conch!" Cao Cao said excitedly: "The beach here actually has a certain development value, but unfortunately no one has invested money." .

Su Zhizhe said with a smile: "There are too many seasides in Malaysia, and there are many places that are worth developing, but it is a pity that if they are developed, they may not necessarily make money.".

A few people walked north, walked on the soft sand after leaving the square, and occasionally a timid hermit crab fled in a panic holding the house.

"Wow~" The big yellow dog was very excited, running around on the sand, and the sand was kicked up in bursts.

Everyone found an open space to put their things down, put on their rubber shoes, and waited for a while before the tide began to recede. The tide receded very quickly, and some small sea fish swam desperately so as not to stay on the beach.

"Walk around and see what conch shells there are." Li Shu held his sister's hand with his left hand and a red bucket with a small rake in his right hand.

More than a hundred people around also shouted and started to rush to the sea, with different looks and excited expressions, and it seemed that the air was hot for a while.

"Quick, quick!" The little girl was even more excited than Li Shu, she turned her head to look at the other people running over, and even urged Li Shu to leave quickly: "Brother, brother, they are here, let's go quickly, don't let them get ahead of you. ".

The little girl also saw that the big orange cat was not coming over on the dry beach in the distance, while the big yellow dog was running wildly in the wet sand.

"Don't worry, the conch drills the sand. They don't run with the sea. There are some big conch near us. It's not that the closer to the sea there are big conch." Li Shu explained with a smile.

He took the little girl to a slightly sunken place, pounded it with a rake, and then directly buckled it with his gloved hand.


A conch larger than the little girl's fist was pulled out. The wet sand stuck to the shell, and the soft meat like snail meat slowly squirmed.

The conch is alive and has an "inverted conical shape", with a white base and black spots, and a few 1 cm to 3 cm spikes are distributed on the shell.

"It's so big!" The little girl pointed her toes and looked at it, her eyes were full of curiosity: "What kind of conch is this, it's much bigger than my fist.".

"Short fist snail." Li Shu said with a smile.

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