Island Fishery

503 Chapter 503

503 Chapter 503

For the Tang Dynasty porcelain plate in Li Yu's hands, several antique shops in Danguan City bid up to RM200,000, and he felt that the value of this porcelain plate should be even higher.

Of course, he was also afraid that the lion would scare Li Shu away with his big mouth, so he directly asked for RM300,000.

He felt the price was just right.

In the small quiet study room, Li Shu was sitting opposite Li Yu, peeling and eating kiwi fruit. The delicious taste made his eyes narrow slightly. He was overjoyed when he heard Li Yu's quotation, and secretly said: "Tian Dian estimates that this porcelain plate is worth 80 yuan. Ten thousand ringgit, now the price of plum fish is only 300,000 ringgit, it seems that this miss has been picked up!".

Li Shu frowned slightly calmly: "RM300,000? The price is too expensive.".

"Then how much can you bid?" Li Yulian asked anxiously.

With the porcelain plate in his hands, Li Yu was always worried about gains and losses. Everyone looked like someone who stole his plate. He knew that he was in a bad state, so he also wanted to sell the plate as soon as possible at a suitable price.

It's safe and sound!

If one day this porcelain plate is broken in my hand, I really want to cry but have no tears.

"RM200,000!" Li Shu said slowly.

"No, no, the price of 200,000 ringgits is too low. There is an antique shop in Tangan City that bids 200,000 ringgits. If I accept this price, I will never come to you!".

"The 220,000?".

"No, no, it's still too low. If you don't want it sincerely, then I'll leave.".

"Hey, brother Li Yu, don't worry, let's talk again..."

Li Shu had never had a day when the price was negotiated as hard as it is now. After talking back and forth for more than an hour, the final transaction price turned out to be 320,000 yuan, which was 20,000 yuan higher than Li Yuti's price.

Of course, there is a reason for this. Li Shu asked Li Yu to tell him in which sea area he found the porcelain plate.

There is a printer in the study. Li Shu downloaded the contract online and revised a few more, attached a photo of the porcelain plate, and then signed the contract with Li Yu and transferred the money.

buzz buzz~

Li Yu soon received a text message reminding the account of 320,000 yuan, and his hands and feet began to tremble with excitement. Has he ever seen so much money?

His previous monthly salary was almost RM1,200 a month, which was equivalent to RMB 2,000. Although it was not much, it was not much.

Working 10 months a year, if he wants to earn RM320,000, he will have to work hard for 27 years! That's 27 years! How many years can a person work in total in this life......

boom boom boom~

Suddenly the door of the study room was knocked. Li Shu walked over and opened the door and found no one there. When he lowered his head, he found a thrush standing by the door. It turned out that it was pecking at the door with its sharp beak.

The thrush hopped into the study, what are you talking about in the study? Let Ben Thrush listen too!

Seeing the door open, the big yellow dog also ran in wagging its tail. It turned out that you hid here so as not to play Frisbee with me! Let's go, let's play Frisbee!

The big yellow dog grabbed Li Shu's pants, and the latter directly rubbed the dog's head angrily!


He closed the door of the study room, sat back on the sofa, put his arm around the big yellow dog's neck and smiled at Li Yu: "This time the money is quite fast, but you have to take us to the sea area where you found the porcelain plate. go!".

"Ah, good~" Li Yulian agreed, he was still in the great surprise and excitement, but after he lowered his head slightly, there was a sly gleam in his eyes.

Li Shu didn't see the sly gleam in his eyes, but the big yellow dog with his head down did.

"Wow woof~".

The big yellow dog yelled at Li Yu. Do you have any bad ideas, kid? This dog doesn't think you are a good thing!

"Don't bark rhubarb, let's go, let's see if the pork ribs are ready?" Li Shu took the lead to leave the study room, spending 320,000 for a porcelain plate, which is expected to earn 500,000 ringgits!

Easy money!

Of course, he will also give Tian Dian appraiser an appraisal fee of RM10,000.

A large iron pot was propped up in the yard of Neverland, and the firewood left over from the dead tree was burning at the bottom of the pot. The scarlet flames licked the dark bottom of the pot, and delicious pork ribs were stewed in the pot.


Li Shu lifted the lid of the pot to see that the bone soup had turned milky white, pieces of bones with meat floating in the pot, and the aroma was wafting.

"Go pick some Chaotian peppers, there are not enough peppers!" Li Shu said.

"Okay, boss." Yan Zhang even ran to pick peppers.

Second Jing squatted beside him, controlling the fire.

Li Sha brought some more firewood.

Uncle Hai is washing the dishes and is going to use the dishes to serve meat later.

As for the little girl, she was sitting beside the apricot tree in the shade, hugging the cat and waiting to eat the meat. The big orange cat was meowing as it smelled the fragrance in the air.

It's so fragrant, I really want to kill the cat!

"Googoo~" The little girl's stomach growled, and then said: "Brother, when can I eat, I'm hungry!".

"We still have to wait a long time, the meat needs to be stewed for a while!" Li Shu crushed the Chaotian peppers picked by Yan Zhang, put them in the pot, and then pushed the ribs with a big iron spoon to mix the peppers evenly.

The big iron pot was placed in the open air, and the hot sun made everyone sweat a little, but everyone's face was filled with joy, which was the feeling of happiness that they were about to eat delicious food.

Li Sha didn't know how much the porcelain plate sold for, so he took a chance to jump in front of Li Yu, who was swallowing crazily, Li Yu hadn't eaten ribs for several years.

The price of pork chops is higher than that of pork, but if you can’t eat the bones, it’s still worth the weight, which seems very uneconomical, so ordinary people don’t eat pork ribs.

"Porcelain plate sold?" Li Sha rolled his eyes.

"Hmm~" Li Yu said vaguely, Li Sha's hot eyes made him a little scared, and he couldn't help but tighten his chest.

“How much did it sell for?”.

"Not much, not much~".

"Tell me, I won't steal your money~".

"It's really not much, just a little bit, and it's enough to improve your life.".

"You're not authentic, I'll make you a matchmaker. Don't you thank me? Hehe." Li Sha instinctively felt that Li Yu should be quite satisfied with the selling price of the porcelain plate.

This made him envious.

"Uh, let me treat you to dinner. When you are on vacation, I will treat you two to the city for dinner! Eat grilled crocodile meat!" Li Yu wanted to get rid of Li Sha, and said repeatedly.

"That's what you said! I remember it!" Li Sha was overjoyed, but he didn't know it yet. He had waited for Li Yu's meal for 2 years from today.

At 12:30 noon, the pork ribs that had been stewed for several hours were finally ready. As soon as the lid was lifted, the rich aroma of meat wafted over the entire Neverland.

"Hiss~ It's so fragrant, it's so fragrant~".

"Take a basin and serve it.".

"I sent a photo to my wife, she is still eating bad rice and vegetables at home.".

"Aren't you afraid that your wife won't let you go to bed next time you go home?" Yan Zhang asked curiously.

"You don't understand, you will know when you have a wife." Li Sha smiled, and he sent the photo of the delicious ribs stewed in a big pot to his wife.

Li Sha: “[Picture] [Picture] [Picture]”.

Li Sha's wife: "[beating] [beating] [beating]".

There is air-conditioning in the restaurant of the villa, and the air-conditioning is slow, and everyone brings ribs to the house to eat.

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