Island Fishery

Chapter 594 Is this a human thing?

Chapter 594 Is this a human thing?

Shapi Island.

Li Sha was lying on the bed with his wife in his arms, and looked up in shock: "What did you say? Is Li Yu crazy?"

Li Sha's wife gets up and puts on clothes, and she does physical labor all year round, which makes her in pretty good shape.

She turned around and said:

"It's not crazy, anyway, it's the state of being crazy and not crazy. It's like losing your soul every day, as if you might jump into the sea at any time."

"Damn, it's so serious?"

Li Sha straightened up with a carp, quickly put on his clothes and said, "I'll go and see Li Yu, by the way, take out two catties of the yellow bearded shrimp, and bring some gifts."

Li Sha's wife instantly became unhappy.

She murmured slightly: "It's only a few catties in total, it's not enough for our family to eat."

"Then... take a catty, forget it."

Li Sha left home with a pound of yellow bearded shrimp. The afternoon sun was still very hot, and a layer of oily sweat soon appeared on his forehead.

When he came to Li Yu's house, Li Sha saw that the door was open, and Li Yu's parents were sitting in the shade of the courtyard, sighing.

"Uncle, aunt~ Is Li Yu at home?"

"Xiao Sha, Xiao Yu is in the house."

Seeing that it was Li Sha, Li Yu's parents immediately came up to him.

Li Sha dressed neatly and decently, and had a good mental outlook. In addition, everyone knew that he was working for a mysterious rich man, so most people in the village envied and respected him.

Li Sha went straight into the room.

He saw Li Yu straightening his clothes at a glance, but the latter's hair was messy, his body was thin, and his spirit was very listless.

"Li Yu, what's wrong with you?"

"I..... I fell out of love some time ago, and I have been decadent for a long time, and the chance of getting rich is gone..." Li Yu saw Li Sha, and suddenly said "Wow~" and burst into tears .

He hugged Li Sha, his nose and tears wiped all over the latter's clothes.

"I'm so miserable!! I'm so miserable~~"

Li Yu hugged Li Sha desperately, crying loudly, the more he cried, the more sad he became.

Li Sha petrified on the spot.

"Let go! Why are you crying!!"

Li Yu seemed to have been holding back his thoughts for too long, and it burst out in an instant, and he felt that he could also talk to Li Sha.

He didn't tell his parents about these things.

It took a while for Li Sha to push Li Yu away, and sat by the bed to listen to Li Yu talk about his tragic experience.

At first Li Sha wanted to laugh, what was the big deal, but then gradually he couldn't laugh anymore. Few people who haven't experienced the pain of losing love can understand it.

not to mention--

There are also opportunities to get rich gone.

Double whammy!

Li Yu is considered strong if he didn't jump into the sea.

Li Yu didn't hide anything, and told Li Sha about the fact that a large amount of porcelain was sold first.

Anyway, the porcelain was gone, so it was impossible for Li Sha to be jealous of him. As for the ridicule—just laugh at it, Li Yu just wanted to find someone to confide in.

Li Sha clicked on a cigarette, then took out a second cigarette to ignite, and handed it to Li Yu.


It was very quiet inside.

Li Sha narrowed his eyes slightly, spit out a smoke ring, and said slowly: "Since you haven't got it, then look at it, good fortune tricks people, maybe those porcelains are destined to have nothing to do with you, people always have to look forward."

The air was quiet again.

Li Yu sat beside him, smoking silently with his head sullen, and did not speak.

Li Sha said again: "I saw you packing your clothes just now, do you have any plans?"

Li Yu sucked the last puff of cigarette fiercely, then threw the cigarette butt on the ground and crushed it hard.

"Thank you, Li Sha, for listening to me so much. I feel much better. I saw a job advertisement on my mobile phone. A big company is recruiting deep-sea divers. I plan to give it a try."

A fierce light flashed in Li Yu's eyes.

"Either I go down and can't come up, and my body sinks into the sea. If I can come up, then the money will come! Fight for a rich life!"

Li Yu clenched his fist with his right hand and swung it fiercely.

In addition to diving skills, deep-sea divers also have a very important psychological quality. They must have the determination to see death as home, and their will must be firm.

Those who are not determined are likely to be timid in the dark and deep ocean. Once there is a small accident, they are likely to panic and be afraid, and then they are likely to make mistakes.

And in the deep sea—

Every little error that can't be checked is likely to kill.

On the contrary, those who regard death as home have already prepared for the "big deal" and are more calm when encountering things, so their chances of survival are greater.

"Hiss~ Have you thought about it?" Li Sha said.

"Think it over!" Li Yu said.

He has experienced the life of spending a lot of money, getting drunk, and having sex with beautiful foreign girls. He can no longer bear the difficult life of tens of ringgit a day, and he can't even marry a wife.

Li Sha put down the yellow bearded shrimp and left.

After returning home, his wife washed his clothes, which still had Li Yu's snot and tears stuck to them.

Li Sha told his wife about Li Yu's decision, and the latter curled her lips: "Deep sea diving is not something human can do. Many immortals are also frightened crazy. They are scared when they see water. I bet Li Yu can't do it."


the other side.


After lunch, Li Shu left the villa and came to Baicao Garden, followed by the big yellow dog as usual.


Pull out the tomato seedlings and replant another wave. Under the catalysis of chalcedony spirit water, big round tomatoes will soon grow.

Fist-sized tomatoes gradually turn red.

A sweet scent came out.

The big yellow dog licked the corner of his mouth and swallowed his saliva while looking at the tomato.

Why isn't Li Shu leaving? As soon as he left, I ate this tomato! must!

"Silly dog, eat less tomatoes!" Li Shu shouted, "You've eaten all the tomatoes, and I'm useless for cooking."

The big yellow dog nodded fawningly, wagging its tail and buttocks.

The plum tree poured some chalcedony spirit water on the orange and pear trees. They were originally one meter high, but the bare saplings began to grow wildly and pull leaves.

Pollination after flowering.

Soon the oranges and pears are ripe.

"The orange trees and pear trees all look like a joy of harvest, but the pear blossoms are really beautiful, pure white and holy."

Li Shu stretched out his hand to pick an orange, peeled it, and ate a piece of it. It was sweet and sour, and tasted very good.


The big yellow dog ran over quickly, tilted his head majestically, and looked curiously at the orange in Li Shu's hand.

What are you eating? Give Ben Rhubarb a taste, just one bite!

The big yellow dog's mouth stretched directly towards Li Shu's hand.

"Get lost! Do you dare to grab everything in my hand?"

Li Shu scolded with a smile, and just kicked it out.


The big yellow dog was extremely alert. He predicted Li Shu's movements, jumped away deftly, and then swooped on the spot and wagged his tail.

How stingy! Let me take a bite!

Li Shu looked at the orange peel, and his heart skipped a beat.

He pointed at the big yellow dog with his fingers pinching the folded orange peel, and said with a smile: "Rhubarb, come here!"

The big yellow dog ran over happily immediately.

What are you doing? Are you going to give me something delicious?

Who knows——

Li Shu squeezed the orange peel at the dog's eyes, and the liquid in the orange peel flew out and directly entered the big yellow dog's eyes.

"Hmph, chirp~" The big yellow dog ran away aggrieved, hitting his eyes with the elbow of his paw.

I'm not human! But you are a real dog! Is this what people do?

Li Shu laughed, very happy.

buzz buzz~

Xu Hao sent him a message: "A Shu, keep playing the game!"

Ask for a recommendation ticket.

Thanks to "book friend 170121171608453" for the reward, I wish the boss a long and healthy life, good luck at the door, everything goes well, and wealth is abundant!

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