Island Fishery

Chapter 604: 604 A Carnival

Chapter 604: 604 A Carnival

Letting the little girl earn rewards through labor is one of the ways Li Shu came up with to train the little girl.

Any training method has advantages and disadvantages, and this method is no exception.

The advantage is that it can really improve the little girl's enthusiasm for doing things.

The disadvantage is that it may make the little girl become mercenary, especially greedy for money.

The night wind outside the villa is blowing, woo woo woo~

Inside the villa.

Li Shu looked at the little girl and said seriously:

"Acquiring money is not the purpose, money is only the equivalent of the transition, using money to improve our quality of life and make our lives happier in the future is the purpose of money.

Moreover, there are too many important things in life. Many things may not be comparable to money in the eyes of many people, but life cannot be lacking, such as health, emotional dignity and so on.

Therefore, we need to obtain money more reasonably, and spend it when we need it, and don't be too stingy. "

Li Shu can't be absolutely sure that his point of view is 100% correct, but it is enough to be correct with a high probability.

Whether the little girl listens or not is out of his control, but at least it is a suggestion for the little girl.

"Yeah, I see."

The little girl nodded thoughtfully.

Li Shu took out a 5 ringgit note from his pocket and handed it to her.

The little girl was instantly filled with joy, and carefully put the banknotes into her pocket, not forgetting to pat her pocket.

buzz buzz~

Li Shu's cell phone rang suddenly, and he took it out to see that it was Huang Yun calling.

After connecting to the video call, he found that Huang Yun was not in the dormitory, but seemed to be in a company.

On the wall not far behind her are colorful large polygonal patterns, a green plant as tall as a person, and other people walking around.

The lights are brilliant and the walls and floors are spotless.

Li Shu said with a smile: "What's the matter, seeing that you are frowning tightly, it seems that you are not in a high mood."

"Hey~" Huang Yun sighed slightly:

"Isn't it about Jin Yuan, her story has been widely spread in the university city, and anyone who is a little bit informed will hear about her.

She was completely socially dead.

People are all scolding her, becoming synonymous with "bitch", "sexy", and "scumbag". People feel worthless for Wu Tian, ​​because her cheating has ruined her own future. "

Huang Yun and Jin Yuan are roommates. Although there are occasional frictions, the overall relationship is still acceptable.

After getting in touch with her, she felt that although Jin Yuan was cautious, she was not a heinous person. Now that Jin Yuan was mobilized and attacked, she felt a little uncomfortable.


"I seem to understand your thoughts a little bit." Li Shu said slowly: "Actually, the other people are not wrong, the distance between an ordinary person and a heinous person is not very big.

Maybe even one wrong step, an ordinary person becomes a heinous person! "

"If you take one wrong step, you will become a heinous person?" Huang Yun was slightly taken aback, she chewed on this sentence repeatedly, feeling that it seemed to make sense.

Li Shu said with a smile: "For example, some people are usually gentle and kind to others, and they seem to be very good, but one day they are drunk and go crazy.

He caused a major traffic accident and broke up many families. At that moment, he was a heinous person. "

"You're right!" Huang Yun nodded heavily.

"So people still have to be cautious in their words and deeds. It's better to think about the consequences when doing things. Well, don't talk about them." Li Shu changed the subject:

"Did you stay at school all the time on National Day? Don't you go out?"

"Bingbing and I have made an appointment to go to Chang'an. We will take the plane at noon tomorrow to see the Terracotta Army and eat local delicacies." Huang Yun was in a better mood when thinking of the next trip:

"I work part-time in Sister Sun Cheng's studio, and I have earned a total of 3,000 yuan, which should be enough for this trip, hehe!"

Seeing Huang Yun's cute and innocent appearance, Li Shu couldn't help but smile.

He smiled and said, "Is it just you two girls? Be careful then."

Huang Yun said: "Bingbing contacted a senior of hers, named "Zhao Qing". The senior returned to work in his hometown after graduating from undergraduate. He has been working for three years. Senior Zhao Qing will lead us to transfer."

Li Shu looked slightly embarrassed.

He muttered: "Sister Yu really has friends all over the world, she has friends everywhere she goes."

Huang Yun said enviously: "Bingbing is extroverted and good at socializing, I really envy her.

Boys also like her personality more, unlike our boring gourds, no one likes it. "

After Huang Yun finished speaking, she secretly observed Li Shu's reaction.

Li Shu smiled and said: "No, cheerfulness and introversion are two kinds of personalities. It cannot be said that one personality is good and the other is bad. Both personalities have their own advantages and disadvantages."

"Yeah." Huang Yun nodded thoughtfully, and then became more confident.

After chatting with Huang Yun for a while, she hung up the video call. Huang Yun wanted to go back to the dormitory to sleep.

It's getting late.

Li Shu told the little girl to go to bed early, and then he went upstairs by himself. After washing, he leaned on the bedside of the bedroom to listen to music and watch Zhang Jinlian's live broadcast.

The bedroom is very quiet.

The white squirrel tossed the straw in its den again, probably because it felt uncomfortable lying down.

"The effect of Zhang Jinlian's live broadcast is not bad. More than 20,000 people watched it. I didn't expect there to be an anchor in my hometown." Li Shu laughed, feeling that life is very wonderful.

After thinking about it, Li Shu topped up and gave Zhang Jinlian a "Carnival".


Carnival's unique colorful animation patterns appear on the mobile phone interface, and scrolling prompts appear on the entire site.

"Congratulations to the owner of Neverland for sending out a carnival in the live broadcast room of "It's Golden Lotus~"

Seeing the carnival, Zhang Jinlian, who was selling rice, was stunned for a moment, and then thanked excitedly: "Thank the boss for the carnival! The boss is so generous! I wish the boss all wishes come true and everything goes well..."

The screen in the live broadcast room was instantly swiped by bullet screens.

One, two, and three wooden men: "Boss is awesome!"

Veteran gluttonous snake: "The boss is magnificent!"

Come to the bowl quickly: "Niu Pi Niu Pi~"

Super big: "Boss is big!"

Tudouzi loves editing: "The boss is confused~"

User 74152***: "The boss is confused~"


This feeling of being praised by countless netizens really made Li Shu smile.

He laughed and said: "Is this what it feels like to give people gifts? It seems really good. In reality, you earn hundreds of millions, but strangers may not praise you.

Because he doesn't know you, you don't give him money if you praise you, but it seems that you can get compliments from strangers in the virtual world by swiping gifts. "

Zhang Jinlian's hair is coiled up, her snow-white neck is long and slender, and her pair of lotus root arms are exposed to the air. She is helplessly persuading:

"Family, don't be fooled by beating the boss in the barrage, but be aggressive about beating the boss! Please!"

Although there are more than 20,000 people in Zhang Jinlian's live broadcast room, in fact, very few people buy gifts of more than 50 yuan. Most people don't buy gifts that cost a dime. one's gift.

Most people are still very sensible.

Zhang Jinlian hasn't had a carnival for a long time, so she is naturally very excited. A carnival is worth 3,000 RMB, half of which will be shared by the platform, and the remaining 1,500 RMB will go to her and Bingzi.

"Would you like to buy more?" Li Shu's heart moved. He made more than 300 million yuan by selling crystals before, so it doesn't matter if he buys or not.

Ask for a recommendation ticket.

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