Island Fishery

Chapter 619: 619 Angry Mike Wang

Chapter 619: 619 Angry Mike Wang

Enemies are jealous when they meet each other!

In the small antique shop, the male bodyguards and the middle-aged man with high cheekbones stared at Li Shu.

Li Shu also stared back at them.

Li Shu has already sensed that the plant essence that makes the white jade ring warm is in the vase.

So this vase must be bought.

The middle-aged man with high cheekbones is called "Wang Mike", a name that combines Chinese and Western. He touched his face and remembered the last time he was beaten by Li Shu in the toilet.

The air seemed to freeze, and swords were tense for a while.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Li Shu coldly, and said:

"Little brother, are you not authentic? I saw this vase first, and I already have to pay for it. What are you going to do with it now? Robbery?"

Robbery is a felony, and in an instant a big hat is buckled.

Li Shu smiled and said, "I'm not robbing. I've also taken a fancy to this vase, and I have the right to increase the price."

He turned to the store owner and smiled: "Boss, do I have the right to increase the price?"

The chubby boss almost laughed out of his eyes, and said: "We haven't completed the transaction yet, so we can naturally increase the price. Anyone can increase the price. Now the reserve price is 60,000 SGD. Dear customer, look..."

The fat boss looked at Mike Wang.

Obviously, he wanted Mike Wang to add some more money.

The snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit, and the shop owner wants to be that fisherman.

Wang Mike's bodyguard was furious instantly, and he said to the shop owner angrily, "You boss is really shameless. Just now you promised to sell it to us for 50,000 Singapore dollars. Can you still have a little contract spirit?"

The fat boss's face was slightly cold, but he still hummed: "What I'm doing now is in line with the spirit of the contract."

The male bodyguard frowned slightly: "What are you talking about?"

The fat boss said disdainfully: "I said that my current behavior is in line with the spirit of the contract, and there are two situations for the spirit of the contract.

One: When the breach of the contract will harm the interests, the contract must be obeyed.

Two: When tearing up the contract maximizes the benefits, then of course the contract must be broken.

Thinking in another way, if you were me, you would choose to sell at a high price, would you have trouble with money? cut~"

"You!" The male bodyguard blushed from being stunned.

He felt that there was a big problem with what the fat boss said, but he couldn't refute it.

Mike Wang was much calmer, he was staring at the vase in Li Shu's hand.

The vase is 46 centimeters high, with a thin neck and light blue patterns, which looks quite exquisite.

This is a vase from the Ming Dynasty, but the mouth of the bottle is blocked by a pale white substance, which has already adhered to the body of the bottle. If the pale white substance is forcibly removed, the vase may also break.

Wang Mike thought to himself: "Is there a treasure in this vase, so this young man is so caring?"

He tried and said: "S$70,000!"

The fat boss's eyes lit up, and he said, "Okay, it's 70,000 SGD now! Brother, what about you?"

The fat boss rubbed his hands excitedly, the higher the price of the vase, the better.

The tense atmosphere made the white squirrel a little scared, so it hid in the back waist of the plum tree, and its big tail flicked slightly, looking like the plum tree had a tail.

Brother Liu Yuan was also very curious about the vase.

He lowered his voice and said, "Junior brother, did you miss this vase? The actual value of the vase is very high?"

Liu Yuan's voice was very low, as if he was afraid that the shop owner and Mike Wang would hear.

Li Shu was a little helpless, why did this silly brother ask this question now?

Others are not fools, and they probably know what he said after a guess. In this case, as long as Li Shu nods or quietly replies to his senior brother, others will definitely know that Li Shu thinks the vase is very valuable.

Yes, others don't need to hear what Li Shu said, they can analyze it just by looking at his behavior.

If others know that Li Shu thinks the price is high, then the price of the vase will definitely rise in a straight line.

Li Shu's heart moved and he began to act.

He looked at the vase with disgust on his face, and said directly:

"This broken vase is only liked by the idiot opposite, who has a grudge against me.

Last time he even threw money at me, and f***ingly told me to give him my girlfriend, how hateful!

Doesn't he want to buy this vase? Let's mess with him first!

Of course, if he really wants this vase, that’s fine too. If the price is more than S$100,000, I won’t argue with him! "

"Cough cough cough~"

"He actually threw money at you?" Liu Yuan gave Wang Mike a strange look.

Mike Wang's face was as gloomy as water.

He knew in his heart that Li Shu didn't want the vase, but simply wanted to disgust him.

Wang Mike knew that he couldn't beat Li Shu, so he didn't let the bodyguards do it. After thinking about it, he said directly: "95,000 SGD!"

Li Shu frowned slightly: "S$100,000!"

The fat boss next to him was going crazy with joy.

He bought this vase for SGD 20,000. He originally planned to sell it for SGD 50,000. Unexpectedly, it has already risen to SGD 100,000!

"Hey——" Mike Wang sneered and said:

"I don't really want to buy this vase, it doesn't matter if I can buy it or not, since you must fight with me, then you can keep it.

You spend 100,000 to buy a 50,000 vase, you are really smart! "

Mike Wang turned and left the antique shop.

His bodyguard still glared at Li Shu unwillingly, and then chased Mike Wang away.

Mike Wang got into his car, and the bodyguard sat in the driver's seat and started the car, slowly leaving the antique street.

Wang Mike looked at the backing scenery outside the car window, his eyes were gloomy and scary, he suddenly swung his fist fiercely, and cursed: "I'm really mad!"

Obviously, Li Shu deliberately robbed the vase, even though Li Shu wanted to spend more money, he was still very angry.

Of course, it is also impossible for him to spend hundreds of thousands of Singapore dollars to buy the vase back.

Anyway, whether he bought it or not, he was very angry.

the other side.

Inside the antique shop.

Li Shu swiped his card to pay, and SGD 100,000 was debited, and the antique vase from the Ming Dynasty was his.

After weighing the vase, Li Shu smiled.


The white squirrel crawled from behind the plum tree to the front, hugged the vase, and swung its big furry tail to sweep the skin on the plum tree's neck, feeling itchy.

What is the use of this vase? As for spending so much money to buy it? That money might as well be saved to buy hazelnuts, hazelnuts are so delicious.

"Go, go, be honest, little guy." Li Shu put the white squirrel back on his shoulder.

Liu Yuan is also a fine person. Seeing Li Shu looking at the vase happily, he frowned and asked:

"Little brother, in fact, your goal was this vase from the beginning, right?

Even if the guy with the high cheekbones raises the price to over 100,000, you're not going to give up, you're going to keep raising the price, right?

We have all been fooled by you! "

"Ahem~" Li Shu couldn't help but sigh Liu Yuan's shrewdness, but he naturally wouldn't admit it, but said: "Brother, stop thinking about it, let's go, let's go back to the hotel."

Everyone returned to the hotel. After lunch, Li Shu bid farewell to his senior brother and returned to Danguan City by private plane.

Ask for a recommendation ticket.

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