Island Fishery

Chapter 658 Chapter 658 upload a new video

Chapter 658 Chapter 658 upload a new video

"Fantasy Island Master" is in the hands of Li Shaba. This account has already been counted as the company's account, and the revenue from live broadcast sales is divided between Li Shu and Li Shaba.

Plum tree is 70% and Li Sabah is 30%.

Soon, Li Shaba posted the edited "Shock! The big shark washed ashore!" on the "Fantasy Island Master Dou Le".

Li Shu logged into the small account "Neverland Island Master's No. 1 Fanboy" on his mobile phone, and swiped the comment area of ​​the large account lightly, and there were more than a hundred comments in an instant.

Cao Cao (positive energy collector): "Damn, I was scared to death! This big shark really washed up on the shore!?"

Director of International Psychiatric Hospital: "This is too scary!"

I am at odds with gambling and drugs: "The big tortoise is really quick to react! But if it is a little later, I am afraid it will be eaten by sharks, right?"

A little dog: "Didn't you see that little bird? Although it's not good to laugh, but the way that little bird flutters its wings is so cute! Haha~"

One bite at a time, Peggy replied to a little dog: "The bird is too small to see."

Caiji will read my screen name and reply to a little jerk: "Beauty has such good eyes, can such a small bird see it?"


Li Shu found out that several people commented under "A Little Roo", so he clicked on a little Roo's profile picture to enter the latter's homepage.


Interface jump.

Boom ~

It was still raining outside the window, the atmosphere in the living room was gloomy, and the light was dim, so Li Shu went to the corner and turned on the light.


The extremely bright crystal chandelier emits soft light for an instant, completely dispelling the darkness, and the soft light falls on people's bodies, making people feel warm.

Li Shu looked down at the phone interface, and said helplessly: "A little scorpion is indeed a beautiful woman. These netizens, when they see that she is a beautiful woman, they flirt with her."

He returned to sit on the sofa, and the big orange cat was sleeping on his right side, and he felt very good when he stroked the big orange cat.

Then Li Shu's heart moved, he took out a piece of durian thousand-layer cake from the white jade ring, put it on the empty plate on the coffee table, and ate it with a small fork.

He made 20 durian mille-feuilles before and ate two, and there are 18 more in the white jade ring.

Of course, there are now 17 left.

Li Shu thought for a while before making a comment.

The number one fan of the owner of Neverland Island: "This is a ferret shark! The photographer is so steady in taking pictures, and the quality of his heart is really excellent, so awesome!"

Even though Li Shu had a thick skin, this behavior of boasting himself with a trumpet made him blush slightly.

"Fortunately, no one should know that this is my trumpet. The number of comments is soaring. After all, my comments are drowned in a large number of comments."

Li Shu thought to himself while eating the delicious durian mille-feuille cake.


He found that his comment was liked, and then "Neverland Master" replied to him: "The photographer is really amazing! / Squinting and laughing"

Plum tree: "-_-||"

"Neverland Master" is in the hands of Li Shaba, so it must be Li Shaba who is replying to him now. Li Shaba knows that "Neverland Master's number one fanboy" is Li Shu's trumpet.

Li Shu had no choice but to eat the last piece of durian cake in one bite: "I'm afraid this guy Li Shaba is laughing at me for being thick-skinned. Damn it."

Li Shaba is now in Huaxia Yanjing.

China Yanjing.

On the 65th floor of Tianxin Building, an office building, Li Shaba stole a moment of free time and hid in the office to play with his mobile phone. He laughed and said, "This guy, Ah Shu, is still boasting about himself. I must have caught him, haha~ He must be very embarrassed now."


There was a knock on the door.

Li Shaba put away his mobile phone and said, "Come in."

A beautiful female secretary with neat short hair came in: "The general manager, a group of sales managers from pineapple plantations are waiting in the conference room."

"Okay, I'll go right away." Li Shaba stood up and adjusted his clothes, he couldn't help but sigh:

"I am as busy as a spinning top every day. I really envy that guy Li Shu, who spends leisurely time in Neverland every day and earns money easily."

The beautiful female secretary was taken aback when she heard the words, and she asked curiously: "Does Neverland really exist? I thought the name of the live broadcast account was chosen randomly."

"Hmph ~ lead the way, let's go to the meeting."




It was still raining outside the window.


The torrential rain washed Neverland, and some golden round apricots were blown down by the wind and rain, and drifted into the sea with the rain on the stone road.

Sea bass, grouper, croaker and mackerel are all vying for apricots.

The sea fish that snatched the delicious apricots were delighted with smiles in their eyes, while the sea fish that did not snatch the apricots swam around angrily, very irritable.

The living room on the first floor of the north villa.

Li Shu saw that in just one hour, the newly released video "Shocked! The big shark rushed ashore!" had 50,000 likes and more than 5,000 comments.

"Not bad, this video should also be able to break through one million likes. The big shark rushes ashore to hunt the sea turtle. This kind of scene often appears in movies, but it is rare in reality."

Li Shu said slowly: "Hey, the first floor of the comment area is "Cao Cao (Positive Energy Collector)"? Why is "Positive Energy Collector" in brackets in his name? "

He was curious.

Click on the other party's avatar and find that the other party has not published any works.

He casually clicked on the other party's "Like", and Li Shu was stunned when the interface jumped.

"Damn, this, this...well, I know why the other party is called a positive energy collector."

I saw that there were 14,253 videos in the other party's likes, which is almost 15,000 videos.

Swipe down, every video is a beauty, and 80% of them are beach beauties in bikinis.

The beauty laughed and said Yan Yan, dressed in cool clothes, either arms or legs, or back, hung, the eyes of the people who watched were dizzy.

Li Shu had a strange expression: "It is a talent to be able to find more than 10,000 videos of beauties."

It was almost noon, so Li Shu turned off his phone and went to cook.

After lunch.

The rain outside the window has lessened.

Li Shu left the villa and went swimming in the sea.

It is raining on the sea, but it has no effect on the sea.

Thousands of large yellow croakers are swimming in the water, peaceful and beautiful. In addition to large yellow croakers, there are also yellow bearded shrimp, silver pomfret, grouper, sea bass, red clownfish and so on in the sea.

Since the grouper was sold, the largest fish in the sea is now the mackerel, some of which are two meters long.

Corals of various colors grow on the bottom of the water, as beautiful as a fairyland on earth, and several naughty red clownfish came to the side of the plum tree and swam around him curiously.


Li Shu's pupils shrank.

He saw that on the bottom of the sea 1 km away to the south, the big ferret shark that had been beaten away before had quietly returned, and was still devouring the yellow-bearded shrimp with impunity.

"Damn, you dare to come back!"

Swim aggressively towards the big shark directly.


The big shark quickly noticed that Li Shu was attacking him, and the shadow in his heart appeared in an instant, turned around and fled, not daring to miss the food at all.

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