Island Fishery

Chapter 686: 686 Beach Food

Chapter 686: 686 Beach Food

Li Shu woke up and left the cabin of the yacht. When he came to the deck, he saw the Tigan sandstone island 1 nautical mile away.

"Tsk tsk~ It's really a picturesque scenery! It's really beautiful to see the blue emerald-like sky, the white clouds like cotton candy, the clear blue sea and the verdant island in the distance. ah!"

Li Shu stood on the deck facing the sea breeze with open arms, the sun was shining on his face warmly, and the soft sea breeze blew his short sleeves fluttering.

"Wow~ what a beautiful view!"

“It is indeed beautiful!”

"The sea water is so clear, hey, I saw a fish on the bottom of the sea, a big fish half a meter long."

"Haha, isn't it normal that there are fish in the sea?"

Su Zhizhe, Qian Rongjie, Liu Yuan, Cao Cao, Vecna, Yao Li and others all came to the deck.

The little girl ran to the deck after the big yellow dog.

“Rhubarb! See where you go, quick, let me ride.”

"Hey, hey, hey~"

No, no, I'm a dog and not a horse, why should I let you ride?

The big yellow dog was forced to the corner of the deck railing, and in its eyes, the little girl was like a little devil with horns on her head.


In order to prevent the little girl from catching it, the big yellow dog jumped directly into the sea, then held its head up, with a faint smile on its mouth, and began to paw in the sea.

"Wow woof~"

Cool, Sufu~

The big yellow dog is digging in the sea water, his face is full of happiness.

Vecna ​​said with a smile: "Look at the expression on the big yellow dog's face, he is so happy."

Holding Su Zhizhe's arm, Yao Li took out her mobile phone to take a photo of the big yellow dog, and said with a smile: "The smile of the big yellow dog is so healing, take a picture and use it as a wallpaper."

Qian Rongjie touched his white eyebrow on the left side, and said with a smile: "The yacht will run aground any closer to the island, so how do we get on the island? It's about 1 nautical mile away from the island."

Li Shu smiled and said, "Let's go there by motorboat, there are two motorboats in the small warehouse on the first floor."

5 minutes later.

The side of the first floor of the yacht was slowly opened, gently laying on the sea surface, and two motorboats were pushed into the sea.

Li Shu carried Vecna, and Su Zhizhe set off quickly with Yao Li.

"Da da da ~"

A motorboat is a jet ski. The upper part is in the shape of a motorcycle with handlebars, and the lower part is in the shape of a boat. It is very light and will bring a white water wave behind it when it is driven.

"Wow~ This motorboat is really good." Su Zhizhe rode the motorboat and Li Shu side by side, and the laughter echoed around.

Li Shu turned his face slightly to the right, and could see Yao Li's hair blowing in the wind behind Su Zhizhe.

Li Shu started to slow down as he approached the beach, but Su Zhizhe slowed down too late, swiping~ the motorboat he was driving rushed directly onto the beach, frightening a group of seagulls to scatter and flee.


All the seagulls were frightened away, leaving only a series of seagull calls.

"Scared me to death!"

Yao Li patted Su Zhizhe on the back in dissatisfaction, a little coquettishly.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little excited." Su Zhizhe said with a smile.

The two took turns bringing the others ashore.

Su Zhizhe transported Cao Cao, the latter's fat body almost pushed the motorboat into the sea.

After transporting Cao Cao to the beach, Su Zhizhe took a few breaths, then looked at Cao Cao helplessly.

Cao Cao felt a little wronged, he touched his big belly: "I'm just a little fat."

Su Zhizhe: "..."

Near noon, everyone was fishing in the sea.

The sea water near the beach is very shallow, and the waters extending to more than 300 meters away from the sea are just knee-deep, but there are many sea fish.

There are not only sea fish of 10-20 cm, but also large fish of 60-70 cm.


Su Zhizhe bent down and got up from the sea, and said helplessly: "These big sea fish are too delicate, even if you touch them, you can't catch them, it's so irritating!"

Qian Rongjie suddenly shouted in surprise on the right: "Wow! I caught a big fish!"

Li Shu, Su Zhizhe, Liu Yuan and the others looked around and found that Qian Rongjie was holding a 60 cm long sea fish with both hands.

The scales of the sea fish are fine and dense, one on top of the other, very beautiful, and the vigorous fish tail twitches wildly, making Qian Rongjie's right wrist red.

Qian Rongjie laughed and scolded: "Hiss~ It hurts so much, but your struggle is doomed to be futile, I won't let go."

There was a happy smile on his face, and then he went back to the beach with the fish in his hands.

"We are also working hard to catch more sea fish."

"Yes yes yes~"


When Yao Li bent down to touch the fish in the sea, her fingers touched the body of the fish. The sea fish was very agile, and immediately accelerated to swim away as soon as it was touched.

"Ahhh, I just met a sea fish, and he ran away." Yao Li anxiously reached forward with her hands, but her feet slipped, and she fell backwards with her head raised.



Su Zhizhe, who was still one meter away on the right, grabbed Yao Li with quick eyesight and quick hands, and the latter almost fell into the sea.

"Phew, be careful."

"Okay, I just touched that big fish with my fingers, but unfortunately let him escape."

"It's okay, let's touch the next one."

Boss Jing drove a motorboat to the boat to get some tents and cooking utensils, then set up a tent on the beach and tidied up the cooking utensils.

time flies.

After a lot of hard work, everyone touched a total of 6 sea fish, the small one was about 2 catties, and the big one was about 6 catties.

After everyone went ashore, they began to work together to make fish.

"Second Jing, pass me the salt."

"Okay, boss."


The big orange cat walks back and forth on the beach on catwalks, and the thrush and white squirrel follow it and bounce around. It looks back at the lively scene of people cooking together 5 meters away, and then sees the verdant and verdant mountains .

There are lush trees on the mountain peaks, and the sea breeze blows, making the trees rattle.


It looks dangerous in the woods.

A few minutes later.

The big orange cat smelled a scent, its eyes lit up instantly, and even ran to the crowd, and found that pieces of fish had been roasted.

"Meow meow meow~"


Not only the big orange cat started barking, but also the other 7 cats. The big yellow dog was chasing hermit crabs on the beach stupidly, but now it also ran over.


Ben Rhubarb is hungry, let's have a meal.

"Don't worry, it will be fine soon."

Soon, the meal was completely cooked. In addition to the grilled fish, there were also grilled squid made from the squid caught before, roasted potatoes, fruit salad, durian mille-feuille cake, fruit juice and grapes, strawberries and oranges and so on.

The durian mille-feuille cake was taken by Li Shu on the yacht under an excuse, but in fact he made it before and put it in a white jade ring.

Spread a piece of light blue fabric with a length of 2 meters and a width of 1 meter under the parasol, and everyone sits on it to eat lunch, chat and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Su Zhizhe ate the durian mille-feuille cake with big mouthfuls, and said with a smile: "The sea view in the distance is so beautiful, and the shimmering scene is so charming."

Yao Li was sitting on Su Zhizhe's right. Seeing Su Zhizhe eating in such a hurry, she handed him a bottle of mineral water and said with a gentle smile, "Eat slowly and don't choke."

"Yeah, thanks, but this durian mille crepe cake is really delicious."

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