Island Fishery

Chapter 911

Chapter 911: Great harvest in the morning of 911

By the small river, the atmosphere is relaxed and pleasant.

Li Shu looked at Huang Yun squatting next to the fish box, the little girl, and then at the big orange cat with a pair of small claws pawing at the edge of the fish box, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

The 60cm+ big unforgettable fish in the river started to try again, and it may be difficult to catch him in a short time.

Li Shu was in a good mood, and began to hum a song:

"The pond is full and the rain has stopped~ There are loaches everywhere in the mud beside the field~"

Huang Yun's eyes lit up, and she hummed along: "I'm waiting for you every day, waiting for you to catch loach~ How about big brother, let's go catch loach~"

The little girl looked at Li Shu and Huang Yun, and couldn't help laughing. She felt that the atmosphere at this moment was very good, and she really wanted to stay in this environment forever.

not for a while.


The second 60cm+ big unforgettable fish was caught, and there was another burst of cheers by the small river.

The fat big orange cat danced excitedly again, its mouth almost crooked.

During the whole morning, Li Shu caught 6 super big fish, and under his guidance, Huang Yun also caught 1 big fish.

Well, Huang Yun mainly fished for Li Shu to take pictures of her, and captured the moment when the big fish was copied ashore. The joyful and excited Huang Yun was in the same frame as the vigorous big fish, and the water splashed everywhere. Freeze.

Huang Yun was very satisfied looking at the photo, her big smiling eyes bent into crescents:

"When I go back, I will print out this photo and frame it. I will look at this photo decades later. It will definitely be full of good memories."

Huang Yun who smiled was particularly charming, with the air of a good wife and mother rippling all over her body.

Li Shu saw the little girl playing with the big orange cat with his back to them, so he lowered his head and gave Huang Yun a long kiss. The latter's pretty face instantly turned red into a big apple, even more beautiful than Huoshaoyun yesterday evening.

11:30 noon.

4 people and 5 pets left the river and decided to find a place to bury the pot for cooking.

Jing's second son spent the whole morning in the tree. Except for sleeping for a while, he spent the rest of the time alerting his surroundings to prevent large predators from approaching.

Second Jing laughed and said, "I saw a clearing in the northeast, we can go there to cook and rest."

"Okay, lead the way."

4 people walked northeast with 5 pets, and after walking about 2 kilometers, their sight suddenly became clear.

This is a circular open space with a diameter of 1 km. There are smooth stones on the ground, and the soil fills the stone gaps, and some small shrubs and weeds grow in it.

Huang Yun said with a smile: "There are many rocks on the ground, no wonder there are no big trees growing in this huge open space, presumably the big trees can't take root."

Li Shu nodded: "This open space is about one kilometer long and wide, so it's really huge.

Make a fire and cook here without worrying about igniting the woods. "

I found a flat open space, quickly started a fire with the firewood I picked up, put an iron shelf like a stool on the fire, and put an iron pot on the iron shelf.

Pour the peanut oil, after it is hot, put the onion, ginger and garlic to sauté until fragrant, then add the tilapia cut into sections, and it will be sizzling~ soon a smell of fish will come out.

A parasol was set up 10 meters to the right of the iron pot, and a small square table was placed under the umbrella. There were a lot of grapes, strawberries, cantaloupe, kiwi, apricot, winter jujube, durian, sugar cane, peach and other fruits on the table.

Huang Yun and the little girl were all watching the plum tree cook fish by the iron pot, and there was no one under the umbrella.

The big yellow dog turned around anxiously under the parasol. This big vegetable dog wanted to eat fruit, but he couldn't eat it blatantly.

Saw the white squirrel on the table.

The big yellow dog frantically winked at the white squirrel in an instant.


The white squirrel tilted its head and looked puzzled.

What are you going to do?


The big yellow dog gestured to the strawberries on the table with his chin, and then planed the ground with his paws.

The meaning is obvious - throw the strawberries on the ground.

The white squirrel thought for a while, and really picked up a strawberry and threw it on the ground. The big yellow dog was very happy in an instant. He just had an attitude of trying, but he didn't expect it to succeed.

Quickly eating the strawberries on the ground, the big yellow dog became more and more satisfied with the white squirrel.


For the sake of being so obedient, little thing like you, Ben Rhubarb will bully you less in the future.

swipe swipe~

Strawberries were thrown to the ground one by one, and the big yellow dog ate them one by one. Half a box of strawberries disappeared in a blink of an eye.


The white squirrel became frightened.

It's broken, it's broken, I threw too much, I won't be beaten by the master later, right?

She jumped off the table in an instant, and ran towards a large smooth rock on the right. The big orange cat was lying on the rock enjoying the sun, looking at her small appearance, she seemed very happy.


The white squirrel was lying on the stone next to the big orange cat, motionless.

I didn't do anything bad, I didn't throw strawberries, I have been lying on the rocks with the cat boss to bask in the sun, the cat boss can testify to me, hehe~

Seeing that the little squirrel had escaped, the big yellow dog fell asleep under the parasol.

not for a while.

After the fish was cooked, it was served under the parasol. Li Shu took out a beautiful solid wood square table from the white jade ring, and put a large plate of fish on it.

He also took out the meat buns, ham sausage, meatballs, cucumbers and iced sour plum soup that were stored in the white jade ring before.

Huang Yun took a strawberry from the table next to her and ate it, and said with a smile, "Hey, I remember that there was a box full of strawberries before, why did it become half a box?"

The big yellow dog next to him suddenly felt guilty, his eyes were furtive.

He swallowed hard, feeling the taste of strawberries in his mouth.

Huang Yun smiled and said, "Rhubarb, did you steal strawberries?"

"Wow woof~"

Don't blame me, I didn't have it~

Li Shu said with a smile: "Rhubarb can't go to the table, and his mouth can't reach the strawberries standing on the ground, so maybe your memory is wrong. Come, let's eat."

"Okay, okay."

Li Shu, Huang Yun, Jing's second child and the little girl were sitting at the exquisite wooden table eating, the breeze was blowing, and the scenery of the tropical rainforest was not far away, and they felt a sense of comfort and comfort in their hearts.

The big orange cat arched the little girl's calf, and she got a meatball, which was delicious.

The little girl ate the fish with a mouthful of delicious fish and meat buns, and her little mouth puffed up: "Eating the fish you caught is delicious!"

Huang Yun put a few pieces of thornless fish into the little girl's bowl, and said with a smile, "Shall we go fishing at the original place in the afternoon?"

Li Shu said with a smile: "I won't go back. The big fish in that section of the river are almost finished. Let's go east later. There are other big fish in the east river."


Suddenly, Huang Yun's cell phone rang, and she took it out to see that it was a video invitation from her younger sister Huang Lan.


The video is connected.

Huang Lan said impatiently:

"Sister, sister, have you caught the unforgettable fish? It is said that this kind of fish is very expensive. I have been thinking about whether you caught any fish for most of the day."

Huang Yun smiled like a treasure: "I caught it, 7 big unforgettable fish, 3 big grass carp, 1 big tilapia weighing 4 catties, um, the tilapia was stewed by your brother-in-law, here~ plate It's tilapia."

Huang Lan looked at the excellent-looking fish on the plate, and her mouth watered instantly.

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