Island Fishery

Chapter 959

Chapter 959

The yacht stopped driving when it was 100 meters away from the whale group. After breaking down, it stopped on the sea surface.

"Wow! It's really shocking to see whales up close!"

"Do these whales like to wear gray and black clothes? The backs are all gray and black."

"Hey, there are a few baby milk whales, they are really small."

"Look, look, they're coming!"

The little girl and Xiao Zhao Lin looked happily at the whales not far away, and when they saw the whales swimming towards the yacht, they jumped up and down excitedly.


The cry of the whale is far away, vast, desolate, and there seems to be a faint joy.

Unlike the two excited little girls, the big orange cat's big face pouted instantly, full of vigilance, and its little paws that were stepping on the ground were all raised due to the force.

She was ready to escape at any time.


I’m just a kitten, human beings are so big in my eyes, and now there’s a bigger whale! ?

I'm so insecure!

Do These Super-Big Whales Eat Cats? If you eat cats, how many cats can you eat in one bite! Oh my god! I should run!

The big orange cat just wanted to run away, brush~ Who knows that Li Shu grabbed her, held her in his arms and stroked her, and said with a smirk: "Little kitty, are you scared? Don't be afraid~ I will protect you, haha~ "


You won't throw me into the sea, will you?

The big orange cat looked at Li Shu warily.

"Hey, it'll be fine."

The big orange cat's body is soft and feels good to the touch. Li Shuyi lowered his head and buried his face in the big orange cat's fur, took a deep breath, um—it smelled like a cat.


The little girl shouted: "Look, brother and sister-in-law, what are the things on the whale? It's densely packed, and my goosebumps are rising. It seems to be ringworm."

Little Zhao Lin picked up the white squirrel and held it high: "It seems to be a parasitic creature, like dog beans on dogs, right?"

The big yellow dog raised his head in doubt: "Hmph??"

What is Goudouzi, there is no wow on Ben Rhubarb.

Li Shu raised his head, hugged the cat and walked to Huang Yun. The latter smiled gently, with beautiful eyes: "Is it a barnacle?"

"Yes, as expected of Li Shu's wife, knowledge is profound."

"Pfft~ You don't come here."

"These whales approached, looking for free cleaners, well, help if you can, Jing's second, go to the warehouse to get cleaning tools!"

"Okay, Boss!" Jing's second son agreed, then turned and left.

When the whale group got closer, I realized that there were 7 whales - 3 big and 4 small.

The 3 big whales have a lot of barnacles all over their bodies, densely packed, which makes people feel uncomfortable. They are moving next to the yacht, and they almost stick to the yacht recently.

Huang Yun brushed the hair around her ears, and said with a smile, "Shall we help the whale clean up the barnacles?"

"Yes." Li Shu said with a smile: "It is really a rare spectacle for seven gray whales to act together. The number of such creatures that like to travel around the world is very small.

It is our luck to meet these 7 gray whales. We will share the good times. I will start a live broadcast to let netizens watch the gray whales. By the way, I will give silver rings and silver bracelets to netizens as gifts. "

"Live broadcast? Lucky draw? Okay, let's do it." Huang Yun took the big light green brush handed over by Jing's second child. The big brush had a 1.2-meter-long handle, and it was just right to hold it with both hands.

Li Shu started the live broadcast with his mobile phone, using Dou Le's software. His account also has a lot of fans, but he hasn't started the live broadcast for a while, and his popularity has dropped a bit.

Just started the live broadcast, the number of online users in the upper right corner increased rapidly by 10, 50, 200, 400...

In the end, the total number of people reached about 1500 before the ups and downs roughly stopped growing.

A red panda: "Wow! Brother-in-law, you are live streaming again? What is this? A whale?"

Eat Doudou: "The anchor hasn't started live broadcast for a long time, and now it's finally live again. I would like to take this opportunity to tell the anchor that I have been watching your live broadcast for 10 years. Can you give me a bonus as an old fan! ?A sports car is never too little."

Li Shu: "..."

The bullet screens in the live broadcast room went quickly.

It is said that if the name is very long, some fools will follow it: "Grey Whale! My God, it's a gray whale!"

Love the big goose egg: "Does the anchor want to broadcast the whale live? It's great! A carnival is here!"


The special effects of the instant carnival appeared on the interface of the live broadcast room, gorgeous and colorful, like a beautiful castle. More than a thousand people in the live broadcast room saw it, and many people felt a sense of envy in their hearts.

Invincible beautiful girl: "666, the boss died... no, it's the boss who is angry!"

A spicy cabbage: "666, the boss dies!"

Cat's Claw Pad: "Hahaha, you are so bad that you even called the boss to die. I'm afraid you will be banned later."


The barrage rolled quickly, but fortunately Li Shu had good eyesight.

He held a mobile phone live broadcast in his right hand, drew silver rings and silver bracelets in the lottery, many netizens participated, and jumped on the back of the big whale with a brush in his left hand. The big gray whale is very honest, or he has regarded Li Shu and others as someone who can give The doctor who heals.

"Scrub, scrub, scrub~ oh oh~"

The little girl and little Zhao Lin were also carried on the back of the big whale, and they took a small brush to brush the barnacles on the back of the big whale. The barnacles grew strong, but they were very weak, and it took a long time to brush off a few barnacles. That's all.

The efficiency is very low, but the mood is good, and the nature of entertainment is stronger.

Although Li Shu started the live broadcast, it was just a casual move, which made some netizens open their eyes to see the big whale. His main energy was not put on the live broadcast.

He spent most of his time chatting with Huang Yun, the little girl, and little Zhao Lin.

Huang Yun's legs were slightly bent, and she was holding the brush with her hands one after the other. Her thighs were tense, and she was rubbing against each other~ her movements were quick and quick, and she quickly brushed off a large number of barnacles. She was indeed a good hand at work.

"Husband, come on and brush it~ This big gray whale is 15 meters long, it's too big. After brushing him, I have to brush the other two big whales, and even the small one." Huang Yun was very excited.

"I feel that the back of the whale is cleaned, and it looks very comfortable, and people with obsessive-compulsive disorder don't feel uncomfortable."

"Indeed, let's compete to see who can swipe faster!" Li Shu said with a smile, he handed the phone to Jing's second child, and asked Jing's second child to draw a lottery for netizens, once every 10 minutes, and then he held the brush with both hands to swipe. whale.

"Second Jing, watch the little girl and little Zhao Lin, don't let them fall into the sea."

"Okay boss." The second brother Jing held the mobile phone and talked. He saw the bullet screen scrolling rapidly, but the content seemed to have deviated from the big gray whale, but changed to:

Cao Zexiu left: "The anchor's wife is in such a good shape! The anchor is so blessed, I'm envious~"

The second master of the Li family: "Wow! Beauty, the voice is also nice~ I love it~"

Taojuice: "As a woman, I like to look at beautiful women, they are indeed beautiful~"

Liu Damei: "It's so beautiful! No, tomorrow I want to lose weight and exercise!"

It's a handsome boy, not a hairy guy: "If you bet a penny, you won't be able to last a week upstairs!"

Liu Damei: "According to my previous situation, it would be good if I can persist for three days, haha~"


The mobile phone is in Jinglao's second-hand store. As time goes by, the number of online users in the live broadcast room soars. This is the official recommendation, 30,000, 100,000, 300,000... 2 million!

In the end, it reached the terrifying level of 2 million simultaneous online users. Various special effects of gifts were flying all over the sky, and the barrage scrolled so fast that even the extremely powerful Li Shu might not be able to see it clearly.

A large number of barnacles were brushed off and fell into the sea, some sank, and some were washed away by the sea.

An hour later, a large whale was scrubbed clean.


The big whale squinted happily, full of gratitude, Li Shu and Huang Yun held the long-handled brushes in their hands, glanced at each other, and couldn't help laughing, a sense of accomplishment was surging .

"Next one!" Li Shu raised his arms and shouted.

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