Although he complained, Roman was quite satisfied. After all, it was better than nothing. It was a little surprise suddenly, which was pretty good.

   Roman closed the Revelation Record. The current situation is not suitable for careful consideration. The movement caused by the battle just now is not small, who knows if it will attract more terrible things.

   After seeing the extraordinary beast like the ape bear again, Roman never dared to look down upon this peaceful and peaceful forest.

   Originally, Roman had already regarded this forest as his back garden, especially those beasts that were almost irresistible in the face of witchcraft, which made Roman's mentality a little swollen.

   However, the reality is so cruel, the proud little flame in Roman's heart was completely extinguished the moment it took off.

   The Ape Bear, a behemoth beyond Roman’s cognition, is still too reluctant for him. This time Roman can fight back, and luck accounts for a large part of the factor.

  If you do it again, Roman can't guarantee that he will have such good luck.

   After his body recovered a little bit, Roman held his stinging left eye and helped the tree stand up. After recognizing the direction, he walked towards the tree house.

   Fortunately, although the battle just now was tough and dangerous, Roman's body did not receive much damage, but his mental strength was somewhat exhausted and his physical strength was too much.

   It took a full half an hour before Roman returned to the tree house exhausted. As soon as he climbed into the house along the vertical ladder, Roman fell asleep without saying a word.

   The breeze blowing from outside the window was accompanied by insects, and Roman's eyelids trembled slightly, and then slowly opened.

   The headache has been relieved a lot. It was another late night outside the window. The bright moonlight scattered in the house, and the cool night breeze made Roman a little more sober.

   sat up on the edge of the bed, Roman's thoughts seemed to be stuck in the battle not long ago, and he stared at the floor for a while, only then did Roman remember the changes in the final Apocalypse.

   took out the thick black book from his arms, and Roman's thumb rubbed the cover a few times before opening the Apocalypse.

Roman did not immediately turn to a new page, but first turned to the page that recorded the potions (Baru Yuna Evans), and looked at the old man with a hooked nose on the page, Roman habitually Another ray of mental power was input.

   Then it was similar to what Roman thought. Although the mental power was smoothly integrated into the page, the old man's pattern did not fluctuate in the slightest.

   Since the last time he input mental power and squeezed out a lot of skills from the old man's pattern, Roman has been obsessed with it, and input mental power almost every other time to see if he can squeeze out something more.

   But I don’t know why, Roman’s attempt this month hasn’t had any response. It seems that he has fallen into a cooling down, but he doesn’t know how long the cooling time is.

   However, in the distant unknown place, on the towering black tower, an extremely angry roar came out from afar.

  A group of young men and women dressed as apprentices in the middle and lower levels of the Black Tower began to whisper quietly after hearing this voice.

   "What's wrong with Mentor Evans lately? Why do you get angry after a short interval?"

   "I don't know? The mentor has been like this since Lilith's experiment failed last time."

   "And not long ago, the mentor's laboratory was accidentally shattered by him..."

   "There is more than one, haven't you found that the most advanced laboratories are being repaired recently? Not to mention the lost precious materials!"

   "Yes, I heard that too, alas, I don't even have the materials for a bottle of mental potion."


   On the top floor of the Black Tower, in a dark and airtight room, Baru Yuna was sitting on the bed with a look of lethargy.

   At this time, he no longer had the usual seriousness and rigidity. He was pale, his hair was messy, and his eyes were bloodshot.

   Just now, Baru Yuna was once again forcibly interrupted his meditation, still the severe pain that was acting on his soul.

Pain, but secondly, the key is the backlash caused by the forcible interruption of meditation. What is even more hateful is the irregularity and signs of this severe pain, making Baru Yuna worried about everything during this period, and I am afraid that it will be halfway through. Was forcibly interrupted at the time.

   Because this has happened more than once, Baru Yuna has destroyed three laboratories in just one month, which made him miserable.

   Baru Yuna stretched out his hand and wiped it in the air, and a smooth mirror surface appeared in the air, and soon the face of a middle-aged man appeared on the mirror surface.

   "Tutor, are you looking for me?"

   The middle-aged man said in a humble tone, without showing the slightest strangeness to the old man's embarrassment.

   The old man's eyes were cold, and he said in a harsh tone:

   "Thorn, how are the materials for the ceremony prepared? Is Angelina back?"

   Thorne thought for a moment, and said seriously:

   "Tutor, the materials are all ready, but Angelina is not able to contact for the time being, it seems that she is in some secret realm."

   The old man said in a sullen tone:

   "Please contact her Once contacted, let her come back immediately! The deity must start the ceremony as soon as possible!"

   Thorne looked straight and immediately said:

   "Okay, mentor, I will contact Angelina again immediately!"

   Baru Yuna did not speak any more, snorted coldly, stretched out his hand, and the smooth mirror surface immediately turned into a black mist and dissipated.

   Baru Yuna looked at the black mist remaining in his hand, and slowly squeezed his fist. The mist suddenly turned into black lightning, which flickered between the old man's fingers.

   "No matter who you are, I will make you pay more terrible than death!"


   Roman touched his eyelids and didn't know what was going on. Recently, his eyelids were always jumping. In addition, he encountered ape bears before. As the saying goes, if you die in a catastrophe, you will be lucky. Maybe you will be lucky recently.

   Roman thought happily, turning over the page of Baru Yuna, and then fixed his eyes on the vivid ape bear pattern.

   Roman has some experience in the use of the Apocalypse. Whenever he doesn't understand it, he will pour his mental energy into it, just like refreshing the computer if it fails, and restarting it if it doesn't work. It will definitely be useful.

   A ray of mental power leaned toward the Apocalypse, and sooner, Roman realized that part of the ape bear pattern seemed to be shimmering.

  Roman's eyes lit up, increasing the output of mental power, and the pattern also gave out more and more obvious light. After paying more than half of the mental power, the pattern seemed to have finally reached its limit.

   The ape bear pattern on the book page began to bloom with a rich red light, and Roman's ears seemed to hear the wild roar of the ape bear.

   Immediately afterwards, a pungent **** smell emanated from the Apocalypse, and a bead of blood the size of a fingernail slowly floated from the page of the book.


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