It All Starts with the Wizard

Chapter 42: Runaway 2

   In the dark dense forest, Roman pushed aside the dense branches and shrubs in front of him, and walked hurriedly.

   It was late at night, and Roman had been running like this for three full hours.

   But no matter how Romain hides his figure, changes his course, or misleads Anderson, he can accurately find and catch up with Romain.

   During this period, Roman has fought Anderson twice again. Although he barely escaped, the injuries on Roman’s body have accumulated to be not optimistic.

   I saw a shocking blood hole on his left shoulder, which was originally intact, and most of the clothes on his shoulder had been burned. It was the mark left by Anderson's short knife.

   His left arm has also been completely slumped down, hanging softly beside him, and it swayed from time to time as Roman ran, looking like it was broken.

   Roman bit the waist knife covered with black burn marks with his teeth, and randomly pulled a piece of cloth from his clothes with his right hand, binding his left arm and body together.

   As the cloth was tightened on his left arm, Roman's forehead also oozes big beads of sweat, and there was a muffled hum in his mouth.

   He used his left arm to block Anderson's fatal whip leg, which directly caused a large-scale bone fracture in his left arm. Although it did not break, it was not able to exert any strength.

   However, Roman also sneered, his expression full of fierce determination, he was beaten twice by him, but he did not suffer, and took the opportunity to give him twice.

   This is the result of Roman trying to avoid injury for injury, every time he tries his best to use his body's flexibility to avoid direct rigidity.

   But Anderson's style of play is too fierce, like a squally rainstorm on the ocean. If Roman is not cruel, it might only make Anderson unable to fight back.

However, after several fights, Roman also found a problem, that is Anderson’s weird fire ability, it seems that as the sun sets, the power has been reduced to a certain extent, although it is not obvious, but through his own dark magic. The feedback brought, Roman still keenly grasped this.

   Moreover, Anderson's method of praying to recover from his injuries has never been used again, otherwise he would have caught up long ago.

   "It seems that my only chance is tonight, even if I can't kill him, I must get rid of him completely, but..."

   Part of Roman's mind sank into the sea of ​​consciousness. Originally, there was only less than one-third of the silver-white mist left, and the magic pool under the spiritual power vortex was about to drop.

   There is no way, this way of chasing Roman can not get rid of Anderson's pursuit, resulting in no chance to meditate to restore spiritual power and magic.

   And in the confrontation with Anderson, in order to get rid of him, he had to use witchcraft several times, causing Roman's current mental power and magic power to be in a dangerous situation!

   "I can't go on like this anymore, my hole cards are almost in the hands of Anderson, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to get rid of him next time. If I escape like this, it will only be a chronic death!"

  Moreover, Roman's physical strength has gradually been unable to keep up. After all, he is still a flesh and blood body and a weaker party, so the physical strength spent in chasing and fleeing is much higher than Anderson.

   It's not that Roman has never thought of finding out how Anderson can accurately find himself, but after checking everything on his body repeatedly, Roman did not find anything.

   In the end, Roman can only attribute this to a certain ability that Anderson himself has mastered. Roman guessed that the problem is most likely to be in the red thick red book he carried with him.

   However, because of the serious lack of information, Roman couldn't think of anything to do this for a while.

   "Although it is dangerous, it can only be done like this!"

   Roman looked at the injuries on his body, gritted his teeth and made up his mind, stopped at random, and the screen crow hovered high above him. After identifying the direction, Roman decisively changed another direction and ran again.

   ran for a while, and Roman suddenly stopped abruptly.


   Then there was a tall black shadow breaking through the nearby bushes, entraining the flying leaves, and a sharp short knife pierced Roman's eyes with a harsh wind.

   "I was ambushed!"

   Roman's pupils shrunk, and he didn't care much, he directly leaned back on an iron bridge, his body stiffly fell back, and at the same time the black shadow under his feet spread over.

  Darkness bound!


Roman fell heavily to the ground. Fortunately, there was soft soil under his body, which did not cause Roman to receive any harm. The moment Roman fell to the ground, he rolled to the side neatly, avoiding the one followed by Anderson. Remember to step on.

   At this time, the dark **** also successfully bound Anderson's limbs, but Roman did not have any relaxed look.

   Sure enough, at the moment when the dark **** was just taking shape, a golden red flame ignited where Anderson's body was tied up. In just a second, the rope made of dark magic disappeared.

   "That's it again!"

   Roman gritted his teeth, the opponent's golden red flame was too restrained from his dark magic, otherwise he wouldn't be so embarrassed.

   But now there is no time for Roman to complain. Before Anderson has completely got rid of the restraints, Roman gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

   The faint moonlight shone through the sea of ​​trees, barely shining into the dark However, with the quiet and soft moonlight, what was reflected was the shadow of swords and swords full of killing intent and blood.

   Roman's waist knife swung quickly in the air, and it collided with Anderson's silver short knife to produce flashes of sparks.

   Roman kept backing away, and Anderson’s offensive was like the tide breaking a bank, uninterrupted. He clearly used a small and slender short blade that was good for stabs rather than chopping.

   But this silver short blade is in Anderson's hands, but it looks like a two-handed giant sword that keeps spinning and hacking down!

   Every block requires Roman's best effort, and he has only one arm left to exert his strength. If he can't remove the huge power from Anderson's short blade in time, Roman is likely to be crushed instantly.

   Sweat dripped down the tip of Roman’s nose, Roman’s eyes did not dare to shift in the slightest. At this time, a little negligence could cause fatal injuries!

   Suddenly, Roman stumbled and seemed to have stepped on something. He staggered and fell backward involuntarily.

   Being in the air, Roman can't change the position of his body at all, and Anderson obviously won't let this opportunity pass.

I saw a flash of fire behind him, and the sun print exuded a hot light, and the terrible golden red flame was once again wrapped around the silver short blade. The hot fire illuminates Anderson’s emotionless face and also illuminates Roman. Pale face.....

   and the smile on the corner of his mouth.


   Anderson's inevitable stab passed by Romain's side, deeply submerged in the mud beside him, and the flame entwined on the sword even ignited Romain's sleeves.

   However, Roman avoided this mortal blow after all!

   This is Roman’s opportunity!


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