It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 478 No longer fear in my heart

Racked my brains.

The hero thinks from the bottom of his heart that Sakura is an amazing person.

A dying man even taught him the meaning of life and changed his way of life.

【My heart is filled with her.

I miss you.

"I want to be you."

I want to be someone who can identify with others, and be someone who is identified with.

I want to be someone who can love others and be loved by others. 】

Following this direction, he thought of a proverb that fit this meaning very well.

"I want to cook and eat your nail stains."

——A neon proverb, boil and eat the nail stains of excellent people as medicine, which is a metaphor for learning from excellent people as an example.

【After I typed this sentence into my phone, I immediately deleted it. I thought the proverb used was so generic that I had to find more appropriate words to please her.

After some thinking, in the corner of the memory, no, maybe the center of the memory, a sentence slowly came to him.

This sentence made me very happy, even a little proud.

Could there be a more suitable language as a gift to her?

I put my heart and soul into that sentence, edited it into a text message and sent it to her on the other end of the phone.


"I want to eat your pancreas.\

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