75 Bold conjectures about the determination of system assets

At this time, Sun Haidong was actually still thinking about a question.

That's the question he's been pondering.

Why did the seven pirates under his command already help him lay down such a large territory.

But the points in Sun Haidong's system have not increased.

If these lands are also recognized by the system as Sun Haidong's assets.

Then the points in his system should increase a lot.

After all, even on the Somali side, no matter how barren.

However, there are still people, land, resources, and even the port coastline, which are also very valuable.

According to the original asset evaluation criteria of the system, whether it is any item, resource, mine, port, etc.

All of them can be converted into Sun Haidong's assets by the system, according to his estimated price, and then exchanged for points.

Before, when Sun Haidong and Lao Maozi were trading.

On Lao Maozi's side, there is no cash.

In the end, Lao Maozi took two mines on the African side and offset the bill.

As a result, the system also directly determined the value of his assets, and then exchanged Sun Haidong for points.

And now, on Sun Haidong's side, there is only this base of his.

Because, it was Sun Haidong who bought it from those pirates at the beginning.

Therefore, it is judged by the system to be an asset

And later, even if Sun Haidong subdued, the seven-way pirate gang that sold him land before.

Let these pirates already do things for Sun Haidong.

As a result, the territory that these pirates fought down still did not become Sun Haidong's assets.

This made Sun Haidong puzzled all the time.

According to Sun Haidong's expectations, the territory here should be judged by the system to be too many of his assets.

If that's the case, then Sun Haidong will be rich.

The land resources here, no matter how you evaluate it, must be worth a lot of money.

If that's the case, what kind of arms does Sun Haidong sell?

This is more profitable than selling arms.

It is equivalent to directly turning other people's territory into their own assets.

But Sun Haidong has not yet thought of how to do this.

Is there any way to get the system to assume that everything here is his.

It is judged to be Sun Haidong's assets, so that it can be exchanged for points in the system.

Let Sun Haidong use the points exchanged for these assets to sell in the system.

If that's the case, Sun Haidong can really pull out a powerful and complete navy, land and air force in a very short period of time.

However, today Sun Haidong stood on a building in the base, looking at the lively scene in the outer city in the distance.

In Sun Haidong's mind, some thoughts suddenly popped up.

It made his eyes excited.

"Irina, you immediately ask the Seven Pirate Chiefs to come back to me.

Tell them that they have to come back in person.

As soon as possible. "

Sun Haidong shouted to the secretary Irina in the back.

In Sun Haidong's mind, the idea that popped up made him feel that there was still a possibility of success.

But it was necessary for the seven pirate leaders to come back to him and cooperate with him.

In order to verify Sun Haidong's idea, right.

"Understood, boss. "

Irina agreed.

"My idea is really successful if it is verified.

Lao Tzu is a big deal. "

Sun Haidong couldn't sit still excitedly.

Not long after, Irina returned and told Sun Haidong: "Boss, the leader of the Seven Great Pirates, three of them agree to come back immediately."

The other four shirked.

They said that the fighting on the front line was so fierce that none of the four of them could pull back.

Hopefully the boss can give them a moment of leniency.

When they are there, the enemy on the front line is resolved, and they will come back. "

"Indeed, boss.

At this time, let all the seven pirate leaders withdraw.

This may really have an impact on the war on their front lines.

What's the matter, to be in such a hurry.

Can't you take it easy?".

Secretary Irina also felt that Sun Haidong's order was too hasty.

It's really not, the other four pirate leaders on the front line deliberately didn't listen to orders and didn't come back.

"No, you go tell them again.

Must come back immediately.

The war on the front line can be put aside for a while and then fought.

However, they must come back immediately.

I'm going to give them three days, and in three days I'm going to be here at the base and see each and every one of them.

Otherwise, the consequences they think for themselves."

But Sun Haidong directly refused, with a very tough attitude.

Then let Irina deliver his orders.

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