As a face-control, Mute never thought it was a shame to see a good-looking person look twice.

However, it is just paying more attention to satisfying one's yearning for beauty.

He never thought about it, one day, he would watch someone see the loss.

By the time the young man who was stunned by the handsome beauty in front of his eyes and immersed in beauty finally returned to his senses, he had been held by Troll for a while.

... Mut suddenly felt that he could understand the thoughts of the emperors who had lost their thrones for beauty.

If he is an emperor, if there is such a beauty in the harem, what is the future?

It's the business to stare at the beauty's face every day--


Wait, this beauty is a man.

The teenager who finally returned to reality shook his head vigorously and shook off a bunch of messy thoughts in his head.

As soon as he looked up, he saw a large piece of blood on the left shoulder of the major general who was holding him. The white shirt was stained with blood red, almost all the chest was red, and there was a tendency to expand outward.

Mute was awake with a stir.

He struggled, jumped to the ground, and looked down to find that there was also blood on his body. His subconscious gaze turned and fell to Troll holding his left arm.

The cloth bandaged on the young major general's left arm had been soaked with blood. A violent activity just earlier caused the wounds to crack open. At this moment, the blood was seeping outside and flowing down the arm.

Tick, a few drops of blood fell to the ground along the white fingertips.

From the left shoulder to the left hand, the young major was almost bloody, lined with the snow-white skin exposed by the broken sleeves, and Mute was shocked for a while.

"You are sick!"

Shocked by the **** look, Mute burst out.

As soon as he was anxious, he kept his mouth shut, completely forgetting that he had to keep the image of a good baby in front of Jin's thigh.

"It hurts like this and don't deal with it ?!"

He was still holding him, afraid that there would not be enough blood flowing, would he?

Seeing that the child who has always been honest and well-behaved suddenly burst into swearing, the major general of black hair raised an eyebrow.

He followed Mute's gaze and looked down to see his left arm, almost blood-stained.

Is this little guy angry because of this?

"It's all right."

He said, lowering his hand expressionlessly, and continued to walk, leaving blood dripping where he passed.

He looked dumbfounded at the back, and Mute hurried to catch up, watching the blood dripping all the way, and he felt queasy.

"No no no-this is obviously not okay-you have to stop bleeding first-"

"There is no such condition here."

An understatement made Mute speechless.

The cut on Troll's arm, even though it was cracked, was more blood, not a fatal injury.

The key is the wound on his left shoulder that was penetrated by laser bombs. The bleeding from there could not stop, even if it was bandaged, it was useless. Professional medical equipment was needed to stop the bleeding, so Troll did not I intend to waste time trying to bandage and let it bleed like this.

He never does useless work.


Mute chased after him, just watching the major general go all the way, and the blood dripped along his arm.

He looked at the dripping blood, frowning, his face tangled.

Troll glanced at the expression on that little boy's face, and watched the little boy stare at his arm with a sad look on his whole face, and that mood has been not so good since he was hunted down. I don't know why it's better So a little bit.

"Not afraid?"




Yeah, speaking of it, when I saw the half-blooded corpse, he was so sick that he was so full of blood that he was so distressed and nauseated when he saw the blood ...

But just now when he came all the way, he always stared at Major General, who was also a **** arm. Why didn't he feel uncomfortable at all?

Does blood also look good or bad?

Face looks so beautiful so blood will look better than ordinary people?

Isn't this scientific?

... No, no, no, the key now is, is it really okay for him to shed such blood?

After thinking wildly, the teenager was worried again.

No matter how strong and powerful, this person is still flesh and blood, and he will die if he loses too much blood.

As he thought about it, he couldn't help but grab the **** hand. Even if he knew he couldn't help, he just felt that holding that hand might make the other person better.

It's like when he was very uncomfortable on the bed before, as long as his parents held his hand, he would feel much better.

The moment his hand was grasped, the major's blood-stained fingers moved slightly.

He didn't look back, he still looked forward, and the expression on that handsome face was a little unchanged, except that the slender eyelashes moved slightly invisibly.

The blood that ran down his arm quickly stained the child holding his hand, and that hand was stained as bright red as his arm.


Troll and the two of them walked in a place that looked like a huge metal box, because the silver-white metal walls were in all directions, and even the pillars standing in the middle supporting the roof were shiny with metal.

The large metal space is empty, because the foot is silver-white metal floor, so the sound of one stepping down is very clear, and the echo makes the footsteps of both people unusually loud in this open place.

Shallow water marks remained on the metal floor, even on the walls, as if this place had been flooded not long ago.

The entire space was very clean, with no dust at all. It clearly looks like a sealed space, but it is not dry at all, and the air has a moist atmosphere.

Moreover, the entire sealed space was very large. After coming down from the destroyed portal placed at the highest place, they walked for a full ten minutes before they reached the end.

Troll glanced around, and walked to a huge protruding partition in the corner. He raised his right hand, and the miniature map on the back of his hand turned to form a small pattern.

The pattern was reorganized to form a row of small password characters, and then the row of password characters reflected on the partition.

In the next second, the partition, which looked like a wall, suddenly lit up and opened automatically in front of Troll.

A light yellow shuttle of several meters wide and tens of meters high appeared in front of the two. Its tail is fixed to the floor, with a black hole the size of which is just above it, and the edge of the track laying in the hole can be seen vaguely.

It stood on the ground, with its belly open, exposing a narrow inner compartment.

Can be found.

Mute was relieved.

As long as you board this, you can return to ‘Ishtar’.

He thought so happily, and turning his head, he saw that the major general frowned.

"Is there anything wrong?"

"... life-saving shuttle."

"Isn't it great."

Mute recently read an introduction to this type of ship when looking through the information.

This life-saving shuttle boat automatically shuts down as soon as someone enters, and the escape function is activated.

They were running away, right?


Troll was silent for a moment before he spoke, his voice low and a husky mark exuding.

"Single use."


The boy opened his mouth and was speechless for a long while.

Obviously, the subordinate's subordinates had only enough time to prepare this single-person shuttle boat for him in such a short time, and he did not expect that Troll would bring another person.

Major General Dark Hair stared at the shuttle boat and frowned.

This ship can only be used by one person. Although it is not impossible to force the space inside it for two people, but after increasing the weight, its fuel and propulsion will not be enough to get it out of the planet's gravity and into the universe .

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for two people to use it together.

It seems to have to think of another way.

Tick ​​it, it's dripping on the metal ground, and it's dripping on the boy's cheek, so cold that he winces.

"It's raining?"

Raising his hand and seeing drops of water constantly falling on his palm, Mute was somewhat inexplicable.

Aren't they underground? Still in a closed space like a metal box, where's the rain?

As soon as he looked up, he saw the wet metal ceiling, and drops of water kept falling.

"The whereabouts were found."

The major general's voice suddenly came from the side, startling Mute who was still looking at the ceiling in confusion.

"Ha? Found it? How do you know?"

"Here is the underground storage tank." Troll also saw the falling water, his eyes narrowed, and he said coldly, "the water system is activated."

Mia is a desert planet with most of its surface, so there is very little water on the planet.

Therefore, in the underground of each city of Miyaxing, countless huge water storage metal tanks are built, and the particles react to produce water to transport to the city.

Troll looked up, the humidity of the air in this metal space had reached its limit, the walls became wet, water dripped from the metal walls, and began to converge on the ground.

"Water tank ... that is, it will soon be flooded?"

Mute looked around nervously.

As the humidity increased, the water at the top continued to drip, more and more, and the whole space became wet, as if it was raining.

The surface of the water on the silver-white metal ground rose at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and Mute saw that it soon passed the instep.

"What ... what?"

Mute was a little panicked, looking subconsciously toward the only person who could rely on at this time.

At all times, Major General Troll is the most trustworthy and the most reliable person. There is nothing that this person cannot do.

This idea has become ingrained in the mind of the teenager.

Otherwise, he will not hesitate to jump down when the major general makes him jump, even if all the enemies are below.

Just follow the words of the major general.

He always thought so.

Therefore, when he was at a loss, he was almost instinctual and subconscious, and turned his attention to the man who was as powerful as God in his heart.

He saw the young major general standing in front of the shuttle's hatch, holding one hand against the bulkhead.

The man was soaked in water by the lacquered black hair wetly against that handsome face, and the wet lacquered black lined the man's cheeks more and more abnormally pale.

He saw that person was breathing slightly differently than usual, and that person's left arm, bloody, mixed with blood, ran down the pale fingertips like a broken bead. Dripping down ...


A man who is immensely impersonal and close to God.

No matter how strong it is, it is a flesh and blood person.

The teenager thought so, raised his hand, and rubbed his face hard.

Now that the whereabouts have been found, let's not say whether it will drown here or not, the chase is probably coming soon.

... only one person can leave alive ...


Vision began to blur ...

Thinking about this, the young major general stood at the door of the cabin with his right hand resting on the bulkhead.

His breathing has also become quicker. This body is much stronger than ordinary people because of the rigorous training that he has experienced since childhood. He has almost reached the limit of the human body, but in the end it is a flesh and blood body.

The water dripping from the ceiling poured on him like rain, pouring him wet, clothes soaked in water, cold and biting, and the chill penetrated into his body.

The dark hair was dripping wet against his pale cheeks, and the sequelae of excessive blood loss had begun to strike, making his consciousness slightly hesitant.

He stood against the bulkhead, taking a deep breath, trying to control the vertigo in his head.

Must find a way to bring that child with him ...

Spit it out gently in one breath, before it was finished.

Suddenly the air changed behind him, as if someone was coming.

If it was normal, he could easily escape the sudden attack and instantly stop the attacker.

But now he was at the most exhausted moment of his body, and the slight dizziness caused by blood loss made his response slow for half a beat.

He was kicked heavily by the people behind him.

The sudden attack force kicked him a little bit unstable, and his feet involuntarily took two steps forward.


There was a sharp noise, and the light was loud all around.

The shuttle's cabin lighted up instantly, and all the instruments were activated.

The young major general who was kicked into the life-saving shuttle turned around sharply, but with a slam, the door slammed shut in front of his eyes.

A transparent but stiffer interior door shut him from the child outside.

The black-eyed child who kicked him into the cabin smiled at him, his dark eyes curved into a crescent curve.

In the constant falling waterline, the thoroughly wet black hair was wet on the child's face.

The pupil of the young major general dilated slightly at this moment.

He looked at the immature face smiling at him. The child's face sometimes looked dull, a little stupid, and a little silly, but when he laughed, it was even brighter than everything.

He saw the child standing in the water, his soaked clothes clinging to his body, making the figure look slimmer.

He saw the child's lips move, as if smiling and saying something to him, but he couldn't hear anything, he could only see the child raised his hand with a smile and waved at him.

The gently waving right hand was covered with blood, the bright red stained by his blood.

The blood color was deeply reflected in Major General's dark blue pupil, as if imprinted through the pupil in the deepest part of his mind--

The metal outer hatch fell heavily and cut off his sight.

Also completely isolated the figure of the child reflected in his pupils.

The shuttle's hull vibrated violently, and gas blasted wildly in the roar.

It carried the only passenger in the cabin, whistling upward along the track in the black hole.



I used to listen to people saying that it was really exciting to run.

Ha ha.

It's more exciting to die after loading, should you try it?

Mute thought so sarcastically, watching the shuttle whistling away, and the air pressure before he left also sprayed himself with water.

A smile that had been swollen and filled with fat just now, and a smiley face collapsed instantly. He sighed heavily and looked helpless.

Just say that you ca n’t set up a flag. You see, it worked.

After the shuttle was fired, the orbital hole was closed by itself.

In other words, now it is really a completely enclosed space, and he stays in this completely enclosed huge metal box.

... Maybe there will be other exits, but Mute looked at the water that was rising at the rate visible to the naked eye. At this moment, the surface of the water that had passed through his knees felt that if there were other exits, he would definitely have no time to find them.

Sorry, Dad, Mom, I promised you to live no matter what happened, but that's probably only the end now.

Mute rubbed his eyes. He leaned back against the wall and stared at the water on his knees that had drowned in his thighs.

... He wants to live, but the life of the major general is more important than him.

He was all alone and died, which was his own business, but that person was carrying too many lives. Not to mention how many times he was saved by that man and owed him several lives, how could he still drag him down to such a point ...



hahahahahahahahahahaha! !! !!

The teenager leaning on the wall shook his wet hair, grinned, and couldn't help laughing anymore.

I depended on me, I just successfully kicked the major's ass! !! !!

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ~ has been worth it in my life ---- who in the whole universe can have me so stubbornly **** to hit the **** of that major general hahahahaha! !! !!

Damn ha ha ha ha can't stop laughing!

Kicked the **** of the Major General Hahahahahahaha-I have no regrets in my life hahahahaha!

Hahaha, it ’s so cool to help me, so I ca n’t stop laughing, what do I do? Hahahahaha!


Well, there is a lot of flexibility in Major General.

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha--

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