Sleeping White Snake

Bai Wei sat peacefully in the Metropolitan Police Hall, sleeping with his eyes closed. He was already very tired.

Mentally and physically, double exhaustion, it’s like getting up in the rankings without sleep all night, changing to normalPeople, just one step away from entering the ICU.

After he fell asleep, he fell into a deep sleep, and then had a dream.

He can also retain lucidity in his dreams. It is a lucid dream. It is not difficult to enter this state, and it is very simple with more training.

Immediately afterwards, various things began to emerge in the pure white space of the lucid dream, taking shape in the outline of consciousness.

He returned to a tea room, sat down quietly, and with a wave of his palm, a teapot fell down. There were red burning anthracite coals beside it, and the kettle was billowing with white mist.

The boiled tea was poured into the cup, and Bai Wei didn’t even need to do it himself. When the fragrance of the tea wafted out, a figure appeared on the opposite seat.

Pure white hair and skin color, amber snake pupils, no clothes, but the skin is covered with scales that reflect light.

“I guessed that you would come.” Bai Wei pushed the teacup in front of the guests.

The woman picked up the teacup, stretched out her forked and slender tongue to taste the temperature of the water, and then drank it with her head raised.

Every feature of her shows that she is not a human being, but a white snake.

The beautiful snake Baiwei is not uncommon. There is a snake-human race in the empire. The snake girls of this race are very popular in the slave trade market, and they understand the reasons.

This white snake is not an ordinary snake-human race, but an even older terrestrial creature. No matter how you look at it, it is at least at the level of a seven-colored sky-swallowing python…

Fortunately, it is not malicious.

After drinking tea, she closed her lips, but her voice echoed through the dream: “Thank you.”

“Anyway, it’s a dream, and you can refill the cup indefinitely.”

“I’m not here for tea.” She said, “Let me introduce myself. I’m the White Snake God.”

“A land god?”

“Currently, he is a mountain god.”

“Currently?” Bai Wei was curious: “Have multiple different priesthoods at the same time? Same as Mo La so-and-so?”

“I am the land god in the mountains, and also the snake god who controls the water. My full name is… Uzumiko Takihime God.”

At the same time as she reported the proof, a illusory big snake flickered for a moment. It was exactly what Bai Wei saw in the mountains.

“Well, it’s my first visit.” Bai Wei nodded his head and knew it. It’s not that rare. There are many mountain gods in Ming Dynasty.

People who have seen the world are like this.

She didn’t care too much, and said, “My patron, you don’t need to respect my god name, you just need to call me Longyuan.”

Bai Wei nodded: “Okay, but I didn’t plan to use any honorific title. I’m not a citizen of Yingzhou who has been blessed by you.”

Takimoto picked up the teacup.

Bai Wei snapped his fingers, and the teapot floated over to refill the cup by itself.

Long Yuan drank a glass and didn’t say anything. Bai Wei thought he needed a refill, so he waved again.

She shook her head, stared at Bai Wei, and said, “Name.”


“Your, name.” She repeated, with a serious expression, delicate features but a rigid expression.

Bai Wei was taken aback for a moment, so he was waiting for me to introduce myself?

“You should already know, you have possessed Beichen Guidie for so long.”

“Even so, you should report your name. This is a necessary process.”

“Okay.” Bai Wei followed suit: “Bai Wei, from the Ming Dynasty, male, twenty-two, unmarried, single, hometown in Jinling, ID number is 34… bank card number is… bank card password is… oh, I won’t talk about this.â€

Long Yuan finished listening quietly: “I remember.”

Bai Wei scratched his head: “Actually, you don’t need to remember the latter.”

The snake god doesn’t quite understand human humor: “Don’t remember what you said?”

Bai Wei smiled awkwardly and refilled his cup manually: “You drink tea, you drink tea.”

Long Yuanshen drank a few more sips of tea, and then said: “I am not complete now, and I am unable to maintain the balance between mountains and rivers. The gate in the mountain should be under my jurisdiction, but…”

“You just said that you are temporarily a mountain god.” Bai Wei said, “Where did that part of the water god go?”

“Nature stays where it should be.”

“Hey…” Bai Wei stroked his chin: “I can understand that you have mitosis now?”

“It can be said that although I can’t return, I still keep in touch with another part.” Taki Yuan said.

Bai Wei asked again: “Does this have anything to do with Beichen?”

Long Yuan shook her head: “I don’t know.”

Bai Wei raised his eyebrows.

Takiyuan continued to explain: “When I realized it, I became her and fell into the depths of her memory. In order not to hurt her soul, I could only sneak into the dream, and then find a space where I can put myself, and then I found it……”

“Shuangyue, is it?”

“She has a wide enough consciousness space to store my consciousness.” Taki Yuan said: “I also brought Beichen Guidie here, and tried to strengthen her strength by giving her trials to ensure that she would not be destroyed by us.” cover.”

Bai Wei stroked his chin: “One body and two souls, unless they have the same origin, and you are an earth god, and Beichen Guidie is an ordinary person, so she has infected your aura and has become a demigod close to the present human being.” God.”

Longyuan said: “She has excellent aptitude, but it will take a long time to become a human god, and at this stage, she can only barely coexist.”

Bai Wei asked again: “What’s the matter with the big snake that appeared in the mountains?”

“I am a mountain god. That is the little power I left in the leylines. Because it consumes a lot, it must be used at critical times.”

“That’s why you don’t want to save the witches and priests of the shrine.”

“Yes, it’s a pity that they are not strong enough, and I can’t consume the remaining power.”


“You’re angry.”

“A little bit, but I can restrain myself.” Bai Wei picked up the cup and put it down:”Let’s just accept it rationally.”

“You do cherish feathers.”

“Human life is not a feather. I’m just greedy. All kings are like this. They don’t want to let go of what they can grasp.”

As Bai Wei spoke, he laughed at himself and changed the subject: “Will Rashomon be opened again?”

“Probably not in a short time. The one inside the door suffered a lot. Although there is no way to fix it once and for all, we can buy more time.”

“How did Rashomon get here?”

“It’s not clear, it seems to appear suddenly.”

“When did it appear?”

“Twenty-two years ago.”

Bai Wei took a sip of tea in silence. The timing was too coincidental. After thinking for a while, he asked, “What are you going to do next?”

“Now I can only stay on Beichen’s body for the time being.” The White Snake God said flatly, “I can’t go anywhere.”

“I can take you back to the shrine.” Bai Wei said.

“This is also what I want to warn you about.” Longyuan looked serious: “Don’t go to my shrine, and warn Beichen not to look for my location, at least not at this stage.”

Her warning is like ‘don’t respond’, the more so, the more curious it is.

Bai Wei asked, “Why?”

The White Snake God is old-fashioned. After pondering for a while, the other party was almost impatient before slowly opening his mouth: “Because I’m being targeted.”

Bai Wei understood very quickly, and he immediately had relevant associations: “You mean, it might not be a coincidence that Beichen Guidie and your soul exchanged?”

Long Yuan nodded slowly: “I guess so, this is one of the means to weaken me.”

Bai Wei said to himself: “This is the real version of putting an elephant in a refrigerator.”

He began to tap on the table with his fingers: “If you are the prey, why hasn’t the box containing your orb been stolen?”

The White Snake God replied decisively: “I don’t know.”

Bai Wei: “…”

If the target is the White Snake God, Beichen Guidie should have been targeted long ago, but in fact she is now walking around alive and kicking, like an adolescent with nowhere to release her vitality. After the liver in the scene is visualized every day, A living player of darkness coming after running out of resin…

Since Beichen Guidie is safe, it means that there are two possibilities, one is that the other party is afraid and does not make a move, and the other is that the other party is not aware that the God Taki Yuan resides in Beichen Guidie’s body.

“It seems that we have to pay attention to Beichen’s safety next time.” Bai Wei said, “I owe her some love this time, although it’s very small.”

Long Yuan also said: “With you taking care of her, I will feel more at ease.”

“Are you going to leave your shrine alone?”

“They don’t dare to attack.” Long Yuan said after a short pause, “For the time being…”

“For the time being?” Bai Wei asked in a rigorous and scientific manner, “When will it be?”

“December.” The answering voice was very small.

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