Job transfer for all: From Bronze Lord to Immortal Demon God

Chapter 99: The Surrender Ceremony Of The War Of Religion

After getting Qi Yu done, Zhang Qian didn't stop there.

To sow the seeds of faith, one Qi Yu is obviously not enough. If there is only such a believer, then the speed of the spread of faith will be too slow.

In this world, there are so many people like Qi Yu.

Cast the net widely, catch more fish, and follow the best.

Zhang Qian split out the projection avatars, and found a few low-level players who are good-natured, in a difficult situation, and eager to have strength, and developed them into believers.

Then, take them out of the city and go outside to find a suitable leveling point.

After sowing enough seeds of faith in this backward world, Zhang Qian once again used the dimension to descend to search for other worlds with intelligent life.

So, next, his traces appeared in one plane after another.

Among those planes, some creatures are the same as humans, while some creatures are completely different from humans.

Some creatures are as intelligent as humans, while others only know how to kill and reproduce.

Some creatures have developed a highly developed civilized society, and some creatures are still in a backward primitive society.

Different appearances, different spirits, different environments, different development methods...

The only thing in common is that under the influence of the rules, all creatures ushered in the era of job change for all.

Some creatures can quickly adapt to the new rules, and the entire group is growing rapidly and becoming stronger.

However, some creatures cannot adapt to the new rules, and are troubled by the new rules in circles, unable to make use of the resources at hand, and still develop at an extremely slow speed.

In the world where some creatures live, the most powerful players even have the ability to kill gods.

This kind of civilization is originally very advanced, they have all kinds of powerful weapons, or they have various special abilities.

After changing jobs, he can quickly convert various resources into combat power and quickly upgrade.

With the advent of the era of job change for all, the rules will hit the existing technology and abilities to a certain extent (bhef), but they will not completely exterminate them.

Instead, it will gradually be standardized, digitized, and simplified

Many technologies that have been modified by the rules may be easier to learn and use for some advanced civilized people than before the modification.

The same goes for weapons and combat.

In this case, their upgrade and development speed will naturally not be slow.

In the same two hundred years, they can certainly be stronger than those backward civilizations.

In the process of spreading his beliefs, Zhang Qian encountered some planes that had already been completely controlled by the gods.

When encountering this kind of plane, he will inevitably have to fight those gods who have unified their beliefs.

In the end, if you can win, the benefits will be countless.

But if he lost, even Zhang Qian would have no choice but to run away.

There are too many planes in the heavens and worlds.

Even Zhang Qian's current strength can only be considered outstanding, far from being invincible.

His knowledge, in the process of plane travel, has been continuously improved, and the same is true for his level and strength.

At the same time, his disciples are constantly growing.

sky blue star.

After several months of fighting, most of the entire planet has been controlled by the Demon God Cult.

At this moment, Tang Wan and Yao Yao, who are popes, are also going farther and farther on the road to becoming gods.

Their bodies have been tempered time and time again, their attributes have doubled again and again, and their strength has increased by an unknown number of times compared to before.

There are also high-level players from the original Emerald Dream. As the Demon God Sect grows stronger, these veterans are getting more and more benefits.

Among other things, just the power of faith assigned to them is enough for them to go a long way on the road to conferring gods.

Because of their outstanding achievements, many statues can even be erected on the altar for members of the church to pay homage to.

At this moment, Tang Wan and Yao Yao are holding an unprecedented sacrificial ceremony.

In the entire Sky Blue Star, all the sacrifices that everyone has accumulated for several months will be used today.

The headquarters of the Demon God Sect Church, once the secret realm of the Emerald Dream Guild.

Today, the place where Demon God Sect started is full of devout believers from all over the world.

There are not many players from the Real Dragon Kingdom here.

The reason is very simple, players from the Real Dragon Kingdom joined the Demon God Sect relatively early, and have participated in large-scale sacrificial ceremonies several times.

As time goes by, the offerings accumulated in their hands are naturally less and less.

As for this unprecedented sacrificial ceremony, whether they can stand on the square and whether they can stand close enough to the front depends on how many sacrifices they can take out.

The players standing on the celebration square at this moment are basically super rich believers from all over the world.

They hold a large number of high-quality sacrifices in their hands, which are absolute fat sheep for any god religion.

How can players from the Real Dragon Kingdom, who have experienced many collective sacrifices, compare with these people?

Although they were compared by these foreign players, the players of True Dragon Kingdom didn't have any troubles in their hearts.

To put it bluntly, this grand ceremony is to reproduce the scene where all nations came to court.

There is only one protagonist and only one supporting role.

The former is the immortal demon god that countless people hate and fear, and the latter is the high-quality believers present representing countless countries.

To put it bluntly, this ceremony can even be regarded as the surrender ceremony of this religious war!

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