Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 213: Murder in the reeds

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In the reed marshes, the tall reeds are swaying in the wind.

There was even the neighing of horses from time to time, and the horses lying on their sides, and the Qingzhou iron cavalry who had been hiding in the reeds for half a day, dared not even take a breath.

Although the Qingzhou iron cavalry is far inferior to the Beiliang iron cavalry, this is the border of Qingzhou, and Xu Fengnian is only guarded by hundreds of Fengzi camps.

Therefore, Zhao Heng, King of Jing'an, who was standing on the edge of the reed marsh, didn't care about the cavalry of Fengziying at all.

Even if the Fengziying can fight against ten with one, so what, the great thing is that more than a thousand cavalry died. As long as Xu Fengnian can be killed, everything is worth it.

There is already news from Tai'an City that the real person from Longhu Mountain, Zhao Huangchao, has personally descended from Longhu Mountain, and there is even the emperor's illegitimate son, as well as an immortal who has entered the Shangyin Academy. If Xu Fengnian can escape such a plan Well, it doesn't matter if he is the King of Jing'an.

At this time, Wang Mingyin came by boat. After the boat stopped, Wang Mingyin mobilized his true energy and carried Chu Lushan to the reed marsh.

King Jing'an Zhao Heng, who had been spinning the beads, looked at the figure who looked like a hill, and said, "The capital of Northern Liang protects Chulu Mountain. I don't know when Mr. Wang caught this man and abolished his cultivation."

Among Rentu Xuxiao's adoptive sons, apart from the villain Tu Chen Zhibao, only Chu Lushan, the eagle dog who controlled the Fushui house, could make Zhao Heng feel valued.

But now Chu Lushan has been caught by Wang Mingyin, who is the eleventh point in the world, Beiliang will be destroyed soon!

Wang Mingyin looked at Chu Lushan who was lying on the ground, and replied: "I don't have that great ability. I captured Chu Lushan from Beiliang. This Chu Lushan appeared outside Xiangfan City. I guess it has something to do with that fairy."

Zhao Kai, who was hiding at the side, came out under the protection of four red armored generals, and came to several people.

King Jing'an, Zhao Heng, looked at Zhao Kai and said, "Han Diao Temple is really willing to give up the red armor hidden in the palace. I didn't expect that you would also kill Xu Fengnian."

After Zhao Kai saluted Zhao Heng slightly, he said: "My lord, I have to fight, I will die later, I will live if I fight, so I came here to kill my brother-in-law."

"Little brother-in-law?" King Jing'an Zhao Heng was also confused at the moment, he asked: "Xu Fengnian is your brother-in-law, your wife is Xu Weixiong, you still want to kill Xu Fengnian?"

It is understandable to kill brother-in-law for profit, but wouldn't it be better for Zhao Kai to form an alliance with Beiliang?

Zhao Kai looked at a few people and apologized, "My lord, Xu Weixiong didn't know that she was my wife."

Then Zhao Kai looked at Chu Lushan who was lying on the ground, and said, "So that's how it is!"

At this moment, he understood that what Zhao Huangchao told him by the bottomless pool, combined with Chu Lushan's notoriety, it is not difficult to guess why this Chulushan fell into such a situation.

"How dare you plan on my teacher's wife, Mr. Chu, you are really ambitious."

Zhao Kai snapped his fingers, four men in red armor surrounded him and gave Chu Lushan a heavy beating.

On the other hand, Zhao Heng, who claimed to eat vegetarian food and recite Buddhism, was ecstatic. Beiliang offended the immortal who easily defeated Deng Tai'a, but Zhao Heng did not expect that Zhao Kai had such a relationship with the immortal.

Zhao Heng asked: "Your mistress? Doesn't that mean that your master is that immortal? Didn't the immortal give you something to save your life when you came this time?"

Zhao Kai didn't answer, but just crossed his arms and watched quietly, Chu Lushan was trampled by the iron fists of the four men in red armor.

After beating several sticks of incense, Zhao Kai explained: "My master doesn't recognize me, but I can recognize my master. As for the life-saving things you said, my master gave them to me, but it's not time to use them yet. .”

He and that Mr. Su, although they don't have the status of master and apprentice, they can preach, teach and solve doubts. Is there anything that is not the duty of a master?

Now someone insulted his master and his mistress, he naturally wants to ask for an explanation, and he will not be afraid to travel all over the world for a reason.

After Wang Mingyin heard it, he smiled. He looked at the reeds in the distance and said, "Xu Fengnian and his party are here, it's time to do it."

Then Wang Mingyin took the lead and rushed into the reed marsh. Among the reeds and waste, Wang Mingyin had already rushed out of the reed marsh, and saw Xu Fengnian and his party who had stopped.

Xu Fengnian, who was standing on the carriage, looked at the person coming, and said, "The Eleventh Under Heaven Wang Mingyin, it's a pity you can't kill me today, Qingniao, Shu Shu, Lu Qiantang, go and try the Eleventh Under Heaven."

Before the words were finished, three people rushed out and killed Wang Mingyin, and Beiliang's arrows flew past.

Wang Mingyin snorted coldly: "The Xu family, you are not allowed to enter Xiangfan, or you will die!"

If you want to test him, you have to show some real skills. With these wastes, you want to test him.

I saw that Wang Mingyin didn't draw out the soft sword at his waist, but just used some simple fist and kick skills to block the ferocious attack of the three of them.

Although he is the eleventh in the world, he is actually the tenth in the world, but because Emperor Wucheng Wang Xianzhi claimed the second place in the world, Wang Mingyin, who was supposed to be the tenth largest in the world, is now the eleventh in the world.

But Wang Mingyin, who is able to occupy a powerful place in the Jianghu, is not an ordinary person. It didn't take long for the three of them to fly On the carriage, Xu Fengnian didn't care about his own Auntie, he looked at Li Chungang in the carriage and said, "It's up to you, Senior Li!"

The number one in the world is coming, so naturally the number one in the world should go and capture him.

In the carriage, Li Chungang picked up a freshly sharpened wooden sword and flew out. He looked at Wang Mingyin and said, "The eleventh in the world refers to the realm of the peak of Xuan. It just so happens that my current realm also refers to the realm of Xuan. Let's fight and see." It depends on whether your Zhixuanzhen is my Zhixuanzhen."

Wang Mingyin said solemnly: "The old sword **** Li Chungang, but I said that the Xu family is not allowed to enter Xiangfan City. Xu Fengnian has already entered Xiangfan, so I have to die."

The next moment, Wang Mingyin drew out the soft sword at his waist, and charged towards Li Chungang, blowing away an unknown number of reed poles between the sword and the gangster.

Li Chungang smiled indifferently, and said, "I also want to see what kind of people are in the world today."

The old man in sheepskin fur with a broken arm faced the menacing Wang Mingyin with a wooden sword in his hand.

Although it refers to Xuan versus Zhixuan, after all, Li Chungang once reached the realm of land gods, and even if he has fallen to the realm now, he is not an existence that Wang Mingyin can deal with.

However, Wang Mingyin's role was not to assassinate Xu Fengnian, but to hold back the old sword **** Li. Wang Mingyin turned around and entered the reed marsh, and Li Chungang followed closely behind, killing all the reed marshes.

"Little Jin, do it!"

In the reed marsh, Zhao Kai, who had been hiding for a long time, finally couldn't bear it anymore. Without Li Jianshen, who could stop him from killing his brother-in-law?

Under the leadership of Jin Jia, the four red-armored men attacked Xu Fengnian's frame in four directions.



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