Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 24: Yan Se who snatched his apprentice

"The sea of ​​clouds is long, everyone, take the first step."

After giving a salute, Su Xuan wanted to walk down the mountain path, because he wanted to stop something that was unlikely to be stopped.

At this moment, Jun Mo looked at the foot of the mountain and said, "Mr. Su, you really should go down. The farce in front of the viewing platform should also be over."

Tantaiyan said very sadly: "Mr. Su, take care!"

Su Xuan nodded, and walked down the mountain along the winding mountain road. He walked very slowly, but he seemed to cover a distance of several feet in one step. His figure gradually disappeared on the mountain road, and disappeared on the cloud-shrouded mountain.

Yu Lian looked at the last place where the disappeared Su Xuan appeared, and said, "Perhaps the younger brother will have two masters. Yan Se has been looking for a successor for a long time, and the master will obviously not disagree."

A person who can write well, Yu Fudao must have a different kind of talent, obviously the master will not reject such a choice.

Jun Mo smiled slightly and said, "If this Taoist Zhishou Guan disciple fails to persuade Yan Se, then I will go and tell the result."

He just instinctively felt that this was not good, so if the matter could be resolved, he would naturally not have to worship the second teacher.


The viewing platform at the foot of the mountain is full of disputes. The disputes started from a piece of paper on a bamboo tube, and a few ordinary characters on the paper. The paper is not good paper, and the characters are not good characters.

But the combination of these words is a piece of news, the news of the thirteenth personal disciple of the Master.

Ever since the academy instructor Huang He got the piece of paper and read the words on it, Yan Se, the guardian of Tang Guo's Shocking God Formation and the magician teacher, has been in a bad mood.

Yan Se pointed at the aggrieved Huang He, and said, "I'm almost half buried in the ground, and you guys want to rob me of my apprentice, can you show some face?"

Huang He said with grief and indignation: "Uncle Shi, you are the great priest of Xiling, can you explain some reason to the worship at the South Gate?"

He knew very well that if he wanted to restrain this rogue master Yan Se, the only way to do it was to be superior in seniority, but the few gentlemen who had left the academy had no other people who were superior in seniority. .

Standing in the distance from Yan Kingdom, Cao Zhifeng walked over and said, "Ning Que can become Master Yan Se's apprentice. With Ning Que's strength, how can he climb the second floor? Could it be that he found some cheaters?" means."

This kind of explanation is undoubtedly boosting Yan Se's power. The weight of a senior professor of the academy is really not small, and Li Peiyan's face on the viewing platform is also a little relieved. Li Peiyan had also threatened and persuaded him as a prince before, but no matter it is the academy, Or Yan Se didn't pay much attention to His Royal Highness the Prince.

"Is the etiquette teaching in the academy so impolite?"

A joking voice came from the entrance of the mountain path to the viewing platform, and the next moment Cao Zhifeng, who was still aggressive just now, flew upside down and smashed into the woods.

Su Xuan made a move, and taught that ignorant Rites teacher from Yan Kingdom a little lesson. I think I did Mr. Thirteen of the Academy a favor, and I think Mr. Er would not refuse.

Su Xuan walked to the viewing platform, looked at Yan Se who was burning with anger, and said: "Master, have you had enough trouble? If you have enough trouble, you can go back to the south gate. If you really want a successor, there must be many in Xiling." A genius is willing to worship under your sect."

If the original ending was followed, his uncle's ending was indeed not good. As a fellow villager, he shouldn't have blocked Ning Que's opportunity, but as Yan Se's nephew, he instinctively wanted to block it.

Yan Se made a bow and said, "Why do you come to persuade me? Even if I teach the geniuses in Xiling, they are still from Xiling. I just want a successor."

He just wants a successor, no matter who persuades him, he is determined.

Huang He said: "Mr. Su, Master Yan Se, you are right, why are you so persistent?"

Even if this disciple from the Daoist Zhishou Temple knocked away an academy teacher, Huang He still had a good impression of this Mr. Su, because when those gentlemen in Houshan did not come out, this Mr. Su was the last to come out. It is possible to stop this farce.

Su Xuan looked at the vice-president of Xiling Tianyuyuan who had a livid face, and asked, "Is Mo Li's priest, Xiling, lacking talents for cultivating talismans?"

Mo Li looked at Yan Se, and replied: "Naturally, my Xiling has no shortage of geniuses who practice talisman Taoism. If I can worship under Master Yan Se, I think those geniuses will be very happy."

As one of the most powerful rune masters in the world, Yan Se is a supreme honor to be able to worship under his sect.

Su Xuan persuaded again: "Master, you must have heard it just now. It is not difficult for you to find a successor! Even if you really want to find a talented successor, I can promise you a Tongtian Pill .”

It's true that he didn't want this old man to die, but he also wanted to see how his fellow uncle, Wei Guangming, would resist when a certain place was shining brightly.

Yan Se felt that his nephew was extremely abnormal, so he asked, "Boy Su, why do you want to stop me from taking Ning Que as a disciple?"

He had already expected many endings when he came here today, but he never expected that it would be Su Xuan who would stop him. When he was in Xiling in the past, Su Xuan studied with him for a But now Su Xuan is They are blocking apprentices, so this is abnormal.

Su Xuan said calmly: "Master Uncle Yan Se, I think Master will not give up on Ning Que as a disciple. Why are you so persistent? I am doing this for your own good."

This kind of explanation could not be refuted by everyone in front of and behind the viewing platform, even Yan Se was exhausted for a while.


Will the master give up his own disciples? This is simply impossible, just when everyone thought that Master Yan Se would retreat.

There were snowflakes falling under the sky. It is abnormal for this season to snow, but Su Xuan felt a different kind of oppression. He said calmly, "Master, are you trying to **** someone?"

Although he already knew that Yan Se wanted to rob someone, he asked again.

The matter could not be negotiated, the master was no longer his uncle, so he started to rob people, cooked the raw rice into cooked rice, drank the apprentice tea, and Shuxiu took it away. Would the master still go to **** a disciple who was accepted? ? This is the simple idea of ​​his uncle, but this idea is really useless.

Yan Se laughed and said: "Boy Su and Huang He, if Master is no longer there, who can stop me?"

As one of the most powerful rune masters in the world, Yan Se has this confidence, and of course she has this strength.

"Master Yan Se, please stop. Here is a letter from my young master asking me to give it to you. He said that you will understand after reading it."

A boy with red lips and white teeth ran over holding a letter.

Su Xuan looked at the boy running over, and said to himself helplessly: "The world is like chess, Haotianxia chess is really watertight, but I still want to try it."

He failed to stop Yan Se from accepting Ning Que as his disciple, so he naturally went to meet other people and do other things.



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