Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 245: Fighting with Wang Xianzhi in the East China Sea (2)

The city of Emperor Wu was located between the cliffs of the East Sea, and it was called Linguan City in the early years. Since it was on the East Sea, there was not a shortage of delicacies from the sea in the city of Emperor Wu.

But how many of those warriors in Emperor Wu's city are locals from Donghai, even if they are all locals from Donghai, they can't handle seafood all day long!

Therefore, the grain in Emperor Wudi City must be delivered by merchants, and merchants who can mobilize a large amount of grain and grass will not have too soft a relationship.

These big merchants with deep backgrounds are not fools. They know that going out to sea to watch the battle, whether they can come back is a matter of opinion. Besides, these ships are not their ships. Even if they are their ships, they cannot be damaged for nothing!

But when a scholar meets a soldier, he can't explain why. After these quack warriors cut off several heads, those big merchants who were still arrogant just now finally lowered their noble heads.

Finally! These big merchants, unwilling to do so, reluctantly used the big boats of the nobles behind the scenes to carry these martial artists out to sea to watch the battle.


In the depths of the East China Sea, huge waves are rolling in!

Wang Xianzhi, who sensed Su Xuan's strong aura, also walked on the waves not long after, and found Su Xuan's location.

Wang Xianzhi raised his hands, and the big waves under his feet raised tens of feet again. Wang Xianzhi put one hand in front and the other behind, and said: "Guarding the world for sixty years, what I dislike the most in my life is the presence of immortals. like.

That day in the reed marshes, the third son of the King of Beiliang invited the true martial arts to come to the world, and I wanted to go to fight, but I didn't expect that the true martial arts invited by the King of Beiliang had already dissipated before I made up my mind. It's not those idiots who came down from the sky, but since you came here, how can I sit in Wudi City? "

Invincible Jianghu was the top tenth in the world, and became the twelfth in the world. His cultivation has come to an end. It's not that he can't go any further, but that no one can defeat him, and let him break the invincible. A Jiazi in the world is a barrier of knowledge and vision.

Some people seek victory, but he is seeking defeat!

In front of Su Xuan's body was the ancient sword of morality lying across the junction of water and sky. He hugged the box given to him by his family, and said: "Since I came to this world, the White Emperor reincarnated as Wang Xianzhi, the second in the world, naturally I shouldn't Continue to sit in the city of Emperor Wu."

Then Su Xuan drank half the lake, and Su Xuan, who was three points drunk, smiled happily: "In my life, except for some hardships when I was young, I went too smoothly. Come to fight!"

"This battle, let's have fun!"

Slowly, the road to the heavens has only just begun, and the dangerous world to be visited in the future is unknown. If we don't take advantage of it now, it will be a long time before the city lord of the king hone his killing skills.

After Su Xuan put the exquisite box into the wine gourd, he held the ancient moral sword in his hand, and pointed the sword point at Wang Xianzhi.

On the ancient sword of morality, the rhyme of Taoism circulates endlessly.

Wang Xianzhi looked at the ancient sword in Su Xuan's hand, and said in admiration: "It's really a good sword, it's much stronger than this famous sword in this world, and it's also fortunate that Master Su didn't use those mysterious supernatural powers to fight me, otherwise, this battle would be unnecessary. You know the result even if you fight."

He didn't know where this Master Su came from, but he knew very well that once such supernatural powers were used, the iron cavalry that the world was proud of would no longer be able to cause even the slightest harm to this Master Su.

You can't even see it, so the damage is naturally out of the question.

Su Xuan said: "Thank you, City Lord Wang, for your compliment, let's fight earlier! My family is still waiting for me to go back for dinner!"

Wang Xianzhi's complexion changed, and after a deep smile, he said, "Then fight early!"

Afterwards, Wang Xianzhi slowly threw out a punch, which slammed heavily on the surface of the East China Sea. The intent of the fist pierced through the deep seabed, creating huge waves.

Dozens of majestic water pillars, mixed with an unknown number of stones, soared into the sky!

The power of a punch is more important than this.

The waves are surging, the water column is sweeping away, the entire depth of the East China Sea is full of thunder and lightning, Wang Xianzhi is also moving forward with the water column.

Hurrying quickly, the warriors of the Jianghu, the Daoist of the Three Sects, and the eagle dog of the Liyang court who had not yet reached the depths of the East China Sea, after seeing the mysterious changes in the depths of the East China Sea.

All of them frowned tightly, and the people on the small boat, having exhausted their energy, jumped onto the deck of the big boat.

With such a sky and such waves, there is no large ship to resist one or two. As for the small boat, if you go back now, you can go back alive, which is considered a blessing in misfortune.

But there is only one majestic ship, sailing on the turbulent East China Sea, but it is like walking on the flat ground, and it is calmly going deep in the East China Sea.


The sound of thunder rolled in, and in the depths of the Eastern Sea, dozens of jets of water blasted by Wang Xianzhi's punch were smashed by Su Xuan's ancient sword of morality and smashed into one of them. They turned into heavy rain that fell from the sky, and fell back to the Eastern Sea. .

Su Xuan looked at the drenched right sleeve, and said: "With the power of tens of thousands of stones, if it were an ordinary land god, I'm afraid it would have sunk to the bottom of the East China Sea by now.

Please, City Lord Wang, start again! "

Wang Xianzhi's move just now gave him quite a surprise. If this kind of method was not limited by the world, I am afraid that the reincarnation of the White Emperor would have already reached a higher level.

Wang Xianzhi looked at Su Xuan, and said: "I didn't expect that my punch would just make Master Su wet half of his sleeve. If that's the case, then I have no choice but to go all out."

At the next moment, Wang Xianzhi's internal energy circulated, and the vigorous internal energy accumulated for a full year burst out. In terms of talent, Wang Xianzhi was not the most outstanding one in that generation.

It is precisely because of Wang Xianzhi's martial arts that he has blazed his own path, one step after another, without any impediments in the world.

Under the blue sky, there were several bursts of thunder, and the waves under Wang Xianzhi's feet were once again raised by hundreds of feet. In the depths of the East China Sea, the blue sky above the two of them was splashed with a bowl of thick ink.

With this hand, Wang Xianzhi has already firmly stood in the realm of heaven and man. At the same time, beyond the blue sky, there is a faint sound of celestial music.

But the sound of the celestial music singing together could never come under the blue sky!

Seeing Wang Xianzhi, Su Xuan used all his strength, and said with a smile, "This is the pinnacle of martial arts in this world. Being invited to come to the East China Sea this time is truly a worthwhile trip!"

Wang Xianzhi strikes again, the endless waves, mixed with Wang Xianzhi's aura, come backwards, the heaven and the earth can be under the same force.

In Wang Xianzhi's tens of miles, there are big waves coming and going straight to the blue sky!

Seeing this, Su Xuan threw out the ancient moral sword in his hand to face the waves.

"I have a sword that can open the sky!"

"I have a sword that can cross the sea!"

"I have a sword that can make the fairy world fall to the world!"

The three sounds of "I have a sword" resounded throughout the Eastern Sea and beyond.

Practitioners who heard this sound all looked at the strange celestial phenomenon deep in the East China Sea in horror.

They don't want to watch the battle now, and want to go back to Wudi City to set up a street stall.

Is it feasible?

But since he was within the East China Sea, he couldn't do it.




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