After Zhang Fuyao transformed the human world, many ancient gods also transformed the human world, and the whole human world became much clearer from that moment on.

It's just that compared to Zhang Fuyao's voluntary Taoism, many gods were born out of human belief in ancient times.

After accepting the principles of morality, they became Taoists one after another.

Voluntary is not voluntary, and only after accepting the principles of morality can one become moralized unwillingly.

Fortunately, in ancient times, gods and Tao were the same. Although the ancient gods are not as good as before, as long as the gods don't die and Daoxiao, there is still time to ascend to the gods again.

The rules of heaven and earth plus the spontaneous beliefs of human beings bred gods and gods, and there will always be some beliefs left in the vast sky and earth.


And those gods who are unwilling to be transformed even after listening to the principles of morality have completely cut off their godheads, destroyed their **** bodies, reincarnated as humans, and competed with the heroes of the world for the power of the world.

Su Xuan also learned a lot from this, and started a long retreat, which was about life and death.

If you can pass, you will be able to pick the heavenly way to pass, and if you can't pass, you will never be able to pass.

The way of heaven is inhumane, and treats everything as a straw dog.

The Dao gives everyone the opportunity to pick the Celestial Dao Fruit, but no matter how rich the luck and blessings are, a practitioner will only have one chance to pick the Celestial Dao Fruit in his entire life.

Once you miss it, you can only reincarnate and come back again. This is why many immortals who have never picked the celestial celestial fruit often reincarnate.

Because I have touched the Celestial Immortal Dao Fruit once, I will naturally be able to touch it again, but if I touch it a lot, I will naturally be unable to pick it.

Day after day, month after month.

The great battle in the world that will determine the direction of the Central Plains in the next hundred and five years has finally come, and the most critical time has come.

The land of the three states of Beiliang, the land of the three states of Beiliang, has long been unable to resist the millions of troops in Beimang.

Gu Jiantang also overestimated the cavalry army under his command, and underestimated the cavalry army of the Northern Mang even more. Since the Great Qin Dynasty, these barbarians of the Northern Mang have vaguely taken over the Central Plains.

And in the Jiang'an house, outside the Banhu Pavilion where Su Xuan retreated for nine months, Su Xuan stayed in the Banhu Pavilion for nine months, and Mo Shanshan waited for Su Xuan outside the Banhu Pavilion for nine months. moon.

For nine months, Mo Shanshan never left the Banhu Pavilion, guarding Su Xuan and their home.

There were also blind banished gods and gods who came to inquire about the truth, but before they got close to the riverside house, they were killed by the formation that stretched across the river and the divine talisman that fell from the sky.

Mo Shanshan knew clearly that Su Xuan of his family had reached the most critical moment, when he thought about immortality, he thought about reincarnation. But no matter what, she will guard Su Xuan and come out.

this day!

There was a light rain falling near the house by the river, and before the rain fell into the river, thousands of swimming fish jumped out of the vast river to catch the falling rain.

On the cliffs on both sides of the vast river, and in the nearby forests, after the rain fell, they seemed to be full of inspiration. Even the weeds on the roadside were more energetic than usual.

After half an hour!

The heavy rain was like the Milky Way flowing backwards, endless rain fell into the river in an instant, and the river surged more than half a foot in just a moment.

After another incense stick of time passed, it began to rain in the whole world, even in the bitterly cold place where there has been no rain for decades, it started to rain.

According to later generations, the heavy rain before the summer solstice marked the beginning of a new era in the world.

Mo Shanshan, who is also practicing Daomen Dao, sensed the mysterious aura contained in the rain that fell from the blue sky, and finally let go of the heart that had been suspended for nine months.

She kept it for nine months, and now Su Xuan finally picked the Celestial Immortal Dao Fruit, and then Mo Shanshan moved out a box from the room.

Inside the box was the talisman she had written recently. Mo Shanshan put the box at the door of the Banhu Pavilion. She knew very well what kind of trouble would be encountered if she wanted to pick the Heavenly Immortal Dao Fruit. She knew that his family Su Xuan used get on.

Inside the Banhu Pavilion!

Su Xuan, who had been sitting cross-legged for more than nine months, took a deep breath, with an expression of unspeakable joy on his face, and he said loudly: "After many years of cultivating the Tao, today I finally won the Tao of Immortals." If you jump out of the Three Realms, you are not in the Five Elements."

Between birth and death, Su Xuan's words swept the entire world, and the world that had been raining heavily for several hours, from this moment on, the blue sky reappeared.

Niwan Palace!

The Heavenly Immortal Dao Fruit that belongs exclusively to Su Xuan, after Su Xuan's innate spirit and true spirit reunited, lightly scooped up the lonely long river that appeared in Niwan Palace.

He has practiced a lot of principles of spring and autumn, and he has also fished them out. This is his principle, and this is his way of immortality.

Immortal Dao Fruit merged into Su Xuan's innate soul in an instant, the innate soul, true spirit, and Celestial Dao Fruit all merged into one.

One yuan starts again!

It is the case to be certified as an immortal.

At this time, Su Xuan, who was sitting on the futon woven with golden thatch, turned towards a certain direction and saluted respectfully: "Thank you, Patriarch, for your help!"

What is a celestial being, in simple terms, is to pick the celestial celestial fruit from the great river, and it is called a celestial being in Taoism, a bodhisattva in Buddhism, and a real king in heaven.

But if a celestial immortal dao fruit enters the belly, the world will be destroyed and I will not be destroyed since then, so it is a simple matter.

When he first became a celestial being, he had the catastrophe of demons bewildering his mind and blocking the way. He was able to achieve what he has done today, all relying on the main god's space to pull people, but the main god's space was shattered, and he was removed to the heavens and worlds.

But a centipede is dead but not stiff. When he became an immortal, the remnant soul of the main **** came out to make trouble, intending to seize the house, but the patriarch traveled across countless worlds and directly rescued the remnant soul of the main god.

It also scared away the heavenly demon who came to confuse his mind, and skipped the two calamities directly. Such a situation is considered a blessing.


World of Conferred Gods!

Shouyang Mountain, inside the Tushita Palace.

Lao Tzu, who was fanning the fire to make alchemy, put down the fan in his hand, and threw the gourd with the nine-turn golden elixir into the Eight Diagrams furnace.

There are also immeasurable treasures of heaven and earth, which were thrown into the gossip furnace one by one by Lao Tzu.

The two boys, Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao, picked up their fans and began to fan the fire.

Just came to this world, and met Lu Dongxuan of the patriarch Seeing the grand master's generosity, a little prodigal expression appeared on his face.

Lu Dongxuan looked at the orb in his daughter-in-law's hand, and immediately felt that the orb was not very good.

With his back to Lu Dongxuan, Lao Tzu said calmly, "You are a person who has walked more than half of the time on the Tianxian Avenue, and you don't even care about this little Lingbao, why don't you go fan the fire."

Lu Dongxuan's face was like a bitter melon, he got up and picked up the fan that was on the shelf beside him, walked to the Bagua stove and started to fan the fire.

Lao Tzu took out the jade book that recorded the list of human religions, and engraved Su Xuan's name and Taoist name on it one by one.


In addition to picking the Dao fruit and surviving the three disasters, he has to be listed in the jade book, so he can be regarded as a famous and famous fairy.



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