Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 265: The dean of my family is surnamed Su, and he is good at morality

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Lanruo Temple, singing and singing bursts!

It was supposed to be the solemn and solemn main hall of Lanruo Temple, under the statue of Tathagata Buddha.

There was a woman whose clothes had just been removed, revealing slices of jade back, shaking so much that the eyes of the woman who had been drinking for a long time in the main hall were a little dizzy.

The men who were drinking opened their clothes one by one, smiled, jumped onto the table with delicacies, kicked over the wine, and ran towards the dancing woman.

Seeing this situation, those women didn't avoid it, on the contrary, they showed a look of refusal and welcome, which made the heart of the man who hugged the beauty itchy.

As Zhang Shou, one of the only two disciples of Zhishou Academy, Zhang Butcher also hugged a beautiful woman to kiss. Zhang Butcher looked at Ning Caichen who was obviously at a loss and said, "Junior Brother Ning, don't worry. Didn’t Master Su say that we won’t die? What’s more, if we die under the peony flowers, it’s still romantic to be a ghost.”

Watching Butcher Zhang leave with the woman in his arms, Ning Caichen sighed and muttered, "Don't speak evil, see evil, and listen to evil."

"Indecent, indecent, indecent..."

A woman in plain clothes stood in front of Ning Caichen, her Qianqianyu finger blocked the sentence Ning Caichen was about to say, "Little scholar, my name is Nie Xiaoqian, how about you?"

Feeling the warmth of Qianqianyu's finger between his lips, Ning Caichen first took a small step back, and then let go of his hanging heart, he said: "My name is Ning Caichen, Miss Xiaoqian, why did you come to Lanruo Temple? There are ghosts and goblins inside, my junior brother has already lost his mind, let's hurry up!"

Where does the soul have temperature, he clearly felt the body temperature of Miss Xiaoqian, so Miss Xiaoqian is naturally not a ghost, since Miss Xiaoqian is not a ghost, then naturally he can't let Miss Xiaoqian stay in this vicious Lanruo Temple.

Do not know why!

Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian, who only met for the first time, seemed to have met countless times and communicated in depth many times.

Nie Xiaoqian took Ning Caichen's hand and said, "Scholar, this is not the place you should come to. I will take you away and never come to Lanruo Temple again."

It's been a long time since I met such an interesting scholar. After many years in Lanruo Temple, she naturally didn't want this stupid scholar to be sucked into a skeleton.

For a while, this Ning Caichen, who had read the books of sages and stayed in Zhishou Academy because of avoiding loan sharks, followed Nie Xiaoqian and ran towards the back hall of Lanruo Temple.

At this moment in the main hall, the man holding the woman in his arms and acting recklessly looked at the enchanting woman who had changed her face in horror, and wanted to escape from the deadly place ferociously.

So **** scary!

Where is this place of gentleness, it is right to know the tomb of heroes, although they are not heroes.

But before those naked men ran out, they were chased up by the flying women and sucked back.

Under the pervasive atmosphere, dozens of outsiders who came admiringly turned into skeletons with only a layer of skin left.

"It's too scary, I want to go back to kill pigs!"

Zhang Butcher, who was slashing around with a butcher's knife several times, wanted to run out of the hall, but he didn't expect to fall into the mud before going out.

The prototype demon appeared, laughing unscrupulously.

Zhang Butcher got up from the ground, looked at the approaching eerie bones, thought of the academy he was studying in, and thought of the master who didn't teach sage articles, but taught Huang Lao knowledge and rules.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shou froze for an instant, and saw Zhang Shou with his arms akimbo, raised his head and shouted loudly: "Master, Master Su!"

"Master, Master Su!"

The humble monster didn't know who Su Fuzi was, so naturally he didn't stay, and rushed towards Zhang Shou.

"Stop it!"

At this time, an indistinguishable male and female voice resounded inside and outside Lanruo Temple, and many branches fell from the sky, blocking Zhang Shou.

The monster that rushed forward was blocked by overgrown branches.

Zhang Shou, who was still in a state of shock, said in a heartbroken way: "Master Su is really a god, and he really can't die."

He originally thought Master Su was lying to them and wanted to monopolize this place, but now it seems that Lanruo Temple is really terrifying!

When I went to a big family's house to kill pigs in the county, although I heard others mention the horror and weirdness of Lanruo Temple, did some people come back alive after going to Lanruo Temple? But now that I think about it carefully, there are still people who go back!

"Master Su, a newcomer from Guobei County, you butcher are lucky to spare your dog's life today. If you dare to chew your tongue after you go back, I will let her go to you."

The tree demon with an indistinguishable appearance pointed to one of the bones in the pile and said swearingly.

Zhang Shou's eyes widened and he passed out on the ground.

Outside Lanruo Temple!

There is a mountain spring meandering down, and wisps of monster energy can be faintly seen in the mountain spring.

Ning Caichen, who was walking on the wooden bridge, looked at Nie Xiaoqian who was afraid to cross the wooden bridge, and said, "Miss Xiaoqian, there may really be demons haunting Lanruo Temple, we have to leave here quickly."

Until now, Ning Caichen had never thought why there was a woman, a living woman, in this ruined temple on the barren mountain.

Nie Xiaoqian looked at Ning Caichen on the other side of the wooden bridge, and she said, "There are not many interesting scholars like you, you shouldn't die here, hurry up and leave!"

"Miss Xiaoqian, let's go together!"

Nie Xiaoqian casually released a ghostly air, blowing Ning Caichen into the distance.

Just as Ning Caichen was about to say something, he bumped into a huge tree several feet wide.


"In this world, even scholars come here, Lanruo Temple is having fun, and I don't know when Lanruo Temple will be destroyed."

On the giant tree, a bearded Taoist in Taoist robes, with a sword box on his back, looked at Ning Caichen who was sent out of Lanruo Temple by Nie Xiaoqian and couldn't help but sigh.

The tree demon in Lanruo Temple is not the problem, the key is the old Montenegro demon behind the tree demon is the big problem.

Ever since the gods of the underworld disappeared, the black-hearted old Heishan demon began to do the work of the underworld. Whenever a ghost entered the eight hundred miles of Heishan realm and wanted to be reincarnated, he would bring a few people over to dedicate it to the old Heishan demon.

As time goes by, this old Heishan demon is naturally of extraordinary strength. There was once a Taoist master who came with the five thunder decree, but he failed to kill the old Heishan demon.

He stayed outside Lanruo Temple for many years, and persuaded many people who came here because of their reputation, but most of the time, those people who came here because of their reputation knew that there are tigers in the mountains and prefer to go to the mountains.

They all thought that they could capture the hearts of monsters like it was written in the storybook.

It's okay to meet vixen and the like, at most it will lose some yang energy, but this Lanruo Temple Cloth not only needs yang energy, but also internal organs, but it is difficult for a living person to come out after entering.



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