Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 282: Su Zhenren, who resumed his old career

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Chaoge City!

The place where the human emperor lives, the city where the fate of the human race is clocked, Chaoge has been the imperial capital of the human race since the end of Xia. It has existed for 76,000 years and has not changed.

Chaoge City is three thousand miles long and nineteen hundred miles wide, not counting the emperor's bedroom, ninety-five or fourteen gates in total.

In the city, there are formations set up by the sages of the human race with human luck, called the human law net, which can prohibit the mana of practitioners, and can prohibit the entry of monsters and demons from outside the territory.

The humane legal net does not control any moral corruption. The humane legal net just makes practitioners and even gods, demons and Buddhas understand that they can only be corrupted to a certain extent.

Except for the envoys of the princes of the human race, there are only gods who come and go between the heavens, and some weak clans of the monster race who have taken refuge in the human race.

Among them, the most famous family is the iron-eating beast family that cheated Chi You in the battle for the deer.

It is rumored that the iron-eating beast looked very mighty before the battle for the deer, but Chi You couldn't bear to raise the iron-eating beast as a mount. On the other hand, the Yellow Emperor raised the iron-eating beast as a pet, so the iron-eating beast chose Live in wood.

Up to now, almost the whole clan of iron-eating beasts have joined the lineage of the human emperor, and they are comparable to those who fight and kill, and show off their cuteness.

Why go to the battlefield to fight to the death when you can get something just by showing off?

The entire Chaoge City is divided into two halves with the Renhuang's bedroom as the central axis, and the streets and alleys extending from the center of the city, which is a thousand feet high, are divided into four cities.

There are city gates in the four cities in the southeast, northwest, and drum towers in the city, which are more than a hundred feet high. In the drum towers, there are human cultivators on duty, who patrol the city day and night for abnormalities.

And in Dongcheng City, a street-facing shop that is only a dozen or so away from the Human Race Imperial City changed its owner not long ago. The shop that originally sold dine-in food no longer sells dine-in food. Instead, it sells spirit wine, and the price is still lower Spirit wine to the extreme.

The shop has also changed its name. What used to be a shop with an elegant name has become a somewhat simple wine shop.

The people of the Chaoge East City didn't know where the liquor shop was located, but they were very interested in Mr. Su who was selling liquor in the blue Taoist robe.

On the day of the opening, there were wealthy merchants in the city who asked a matchmaker to go to the matchmaker, but when they saw Mr. Su's wife, they pushed the door and left without shame.

The expensive peach blossom wine is still not sold, but there is a wine shop, but there are women passing by from time to time, of course they are just passing by, but even so, Su Xuan still knelt for a long time for the durian skin.

Even he himself doesn't know when he can revive Fu Gang.


After a few days!

There was still no one in the wine shop who came to buy wine, so Su Xuan had no choice but to take out a copy of Fengshen Yanyi, sip peach blossom wine, and read it seriously.

This Fengshenyanyi is naturally not the Fengshenyanyi in the storybook, but the survival guide left over from the main **** space.

The origin, succession, and reunification of the Conferred Gods is not complicated, but it is precisely because it is not complicated that it is the most complicated. Things that can be seen clearly at a glance must not be transparent behind.

Fengshen seems to explain the game between the two religions, but behind the Western religion, the heavens or the underworld, the monster clan and even the Nether Blood Sea lineage, and even the now weak dragon clan have also entered the game.

If it weren't for someone who taught him the identity of little moral mage, he probably wouldn't have come to this world prematurely.

"Junior brother has been separated for many years, don't come here without any problems!"

At this time, a simple and honest voice came from far and near.

A young Taoist shrinks his body to an inch, and has already reached a wine shop.

Su Xuan, who was suddenly called junior brother, froze on the spot for a while, but when he saw the person coming, Su Xuan knew that it was an old friend.

Hong Xixiang who asked someone Su to call his uncle for a while, the former Lu Dongxuan, the real Chunyang who did not know how many years ago, said, "Hey, isn't this the uncle? Why don't you let me know when the uncle comes?" , so that my nephew can prepare."

Hong Xixiang, who understood the resentment in Su Xuan's heart, said with a simple and honest smile: "Junior brother, don't be joking, the same person teachs you directly, if you let Daozu know the name of your uncle, wouldn't you want me to go to reincarnation again?" Thousands of generations."

Renjiao is not as crowded as Jiejiao, and it doesn't have as many rules as Chanjiao, but there are still a lot of rules that should be there.

Hong Xixiang didn't dare to continue such a matter of being raised a generation for no reason. This was not the time when Su Xuan didn't worship under the patriarch.

Su Xuan looked at Hong Xixiang who sat down without seeing anyone after entering the wine shop, and asked: "The senior brother came, but what does the teacher and the old man have to say?"


Hong Xixiang shook his head and said, "The Patriarch asked me to come here and tell you that you can just enjoy the mountains and rivers, and you don't have to worry about conferring gods. After all, you have made a statement! You can't let us spoil the rehearsal of conferring gods this time." .”

Master Su's reputation of being a nosy businessman has been widely spread in the heavens and worlds. After all, in that world, he is not the only one. joyous.

After all, in the world shrouded by the Great neither gods nor immortals can get married, so those who have no background choose this method, and those like him directly say that they are not angels, but just a Qi trainer just fine.

"The rehearsal of the Conferred Gods is really interesting. It's the first time I've heard of it. But the teacher asked me to go sightseeing, but the battle is imminent. Where can I go?" Su Xuan spread his hands, rather Some said helplessly.

Hong Xixiang pointed to the Star Observation Tower in Chaoge City, and said: "The teacher found some old friends and arranged an official position for you. You have to be the official of the Star Observation Tower for a period of time. After all, even if you are a fairy, If you really haven't touched it, you will be smoked to death."

Su Xuan drank a cup of peach blossom wine, tapped his index finger on the table, and asked: "Being an official, I will tell you my brother, I have never been an official in this life, and I have never been an official in my previous life. I am afraid that there will be some troubles. It is the imperial city of the human race, and I am also from the human race."

He is the most mediocre in his life, but he still can't understand the suffering in the world. Even if he becomes a fairy, he still thinks that he is a mediocre fairy.

Hong Xixiang said: "Don't worry, there are only a few people who teach directly, no one will dare to really trouble you, even if there are practitioners who trouble you, under the same level, who can stop you? The sword? The older generation will have to block it, the younger brother must not be too aggrieved."

His junior brother's ancient moral sword is indeed very good at explaining moral principles. At least in Chaoge City, there are not many practitioners who can surpass Su Xuan with the power of the sword.

Su Xuan looked at Master Chunyang who got up with several jars of wine, and said, "Then go to the star tower and see the sun, moon and stars, so what?"



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