Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 289: The list of gods is opened, and Qingniu seals ghosts and gods

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Shouyang Mountain, Bajing Palace.

After Laozi went to the Thirty-Third Heaven to preach, and Chunyang Master took his wife to Xiqi, the entire Shouyang Mountain was emptied.

Only the golden and silver horns, and the green bull who likes to drink are left.

This day, Qing Niu, who had turned into a strong man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, was eating hot pot and drinking wine, singing and dancing, and kneading the pills in Laozi's pill furnace with the two boys, Jinjiao and Yinjiao.

For a moment, there was a scene of ghosts crying and wolves howling on Shouyang Mountain, and at this moment, a flying sword passed through the mountain protection formation of Shouyang Mountain.

Qingniu, who was drinking heavily with the jar in his arms, was startled. Qingniu picked up the fallen flying sword and looked at it, and was immediately enraged. Qingniu looked at Jinjiaoyinjiao, who were already drunk, and said : "Two brothers, our senior brother got angry at Chaoge, should we help out from time to time?"

"If you dare to bully our disciples, whether it is from the outer school or the direct lineage, I, the Golden Horn boy, will help out."

Jin Jiao who broke the wine jar said very majesticly.

After drinking a big bowl of wine, Yinjiao boy said: "You two brothers, I am the same! But the master won't let us go out, so how can we help the situation?"

Hearing Yinjiao's question, Qingniu smiled honestly, and said: "The senior brother has already made it clear in the Feijian biography, and on the blank list that the master brought back a few days ago, he wrote the eighteen levels of hell. As the goalkeeper, Huang Bao will do.”

"The two brothers can go and get the blank list, and a certain family can find some pens and ink."

Speaking of which, the blue cow turned into a rainbow light, and swayed towards the bedroom behind the Bajing Palace. He had to get the ink that the old master usually used to draw symbols.

Seeing Qingniu leave, Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao were not to be outdone, they went together and took out the blank list that was casually placed on the bookshelf.

In a few days, Qingniu and Jinjiaoyinjiao met at the top of Shouyang Mountain.

At this moment, a long and short list of several feet has been slowly unfolded, and it has been transformed into a green bull with a human body and a golden and silver horn, after bowing three times and nine times to Lao Tzu's portrait.

Qingniu muttered something in his mouth: "Master, everything is the intention of Brother Su, I'm just a stupid cow, how dare I do such a big thing!"

Then Qingniu took the innate spirit treasure that Lao Tzu used to draw talismans on weekdays, and wrote down under the list of gods that Huangbao was appointed as the gatekeeper of the eighteenth floor of the underworld.

"That's it?" Silver Horn said incredulously.

Qingniu smiled and said: "Of course it is, I am an honest cow, I will not lie!"

Qing Niu, who had heard a lot about it a few days ago, naturally knew that this list was called the list of gods. The eight gods and Lord Zhou Tianxing would be reserved for the final edict, but the gods of mountains, rivers and mountains would immediately take office.

I really don't know how this yellow leopard provoked his senior brother, forcing his senior brother to send him to the gate of the eighteenth floor of hell.

The eighteen layers of resistance are eighteen worlds that do not belong to each other. Once you enter it, it will be difficult to get out in this life.

Being on the list of gods is a god, an immortal god, provided that the list of gods is not torn off by others.

But he will still die, Qingniu can already imagine that Huangbao is in the eighteenth floor of Hell, dying once a day, and suffering the pain of death every day.

Jin Jiao's complexion changed, and he thought to himself that if you are really honest, you stupid cow, then the world will be full of honest people.

After a long time, Jin Jiao pointed tremblingly at the blank list on the ground, and said, "I remembered, we have caused a catastrophe, this is the list of gods, we will be finished when the master comes back."

After remembering what the list was, Jin Jiao was obviously at a loss. This is the list of gods!

Hearing that he had stolen the Conferred God, Yin Jiao, who was still drunk, was also full of doubts, not knowing exactly what happened.

Jin Jiao sat paralyzed on the ground, thinking about the punishment they would suffer when the master came back.

Qingniu smiled and said: "Don't worry, brothers, we are doing things for Senior Brother Su, for Senior Brother Su, will Grandpa still blame us?"

Golden Horn thought, yes!

This is the letter from Brother Su Feijian, and Jin Jiao said: "Junior Brother Niu, don't talk nonsense, let's put the list of gods back first, anyway, he is just a small character, and I will send a note to the Netherworld Palace later, asking them to treat that person well." The little commander of the Imperial Guard."

Qingniu smiled and said: "Great kindness!"


at the same time!

Chaoge City, within the Beicheng mansion complex.

The small commander of the Human Emperor's Imperial Guard, the Huangbao mansion was brightly lit, and many colleagues of the Human Emperor's Imperial Guard lit a bonfire and sang battle songs.

Thinking about how to find that person, the trouble of Su Jijiu in Guanxinglou, even if it is the direct succession of the human religion, so what, now this world is dominated by the human race.

But at this time, Huang Bao, who was holding a bowl of wine, suddenly fell headlong to the ground. The colleagues present wanted to help him up, but found that this relative of the royal family, the little commander of the emperor's guard, had lost his mind.

Chen San's teeth were chattering, and he said, "Everyone, the little commander has gone!"

The sound of wailing suddenly resounded throughout the Huang Mansion, but the emperor's guards, who had always been loyal to their duties, could not help but think of the Su Jijiu whom they saw today after seeing Huang Bao, the little commander, die strangely~www Could it be that Su Jijiu? After all, only that Su Jijiu has motives and suspicions. "

There was an imperial guard, looking at the weeping people in the Huang Mansion, and said: "You can't talk nonsense, once you wear it out, you will lose your head."

Such unreasonable inferences are actually provoking Renjiao. Chen San doesn't look like watching a war break out between the human race and the Xianjia.

"Don't make random guesses. When you are on duty tomorrow, ask the immortal to check it and you will know."

Huang Bao's uncle stood up at this moment and affirmed Huang Bao's bizarre death today.

Seeing the little commander Huang Bao's relatives come forward, the rest of the emperor's imperial guards could only resign one after another. After all, this is Huang's mansion and it is still in Beicheng.

at this time!

Huang Bao's Yuanshen didn't go to the list of gods, but ran directly to the Wangxiangtai, and then Huang Bao, who was in a daze, was taken directly to the 18th floor of **** by ghost messengers.

Huang Bao Yuanshen looked at the eighteenth level of hell, listening to the sound of howling ghosts and wolves, only when the sun and moon were dark could he fish in troubled waters and survive in the eighteenth level of hell.

"I am the commander of the Human Emperor's Imperial Guard. If you dare to do this, do you have the guts of an ambitious leopard?"

Hearing the word Renhuang, Guichai, who had not yet left, panicked for a while. After all, thousands of years ago, the Renhuang who was in office at that time also led an army of millions.

But it didn't take long for the ghost messenger to react. He laughed and said, "Huang Leopard, your incident has happened. The Bajing Palace sent a message in person. You can experience the last time!"

After the ghost messenger left, the fierce ghosts and evil beasts living in the 18th floor of **** swarmed up and gnawed at the Huangbao Yuanshen.



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