Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 296: come looking for trouble idiots

After a few days!

Renhuang's envoy sent an order to Chaoge, and Renhuang's imperial guards also frequently dispatched to arrest those who spread rumors and cause trouble in Chaoge City.

All prisoners who are arrested will be punished with black ink, and they will be executed by practitioners or practitioners in the fairyland. If the ink enters the three souls and seven souls, reincarnation and reincarnation will not disappear.

Suddenly, at least thousands of people were imprisoned, and tens of thousands of people were implicated.

Naturally, Huang Bao's family could not escape the punishment of the business law. Human Emperor Xin watched this matter very closely, and sent Huang Bao's family away in just a few days without using the teleportation array regardless of loss. The territory of the human race is left to fend for itself.

It's also fortunate that the Huang family still has some relationship with Xiqi, otherwise the descendants of Huang Leopard's blood relatives will surely die of being eaten by demon blood.

In the courtyard inside the Observatory.

On a stone table about ten feet square, a small bronze cauldron was gurgling and steaming, and the white water vapor was scattered by the white fox's paws before it could hover very high.

Su Xuan and her family, Shanshan, led the only second subordinate of Guanxing Building, eating hot pot and watching the mansion newspaper in the Great Shang Dynasty.

The white fox still stayed in Mo Shanshan's embrace. The white fox looked proudly at the blue cow basking in the sun with disdainful eyes.

Those little eyes are clearly saying that this girl is the most popular demon in this observatory.

Su Xuan put down the residence newspaper in his hand, and said: "Yin Xun, it seems that one of your relatives has done a good job, but I am afraid that many people think that the Huang family has been wronged in this matter."

No matter how disgusting it is behind the scenes, at least on the surface, Huang Bao is a very good and loyal person.

Where is he Su?

It is estimated that it has long been a monster among the people in Chaoge City. The karma has already been formed, and this unresolved karma is very troublesome. It seems that he should also take some time to go to Shouyang Mountain to see how to make someone The sleeping ancient **** woke up.

Yin Xun put down the chopsticks in his hand and saluted: "It's all because of the identity of Jijiu. If it weren't for this, who in Chaoge City would have won the Huang family."

The Huang family has a great career, and it has a great reputation among the military officials of the great merchants. It is also the daughter of Huang Gun who is married to His Majesty the Emperor. Master Prime Minister, who can make it.

Furthermore, when the wind blows from the pillow, no matter how big a mistake is, it can be avoided. This time, the only reason why Huang Bao missed was because Huang Bao kicked onto the iron plate.

Hearing Yin Xun's words, Baihu was also shocked. It turns out that the Huang family has such a strong background. If it wasn't for Senior Su's help, she might have been arrested long ago.

Thinking of the white fox, he said: "So what, I'm a fox who has been to Wa Palace, if the Huang family dares to arrest me, it will be a problem with Nuwa Empress."

The frightened white fox once again uttered what he said when he threatened Qingniu that night.


Under the blue sky that was originally clear and blue, suddenly there were several thunderclaps, and the white fox jumped out of Mo Shanshan's arms, covered his mouth with a pair of paws, and said brokenly: "Nuwa Empress, disciple knows it's wrong, disciple knows it's wrong!" Ah! Don't strike me with lightning!"

Then there was a series of thunder explosions, and after a long time, the sky returned to calm.

At this time, not only the white fox was frightened, but even Caiyun and Yin Xun were frightened. They were afraid that if they said a few more words to the white fox, they would be struck to death by the rolling thunder. …

The green cow with a dog's tail grass in its mouth said: "This stupid fox didn't lie to my old cow! Then my old cow is finished."

Thinking of Qing Niu who said everything he should and shouldn't say when he scolded the silly fox that night, he can already see his miserable life in the future.

Offending anyone can not offend Empress Nuwa, this is a universally recognized truth, and his Qingniu seemed to be disrespectful to Empress Nuwa that night.

Su Xuan looked at the green cow and white fox who was so frightened that he dared not breathe, and said: "Nuwa empress has committed a crime, how about punishing you for copying the Tao Te Ching thirty thousand times?"

After hearing this, Qingniu Baihu didn't have the slightest objection, but just nodded uncontrollably, expressing that he fully agrees with this punishment, which seems to mean that he will be punished tens of thousands more times.

At this time, Mo Shanshan heard the noise coming from his ears, looked outside the courtyard gate and said, "As you expected, there are indeed stupid people who don't know the truth and come here to make trouble."

Su Xuan looked at the steaming bronze tripod and said, "I just want to have a meal in peace. I didn't expect that even such a small request could not satisfy me in the huge Chaoge City."

"Yin Xun, go and open all the seven gates of the courtyard. Caiyun, go to the Star Observation Tower and record what these people are doing. After all, Dashang is still a place that pays attention to the law. After all, you will wait for the emperor's guards to arrest people." it is good."

To deal with these scum, the sword is dirty with the ancient sword of morality. Anyway, the lessons learned from the past, and the masters of the latter, with the yellow leopards in the front, these people will inevitably end in an extremely miserable end.

After hearing this, Yin Xun went to open the door, and Caiyun directly opened the cloud mirror through the command talisman and pointed it at a radius of tens of miles outside the courtyard of the Star Observation Tower.

Beyond the seven gates, a mighty team of hundreds of people, carrying rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves, has arrived at the gate.

But the leading middle-aged man did not step through the gate. The middle-aged man looked at the people inside the gate, pointed to the white fox on the ground, and said, "The immortal is right. This demon way keeps white foxes in captivity. Dedicated to my emperor for harming my human race."

The rumors that were originally gossips were confirmed at this moment. He sympathized with the people of the human race that Huang Bao had encountered, and threw out the rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves in the basket indiscriminately.

But even so, no one dared to cross that threshold and go to the courtyard of the Star Observation Tower.

Dear, this chapter is not finished, there is another page ^0^

"It's not easy to die in the way of a monster, Mr. Huang Bao is such a good person! Call me old man when you go out."

"Without Mr. Huang Bao, how could my child be able to enter the Emperor's Imperial Guard? It is this demon way that killed my child."

"This is Chaoge, the Yaodao dare not kill people, let's rush in and kill the white fox, and kill the Yaodao to avenge Commander Huang!"


In the courtyard!

Su Xuan listened to the filthy words coming from his ear, looked at the fool who dared not come in, but only dared to throw some pickled things, and said: "The filthy people are innocent, and there is always a price to pay, but these people are smart. People broke in, and I think there are experts behind these people, knowing that if they dare to step in, they will die, but it's a pity that the emperor's guards should arrive."

"But I'm very angry!"

A piece of talisman flew out from Mo Shanshan's The practitioners hidden among these fools were also killed at the same time. The death of dozens of practitioners greatly shocked those fools.

Su Xuan looked at the Human Emperor's Guard who came late, and said to her family: "Whether it's these fools or the Human Emperor's Guard who came today, most of them should have taken advantage of it, and they want to join forces to embarrass me.

That's good, when the time comes to hand over the note to the Underworld, you can feel more at ease. "

Mo Shanshan said: "These people are not qualified to be human beings at all. If they can still be human beings in the next life, it will be really unfair."

Su Xuan smiled and said: "God is very fair, so they can't be human in their next life."




Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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