Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 308: The white fox enters the palace

After ten months.

early morning.

At the edge of the pool in the front yard of the Guanxing Building courtyard, Su Xuan was lazily lying on a chair, holding a fishing rod in his hand and fishing for peony fish in the pool.

The peony fish in the pool swam around but didn't take the bait. After a long time, Su Xuan who still didn't see the peony fish took the bait, helplessly put down the fishing rod in his hand.

The mind is already in a mess, so naturally the fish cannot be caught well.

Su Xuan had confirmed earlier that that silly white fox was the one owned by Emperor Xin.

But what Su Xuan didn't expect was that this silly white fox with the surname Su and the name Daji from Qingqiu actually had the real name of Su Daji, not the Nine-Tailed White Fox.

Thinking about it carefully, the ancestor of Qingqiu was only a nine-tailed white fox. Now that this silly white fox has three tails, it is already a chance.

At this time, Su Yan'er, who looked quite disastrous to the country and the people, but still charming, looked at Su Xuan who was feeding the fish in front of him, and said, "Su Yan'er, the third elder of Qingqiu, has seen Su Da offer wine. "

Su Xuan knew why and asked: "Third Elder Qingqiu, a practitioner of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm, I don't know why the Third Elder came here?"

Su Yan'er stepped forward, approached Su Xuan, and said: "My niece was married at home, but I didn't want to escape the marriage. I have been bothering Su Dajiu for a long time, and now my niece is also married. It's time for the palace."

Qingqiu made many plans to find such a good opportunity, which is expected to reproduce the grand occasion when Dayu married the ancestor of the Fox clan.

The rise and fall of the Qingqiu family is now tied to the body of Daji and the fox.

Su Xuan moved his chair, distanced himself from the third elder of Qingqiu, and then threw another pole. He said: "I guess you Qingqiu will have to spend countless times to get that stupid white fox into the palace." year to pay off the debt.”

He knew very well that when the white fox was just a white fox, he naturally couldn't do anything to his former enemies, but when the white fox became the emperor's concubine, revenge was a matter of course.

It's just that in his opinion, after the white fox takes revenge, he probably won't stop. Whether the white fox is willing or not, there will always be some fairy family who will make things develop towards certain rumored things.

Su Yan'er thought to herself, if it wasn't for the fact that Su Xuan was a direct disciple of the Human Sect, how would she dare to put on airs in front of her? She snorted softly and said, "I don't know what Su Daji said about offering wine? What does it mean that Daji has entered the Human Palace, Qingqiu?" Will it take countless years to repay the debt?"

The water in the pool splashed everywhere, and a peony fish had already bit the hook. Su Xuan casually put the peony fish into the fish basket, applied a supernatural power to the fish basket, and instantly froze the peony fish.

After taking another pole, Su Xuan said: "It's not interesting, it's just interesting. Don't really have interesting at that time, it will be difficult to think about the meaning."

A little haze flashed across Su Yan'er's forehead, which was like suet white jade, and she said, "It's interesting what Su Da said about offering wine."

Su Yan'er, who saw Su Xuan's wife Mo Shanshan coming out of the backyard, moved closer to Su Xuan's side again.

Seeing this situation, Su Xuan's face turned black, and a simple picture scroll slipped from his sleeves. As the picture scroll unfolded, Su Yan'er, who was in the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm, retreated a few feet before birth and death.

After a while, the ups and downs in front of Su Yan'er finally stopped, and she asked, "Is this the map of heaven and earth?"

"That's right, this is the Universe Map!"

Su Xuan closed the map of heaven and earth and put it in his sleeve.

At this time, Mo Shanshan also led out the slim white fox, who looked like a lady of every family.

In terms of appearance alone, after the white fox transforms into form, it is comparable to Fairy Guanghan and Sun Xingjun in the Moon Palace on the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm.

It's just that compared with Taiyin Xingjun's temperament, the white fox is a bit out of the ordinary.

Su Xuan looked at the white fox carefully, and said calmly: "The spring night is bitter, the days are long, and the king will not go to court early. The emperor Xin probably cannot stand such a test."

The white fox is also Su Daji. Hearing Su Xuan's words, he said angrily, "Senior Su, you are joking again. I don't want to marry Emperor Xin. I will enter the palace this time. For revenge."

After hiding for several years, she still couldn't escape the fate of entering the palace. If so, she would not hide anymore. Didn't her parents want Qingqiu to return to the prosperous age of the past? Then she will give Qingqiu a prosperous age, a prosperous age built on the pain of the enemy.

Regarding the white fox's clamor, Su Yan'er was very helpless. The Human Sovereign was in his prime, so how could he be swayed by female sex? Their Qingqiu just wanted to hug the Human Sovereign's thigh.

Mo Shanshan looked at the white fox and said, "You must be more careful when you go to the Human Palace. What is recorded in the scripture book may not be all false. The Human Dao luck is shrouded in the Human Palace. With your cultivation level, you can go in with ten strength. Not one.

You take these talismans, don't be bullied by others. "

Mo Shanshan handed a jade box to the white fox. After all, he has raised the white fox for several years, and some emotions are still hard to let go.

The white fox took the jade box, her eyes turned red instantly, she cried and said: "Aunt Shanshan, then I'll go, you and Senior Su take care of yourself, I will definitely come back to see you at the Star Observation Tower when I become a good person. "

Then the white fox followed behind Su Yan'er, and walked towards the gate in two or three steps.

When the white fox was approaching the gate of the Star Observation Building, Su Xuan sighed and said, "Remember, even if it is revenge, don't kill indiscriminately, and recite morality quietly."

Seeing the leaving figure of the white fox, Su Xuan didn't know whether the silly white fox had listened to his words.

If you listen to it, there may be a day of escape, but if you don't listen to it, you can only become a celebrity on the list of gods.

Looking at the empty courtyard, Mo Shanshan said to himself: "After all, there is still some affection. I can't look at the white fox and die in vain under the pressure of the queen's palace."

There are countless descriptions in the storybook about the rivalry in the harem, but she is a little worried about what kind of ordeal the white fox with a pure temperament will encounter after entering the imperial palace.

Su Xuan listened to Shanshan's worries, and said, "Don't worry, Shanshan! Don't worry about Baihu."

Mo Shanshan asked, "Why?"

Su Xuan replied: "Because the white fox is a fox, a fox with a very pure bloodline, and foxes are usually very cunning."

Mo Shanshan smiled knowingly, picked up the fish basket, and said, "It happens that the white fox is not here, so let's eat peony fish tonight."

Peony fish is nothing compared to Zuixianju's Xianniang, but to Mo Peony fish is the taste of hometown.

The month is my hometown!

Peony fish is also the hometown.

"Then eat peony fish. Not only do we eat peony fish, but it's time for Master Nuwa to taste the food that ordinary people eat."

Su Xuan said sincerely!

He, the Grand Priest of the Observatory, has only been in office for four or five years, but the debt he owes will take thousands of years to repay.

Sometimes Su Xuan couldn't help feeling that the backstage of Zuixianju was the Heavenly Emperor of the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm.

Drunk fairy house!

Cut a good leek.



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