Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 379: Conversation with Empress Pingxin

"Su Xuan, a direct disciple of the Renjiao, the young master of morality, the master of Youjian Taoist Temple, and his wife, Mo Shanshan, met Master Pingxin."

Looking at the immeasurably sacred Empress Pingxin, who was dressed in pale yellow heavenly clothes, she saluted extremely respectfully.

Speaking of which, he can have today's cultivation level, and he still has to thank the Master Pingxin in front of him.

At that time, he had no cultivation level, and when he first entered the main god's space, he stood like a minion, and then met Da Luo's house, which shattered the main god's space.

Then, with the help of the remaining library in the main god's space, he was reincarnated without going through the six reincarnations of the Netherworld.

If the Netherworld had been investigated at that time, he would have been poured a lot of meng po soup long ago.

The deeds of Mengpo soup have long been circulated among the heavens and myriad worlds. Not to mention practitioners and immortals, even ordinary, ordinary people know that once they drink Drinking Mengpo soup is equivalent to washing away the memories attached to the three souls and seven souls.

No one really thinks that practitioners under the realm of celestial beings would really be willing to drink Mengpo soup after death!

Houtu looked at the very respectful Su Xuan in front of him, and said: "Nephew Su, you are such a busy man! If it wasn't for that good sister of my palace who went back to Wa Palace to teach that little Golden Crow, I'm afraid you wouldn't have Dare to come to this netherworld of this palace, is this netherworld of this palace so terrifying? You must know that I saw you wandering into that world back then."

The main **** space is not very unusual. The weaker main **** space, but any golden fairy can be created according to the template of the predecessors.

It's nothing more than some cultivation methods, bloodlines, spiritual roots, spiritual treasures, etc. These things are only a drop in the bucket for Jinxian.

Back then, she watched Su Xuan being captured by the main god's space created by the Daluo Jinxian realm practitioner, and she also watched the main god's room where Su Xuan was captured, being blown away by the river crabs running rampant in the long river of time and space.

According to common sense, Su Xuan should be on the side of the Wu Clan, but it's a pity that her senior brother acted too quickly.

Is it reasonable to accept Su Xuan as a disciple just because of a signed Tao Te Ching?

Listening to Empress Pingxin's narration, Mo Shanshan, who was standing beside Su Xuan, clearly felt the fluctuation in her family's Su Xuan's heart. After all, it was his family's Su Xuan's hometown.

Su Xuan dragged his family to Shanshan, and casually found two chairs outside the Houtu Palace to sit down. He looked at Pingxin not far away, and said: "Then I really want to thank Uncle Pingxin. , but I still can't figure out why Uncle Pingxin wants to see me so persistently."

After taking a small taste of the tea produced in the Underworld Mansion, Ping Xin said with a smile: "I thought you would ask first, how is your hometown, whether you can go back, etc., but I didn't expect you to be able to restrain yourself." .”

In a sense, she, Martial Nephew Su, has indeed improved a lot.

Su Xuan said calmly: "It's been hundreds of years, is it still useful to go back? I don't want anything in my life, I just want to be able to cultivate to the realm of Daluo Jinxian smoothly and steadily with my family, and then fish some from the long river of time and space. Just come out."

At the end of the long river of time and space, it is true that there is the Great God Pan Gu who is suppressing it, but his brain is not filled with water, so why did he go to the end of the long river of time and space?

After hearing Su Xuan's words, Pingxin snorted softly: "According to what some of the heavens and myriad worlds said when they registered in the Netherworld Mansion, you are called lying flat. Lie down, I really don’t know how senior brother should feel when he finds out?”

But those immortal families who lie flat are all in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, who have already been eternal in all time and space. Even if they lie flat, it will cause too many variables to the heavens and the world.

Those Da Luo Xianjia are really laying down, but the Renjiao's successors are just practicing the way of inaction. For the disciples of the Renjiao, doing nothing can do everything.

Su Xuan said with a smile: "But I'm really lying down, and my teacher may not be willing to see that I'm really going to take the path of doing nothing to be able to do everything."

He is really lying down, but many times, certain things make him unable to lie down properly.

After hearing this, Ping Xin was very helpless. If it was someone who dared to argue in front of her, she would have been sent away. It's a pity that this time is different from the past!

"Nephew Su, I have invited Nephew Su to come here to discuss important matters. I hope that Nephew Su can continue to lie down and not get involved in the catastrophe of the Conferred God."

Ping Xin said with a serious face.

Outside the entire Pingxin Palace, even the breeze that was blowing slowly just now stopped, and the entire Netherworld Palace, the sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves just now disappeared.

The Nether Underworld calmed down, but Su Xuan's heart couldn't be calmed down, because he seemed to have remembered something that shouldn't be heard.

The Taoist scriptures that Su Xuan had read in the Palace of Eight Views in the past gradually emerged, and the memories of his previous life were gradually recalled.

Then Su Xuan smiled and said: "Mr. Pingxin, don't you think that your approach is a bit too big to be realized? Mr. Pingxin, you should know that Mr. Nuwa will not allow this things happen,

Among the heavens and worlds, I am afraid that there will be no one other than you who wants to see such a thing happen. "

Speaking of his Uncle Pingxin, if he wants to do something, he has to mention a human emperor who has the blood of both the human race and the witch race.

This emperor who was known as the ancestor dragon in his previous life, his Uncle Pingxin, wanted to use the blood of human witches to establish an immortal Qin Qin, so that the glory of the witch clan could reappear in the heavens and worlds, but such a thing, No one would want to see it.

After all, the catastrophe of the Lich back then was much greater than the catastrophe of the Conferred Gods now. At that time, even Da Luo Jinxian might not dare to say that he could walk out of the Nine Heavens Realm, the main battlefield of the Lich catastrophe, alive.

In which battle, the Nine Heavens became the Thirty-three Heavens, and the Nine Heavens became the Thirty-Three Heavens.

Pingxin looked at Mo Shanshan beside Su Xuan, and said: "Among the heavens and worlds, there are really not many fairy families like Nephew Su. If it wasn't for the fact that my palace made a bad move in the Taoist struggle, For one thing, I am afraid that the Wa Palace should be called the Pingxin Palace now.

Nephew Su, I have seen traces of Godfather Pangu in your homeland. Under that starry sky, although there is only one middle thousand world, there are many big Luo Jinxians paying attention. Many immortals suspect that your homeland Hidden a secret. "

one for one;

The great way is fifty, the sky plays four or nine, and the one of the one is gone.

In the hometown of her nephew Su, first there were traces of the father **** Pangu, and then there were many traces of Da Luo Jinxian, and there were countless variables, and she went to the heavens and worlds through various methods.



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