Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 388: From Wen Zhong to the front line of Xiqi, see Jiang Ziya!

On this day, outside Xiqi city.

A black jade unicorn, with very arrogant steps, carried the old grand master Wen Zhong steadily to the outside of Xiqi City.

Behind Wen Zhong, his two major disciples, Ji Li and Yu Qing, rode strange beasts and stood on the left and right sides respectively.

A Wenziqi flag waving in the wind, roaring in the strong wind.

Wen Zhong waved his hand, and the army stopped. Wen Zhong looked at the black and red land in the distance, and sighed: "A little Xiqi, actually let Old General Lu break his halberd here. I'm going to meet Jiang Ziya for a while.

Ji Li went to shout out, saying that Wen Zhong, the grand master of the great merchant, came here with an army of 500,000, and asked the prime minister of Xiqi to come out and see him. "

One part of the conquest army was able to go back. Speaking of it, I would like to thank the Uncle Su who flew to the mountain. If it wasn't for that Uncle Su who prevented the escalation of the war, I am afraid that the soldiers of the great merchants in the conquest army would be one I can't go back either.

"The disciple takes orders!"

Ji Li slapped the strange beast under him hard, and the strange beast under the pain carried Ji Li on his back and started galloping wildly.

It didn't take long for Ji Li to arrive at the head of Xiqi City, less than a few miles away.

On the top of Xiqi City, Jiang Ziya, who came in a hurry, also stared nervously at Ji Li who had stopped, Jiang Ziya recognized the person.

At that time, he was the direct disciple of Wen Zhong, the grand master of Dashang. When he was an official in Dashang, he had met that man and called him Teacher Wenzhong.

Under the city of Xiqi!

Ji Li looked at Jiang Ziya on the head of Xiqi City with murderous intent, and he shouted: "My teacher, the old lady of Dashang is Wen Zhong, please come out and answer Xiqi Prime Minister Jiang Ziya.

My teacher, Grand Master Wen Zhong, asked Xiqi Prime Minister Jiang Ziya to come out and answer. "


Ji Li's voice echoed inside and outside Xiqi City. At this moment, Jiang Ziya on Xiqi City had no way to retreat, no way to avoid it.

Once back.

Once dodged.

So is the morale of Xiqi's army still needed?

Losers cannot lose, so this time Jiang Ziya must have come up with this Xiqi City.

The old lady is Wen Zhong, and she wants to meet Jiang Ziya for a while; Jiang Ziya naturally also wants to meet the old lady Wen for a while.

Not long after, the gate of Xiqi City opened, and Sixiang walked out of the city with Jiang Ziya on his back.

Yang Jian and Lei Zhenzi guarded Jiang Ziya's left and right sides respectively, fearing that the big businessman would use some tricks to kill their uncle Jiang.

The scene of their Uncle Jiang's death not long ago is still vivid even now. If it weren't for the master's great power, their Uncle Jiang might not be able to come back long ago.


At this time, the wind and sand outside Xiqi City gradually rose, and it didn't take long for the wind and sand to grow wilder. The soldiers on Xiqi City could not open their eyes at this moment.

"Jiang Shishu, this wind and sand is strange. I'm afraid it's the fairy family of Dashang who is playing tricks."

Yang Jian said with a solemn expression.

This wind is not Fanfeng, but Xunfeng.

This sand is not Fansha, but the yellow sand taken from the Yellow Spring Road and refined from the Mingsha.

It can most eliminate people's soul and reduce people's energy.

Jiang Ziya shook his head, fiddled with the sand on his hair, and sighed: "The two armies are fighting, if you don't kill them, when you see Wen Daoyou, I will have a good talk with him."

It was only a distance of six or seven miles, but Jiang Ziya dragged on for almost half an hour before walking out of the area shrouded in wind and sand.



Wen Zhong looked at Jiang Ziya who walked out of the wind and sand, and shouted angrily: "Jiang Ziya, I didn't expect you to really have the face to come to see this grand master. You were also ranked as a doctor when you were in Chaoge. Why did your majesty treat you badly?" You, you actually committed such a treasonous crime."

When Jiang Ziya became an official in Chaoge Chaotang, he was also an insider. In his opinion, although Jiang Ziya's cultivation was not very high, he was quite extraordinary in managing people's livelihood.

Compared with the master of the national teacher, Shen Gongbao, he is not only better than that, but unfortunately because of a star picking building, this Jiang Ziya actually chose to contract with Xibo Hou Jichang to plot against him.

Jiang Ziya continued to walk for half a mile before stopping. After slightly cupping his hands towards Wen Zhong, Jiang Ziya said, "Grand Master Wen, what you said is wrong! Your Majesty has never treated me badly, but old master, you really Can't you see the filth hidden in the big business?

Can't you see those struggling heads of Guizhou? Chaoge City is indeed very prosperous, but under this prosperity, there are so many innocent souls crying. "

He didn't have the same background as Junior Brother Shen, so in his childhood, he saw a lot of monsters and monsters, and also saw a lot of darkness.

Turning black and white, and robbing women from the common people happen from time to time. The prosperity of the big merchants is inseparable. .

But the prosperity of Dashang has nothing to do with Qianshou!

After Wen Zhong heard what Jiang Ziya said, he said: "Brother Ziya Daoist, the great business has been established for tens of thousands of years, and these are just the evidence of skin ringworm. As long as the old man pacifies Xiqi and returns to Chaoge, he will definitely be able to make people feel better." Your Majesty, get rid of this old harshness, and return the human race to a bright future."

What Jiang Ziya said is indeed true, although he will investigate those things to the end as long as he encounters them, but his power alone is limited after all!

Originally, he wanted to wait for Manman to clean up those human scum in the future, but Xiqi gave him too many surprises, and Jiang Ziya also gave him a lot of surprises.

Jiang Ziya laughed and said, "Old Master Wen, do you really think you can clean up those old harshness? The big business has long been accumulated, and even my Senior Brother Su left Chaoge early and went to Feilai Mountain to live and work in peace. .

I have few major generals in Xiqi, but if I hear that the old grand master is not going well, I will still inevitably be buried under the city of Xiqi! "

He hopes to create a prosperous world that he would like to see, instead of being so lifeless like today's Great Shang Xian Dynasty, with no future in sight.

"Bold madman, how dare you rap here?" Yu Qing cursed!

After Wen Zhong stopped Yu Qing's cursing, he said: "Since Daoist Ziya is so, then I have no choice but to see the real chapter under my hand, my Grand Master has invited Biyou Palace Fellow Daoists, when the time comes, we will wait for Brother Ziya to come and break the formation!"

Although His Majesty asked him to come to guard the front line of Xiqi, but at this moment he has already figured it out. Why does His Majesty want him to come here to guard the front line of Xiqi? Song is.

As Jiang Ziya said, today's big merchants are already hard-won, and he doesn't expect Shang Rongbigan to do anything, he just hopes that they can maintain stability.

But even so, after he left, his good apprentice, His Majesty the Emperor Xin, might have to do something important again.

Then Jiang Ziya took Yang Jianlei Zhenzi back to Xiqi City to prepare for the battle.

The fairy family of Biyou Palace that Wen Zhongqing came to also began to form formations around Xiqi in all directions.

Once the formation is set up, it cannot be easily moved, so Wen Zhong made up his mind to surround Xi Qi.



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