Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 398: Flying to the mountain and agreeing to enshrine the gods

Flying to the mountain, there is a Taoist temple.

After Chanjiao Guangchengzi and his party came to Feilai Mountain, they went directly to Cihang to find out the situation.

The Holy Mother of Wudang, who cut off the teaching, looked at Cihang who was being questioned by Guang Chengzi and his group with great interest.

What if I ask?

Could it be possible to escape this catastrophe? If they are all playing rogues like this, they will just overthrow the thirty-three heavens.

"Zhao Gongming met Senior Sister Wudang."

"Yunxiao has met Senior Sister Wudang."

Yun Xiao and Zhao Gongming bowed to salute.

The Holy Mother of Wudang looked at the two of them and said, "Teacher once discussed with the two masters the matter of conferring gods. I never thought that it would be our disciples' turn to discuss the matter of conferring gods so soon."

Flying to the mountain at this moment, there are direct disciples of the three religions, and there are also several Da Luo Jinxians, which are enough to set the rules for this battle.

A little smile appeared on Yunxiao's face, and she said: "Junior Sister Jin Guang captured Lei Zhenzi, Senior Sister, you captured Fearful Sun, Brother Wen Dao captured Tu Xingsun, if it is according to Junior Brother Su's intention, I am afraid they will All three of them have to go straight to the heavens."

Wudang smiled knowingly, and said: "This is really interesting. Your Majesty in the sky has been thinking about such and such good things all day long. It's time to give him some surprises."

To be more precise, it should be frightened.

If a cultivator or a family of immortals, if only the primordial spirit is left, they will be enshrined in the list of gods, and they will not be able to escape even after ten thousand calamities, and they can only be given to the Heavenly Emperor to work for nothing.

But the cultivator Xianjia, who was conferred as a **** without losing his body, would naturally not be bound by the list of gods. On the contrary, he could only benefit from the position of the god, but he would not be disturbed by the position of the god.


As for the Golden Immortal and the Immortal family above the Golden Immortal, the Conferred God List cannot be restrained, even if there is no body, it will not be a hindrance.

But with the support of the six Hunyuan immortals, who can run away from the rules set by their ancestor Hongjun?

"Su Xuan is the direct successor of the Renjiao, and I have met all the senior brothers and sisters."

At this time, Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan came out from Youjian Taoist Temple together, and greeted the immortal family who explained the two religions.

"I've seen Junior Brother Su."

"I've seen Junior Brother Su."


After seeing the ceremony, everyone sat down, and the conversation got to the point.

Guang Chengzi glanced at his juniors who were not as good as immortals, and said: "Junior Wudang, Junior Brother Su, today I am flying to the mountain to discuss the catastrophe of conferring gods. What do you think of the disciple who was unfortunately captured?"

To put it another way, his junior brother who was afraid of keeping his grandson was indeed unfortunate enough. He was also a practitioner in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and he was captured with just one photo.

It's still two masters and apprentices, it's really shameful to be captured at the same time!

Hearing Guang Chengzi mention this matter, Cihang frowned tightly on his forehead, how could her junior brother Su let go of fearing to keep his master and apprentice, and Lei Zhenzi.

Even if it was a direct deification, it might not be bad for Lei Zhenzi and Tu Xingsun, but for Guang Chengzi, it was a naked humiliation.

The Da Luo Jinxian is the Dao itself, so if you make Dao a god, that's fine!

Flying to the mountains, there is no breeze.

Su Xuan also said very calmly: "The catastrophe of conferring gods is due to chance. Now that he is afraid of leaving his grandson and Tu Xingsun's master and disciple, and Lei Zhenzi has been captured, he should go to the thirty-third heaven first." Let us pay homage to our Heavenly Emperor."

Guang Chengzi heard the words and said: "You can be afraid of leaving your grandson as the Twelve Golden Immortals of Yuxu, how can you go to the thirty-third heaven to worship the Emperor of Heaven? Junior Brother Sun can't go."

He couldn't imagine how angry his teacher Yuanshi Tianzun would be if he learned that he was afraid of leaving his grandson to worship the Jade Emperor in the thirty-third heaven.

So he had to take down his useless Junior Brother Fear Liusun.

Wudang looked at the embarrassing Yuxu Jinxian and said: "I think Junior Brother Su's method is good. He didn't use the list of gods and survived the catastrophe. Apart from losing a little face, there is no other loss. Guangchengzi Brother, what do you think?"

Flying to the mountain, there was a long silence outside the Taoist temple, not to mention that Guang Chengzi didn't know how to answer this, even the eloquent Cihang didn't know how to answer this difficult question at the moment.

Once the answer is wrong, you will really have to face the teacher's thunder and anger. No one can afford the responsibility of abandoning the same door, at least she can't afford it. It depends on whether their senior brother Guang Chengzi can bear it. get up.

After Guang Chengzi was silent for a long time, he felt extremely helpless when he looked at his juniors who were not talking about their mouths and noses. Couldn't they give him a hand?

"Junior Brother Su, I am afraid that my grandson, as the direct heir of Yuxu in the Daluo Jinxian Realm, cannot enter the heavenly realm to worship His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor. You need to know that most of the immortal families have already recognized that a certain cause of the catastrophe of the gods, if you are afraid If you leave your grandson to worship the Heavenly Emperor in the Heavenly Realm, the Yuxu Palace will definitely become a laughing stock, senior brother, I cannot bear the anger of my teacher."

This is the most fundamental reason, although it was only a certain deduction in the heavens and worlds, but that time, they ridiculed a certain heavenly emperor who was distracted and turned into a Jade Emperor.

Now go to heaven to pay homage to the Emperor of Heaven, that would be a joke.

Hearing Guang Chengzi mention a rather interesting reason for conferring the gods, Su Xuan said: "Since the three religions discussed together, it only needs the consent of Senior Sister Wudang, and I have nothing to disagree with."

As long as the basic consensus that the body becomes a **** is not shaken, then everything is within expectations.

Guang Chengzi looked at the Holy Mother of Wudang, and said, "Junior Sister Wudang, you think this is good. This time, I am exempted from fearing that my grandson will be included in the list of gods. If I teach Biyou Palace in the future, if any juniors and sisters are captured by me, You can also be exempted from being listed on the list of gods."

The Holy Mother of Wudang nodded and said: "Brother Guangchengzi has nothing to say, then practitioners of the three religions in the Daluo Golden Immortal can be exempted from each other, and directly go to the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm under Daluo Worship the Emperor of Heaven."

Su Xuan also nodded slightly, expressing his full agreement.

Flying to the mountain for a while, outside the Taoist temple, the immortals of the Three Religions laughed loudly. If this continues, as long as the gods do not collapse, then the only unlucky one will be their uncle who has become the emperor of heaven.

Their uncle, who provoked this catastrophe of conferring gods, originally thought of the scene where the praying mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole.

But once they follow the path of conferring gods with the flesh, then their uncle will still be a bare-handed commander in the future.

Just on Mount Sumeru.

Zhunti, who was staring at the progress of the catastrophe of the Conferred God, saw his three senior brothers flying to the back of the mountain to cover up,

The face became more and more bitter, and Zhunti couldn't help saying: "The West is in his early years, when will this be?"



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